More Mojo For Mums

Breastfeeding support is not just for new mums



Due to the fact that this is breastfeeding awareness week I’ve invited the lovely Erin Zohrehie to join me on the podcast. We discuss why breastfeeding support is so important, what support is available and how it is not just for new mums. Erin is an Infant Feeding Specialist and Postnatal Doula working in the greater Berkshire area. She helps new mothers ease into their new role by providing the support they need to initiate and establish breastfeeding. She is passionate about the postnatal period as it is a special and fleeting time. We asked you, the More Mojo For Mums members, to send in your questions and to share anything you would like to pass on to other breastfeeding mums (new, second time round or extended feeding). Please share this podcast with your friends who are breastfeeding or planning to. Support can be found at- La Leche League The Breastfeeding Network Association of Breastfeeding Mothers NC