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Why setting intentions is so helpful



We had a family weekend away in London and before leaving I set myself the following intentions and shared on Instagram and Facebook for accountability. This podcast is a brief look at how setting these intentions shaped my weekend. My intention for this weekend is to connect deeply with each member of my family on our trip to London. I intend to listen intently to my body and take the time to stop and top myself up whenever I am feeling anything less than happy. I give myself permission to take time away from my family as then the time spent together will be a lot more enjoyable. I intend to walk on Hampstead heath early on Sunday morning and if I’m feeling adventurous swim in the ladies pond. I intend to really listen to Luke and chat rather than spending ages on my phone. I intend to get down on Evie’s level and make eye contact with her and talk to her when she is overcome by big emotions. I intend to see things from Jasper’s point of view and encourage him rather than push him into new experie