More Mojo For Mums

How to supercharge your sleep in just 15 minutes



As mums our biggest struggle is often sheer exhaustion. We all know that lack of sleep is hugely detrimental, not just to our health but to our quality of life. Not getting enough sleep can impact our metabolism and hormones which then has a knock-on effect to our moods, weight gain, memory and can lead to serious health issues. We know this yet, especially if you have young children, sleep can feel like a luxury rather than a necessity. Even once they do finally settle we may find ourselves staying up late as we are craving some much-needed alone time or find it different to settle ourselves as we prepare for the nightshift and regular wakings. So what if I told you that in just 15 minutes you can achieve the equivalent of a full hours deep sleep? Interested? I know I was when I first heard about this technique. View blog version of this podcast for references. I am so passionate about this technique that I am including an entire chapter on it in the More Mojo f