Inspiring Your Shine



Join Rebecca Keselburg Your Personal Growth Mentor to create a foundation for Six Figure Success in your Social Selling Business. Magnetize your message and rise above the competition by being Authentically YOU! Discover your authentic self, activate your power and overcome every obstacle so you can live the life of your dreams. Be empowered with TRUTH, and Align with Your God given Purpose so you can light up the world like only you can.


  • Your Brand Story and story selling

    22/02/2022 Duration: 42min

    How To Increase Engagement Using Story Telling That Builds Influence, Connection And Loyalty. Learn what kind of stories to tell and how to use the story brand framework to use story in marketing to magnetize your ideal client. Free Brand Guide

  • Making Your Brand Content Accessible

    19/02/2022 Duration: 50min

    As brands are looking to make changes to be inclusive let us not leave behind the blind community. Meet Jurgen Donaldson (the blind creator) who has an incredible story of overcoming the challenges of quite sudden blindness and is making a huge impact in the accessibility world. Jurgen will steal your heart and make you laugh. Follow him @the_blind_foodie 

  • Easy formula for creating engaging content using your brand pillars

    15/12/2021 Duration: 52min

    If creating content feels hard and your social media following isn't growing, you will want to learn this secret formula to make creating engaging content EASY, using the Brand Pillar Method for consistent growth and profits.  Get your FREE Brand Guide Here to create a standout brand that opens the door to influence, impact and income. 

  • Creating A Stand Out Brand Presence

    24/11/2021 Duration: 41min

    If you don't have the right visuals in your brand you will not grow online. Exactly what you need to build a brand presence online that draws attention, is identifiable, and memorable. Learn what visuals you need to capture attention and stand out online. 

  • How to attract your ideal client online

    17/11/2021 Duration: 25min

    Your customer is the most vital element to your brand so it's important to know how to attract them, exactly who they are, and where to find them online. Plus, how to determine your perfect partner which is a customer who is ready to buy. Click here for the link to the ideal customer guide. 

  • How To Determine Your Brand Purpose

    03/06/2021 Duration: 39min

    Discover your purpose with my signature 5 P's to Purpose process and how solving your customers problems needs to be in alignment with your life purpose if you want to have both impact and income.  Personal Growth Guide  Brand Identity Lab Details

  • Using Your Strengths In Life And Business

    19/04/2021 Duration: 50min

    Guest Host Anna Y Nelson A Gallup Certified Strengths Coach is helping us learn how to manage your strengths and weaknesses to decrease conflict and increase confidence, to make a powerful impact.

  • Your Brand Personality And Online Attraction Marketing

    10/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    Brand personality is the heart of your Brand Identity and the secret to attracting your perfect customer online. Listen in to develop a brand personality that is authentically you so you can have explosive growth in your business.  Get Your Free Brand Identity Guide Here

  • Unlock your happiness code

    20/01/2021 Duration: 32min

    Happiness is an inside job and many seek it but cannot find it because they are looking outside of themselves. The spirit of God brings you peace and joy in trials, BUT HAPPINESS IS UP TO YOU, and your ability to choose an abundant mindset. In this episode taken straight from my Authentically YOU course, you will learn how to: Identify & honor your core desired feelings Activate your passions Understand & communicate your core values Strategies to practice daily gratitude Get the accompanying Mentoring Worksheet HERE to make it actionable and tap into your unique happiness code starting today.  

  • The productivity hack every woman needs.

    12/01/2021 Duration: 56min

    Every woman needs to know this productivity hack about honoring the female hormone cycle with cyclical living. Learn some fascinating information about being a woman that no one ever told you that will change the way you live your life.  Get the cyclical living & cycle syncing cheat sheet here.  

  • How to stay motivated

    30/12/2020 Duration: 33min

    How to stay motivated to reach your goals in 2021. 12 Simple solutions to help you make progress when you have lost all motivation to do what you need to do. Get your FREE motivation checklist here

  • How To Be A Mompreneur by creating a virtual business

    10/12/2020 Duration: 38min

    Listen in to learn why you are already qualified to build a profitable online business and become a mompreneur. Plus, 7 different categories of online businesses you can create as a SAHM. Create a virtual business lets you work from anywhere, on your terms, without feeling like you have to choose between your family and fulfilling your dreams. You can make a worldwide impact without missing precious moments with your kids. Get your FREE Ideal Client Worksheet here Check out social profits lab

  • 7 Tips To Build A Virtual Business

    10/12/2020 Duration: 22min

    There are many pieces to starting a virtual online business. Listen in as Rebecca breaks down building your virtual business step by step and shares the 7 vital things you can do to start creating a profitable online business and become a mompreneur. Get your FREE Branding Guide and start building your online business today

  • Grow your list and make some money honey

    21/11/2020 Duration: 34min

    Grow your business online fast, with a simple and spam free method that has a posture of love. Plus, overcome common fears of reaching out to strangers and expanding outside of your inner circle.  Here is the FREE Workbook and Tracker

  • Less Stress, More Happiness

    18/11/2020 Duration: 32min

    5 ways to alliviate stress and feel happier and more fulfilled. When life gets you down there are things you can do to lift yourself back up. Listen in to get ideas on how to let go of expectations, focus on gratitude, be more mindful, and take inventory of how you are living your life.  Here is a FREE download to Have Stress Less, More Happiness. 5 tasks to challenge you to invite more joy into your life. 

  • How to be a BOLD entrepreneur and step into your blessed life

    18/10/2020 Duration: 51min

    You need to be bold to step into your blessed life. Entrepreneurship is rewarding but there are golden rules to follow if you want to have success. Such as, being willing to go first, that belief in yourself is key, and you can do hard things. Join Rebecca and her guest Cory Nobel as we discuss how to be bold.

  • Personal Brand Identity

    12/09/2020 Duration: 32min

    Discover the 3 elements to a powerful personal brand and explore the 7 pillars of your brand identity to build influence and grow your online business fast.  Get your FREE Brand Guide here Get your Ideal Customer Worksheet here Check out why social profits lab is your answer to endless leads here

  • Social listening for network marketing

    26/08/2020 Duration: 29min

    Social media platforms are abundant with people who are looking for what you offer you just have to learn how to listen. Learn where and how to listen so you can find the people who are looking for what you have to offer. Read the blog for all of the tips shared here and more.

  • How To Finish Strong Instead Of Quitting

    15/06/2020 Duration: 58min

    Breakthrough the resistance to quit and overcome yourself to finish strong. Listen to learn tactics to help you finish what you started,  Check in with yourself to stay motivated and accomplish big goals by downloading this FREE worksheet to help you stay motivated and get the win you desire. 

  • Where your power comes from Master your identity series 4 of 4

    14/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    How to tap into your source of power and what it really means to have an identity rooted in Christ. This is the most important truth you can know if you want to be successful and live an abundant life. 

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