Inspiring Your Shine



Join Rebecca Keselburg Your Personal Growth Mentor to create a foundation for Six Figure Success in your Social Selling Business. Magnetize your message and rise above the competition by being Authentically YOU! Discover your authentic self, activate your power and overcome every obstacle so you can live the life of your dreams. Be empowered with TRUTH, and Align with Your God given Purpose so you can light up the world like only you can.


  • How to motivate yourself to do what you need to do

    28/01/2019 Duration: 38min

    In this episode you will discover simple strategies to keep your motivation high so you can stay in pursuit of your dreams. Learn the connection between motivation and commitment. Plus, NLP basics to help you manage your mind and clearly envision a future you will love. Here is the free worksheet to get you motivated again 

  • Your One Word Goal

    22/01/2019 Duration: 25min

    If you want to progress this year picking one word to embody and direct your intentions will give you the simplicity and focus you need to achieve your goals.  download your One Word Worksheet Here

  • Stop Blocking Your Blessings

    06/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Why is it that, when the very thing you desire enters your life, you try to reject it! Listen in to identify the common ways you may be blocking your blessing and how to overcome your habitual mind that is keeping you and your business small and struggling.   Learn about Tapping  Link to access podcast on Identity and Belief

  • How your identity and beliefs are sabotaging your success

    29/10/2018 Duration: 25min

    How Identity, beliefs and your inner self play into your success and tips on how to align with the identity of the person you want to be in 5 years. Click Here to get your FREE Mentoring Worksheet to discover your limiting beliefs and begin creating your new identity.   

  • Powerful or Proficient

    09/10/2018 Duration: 22min

    If you work in a skill area only you will stay small and struggling. It is important to discover your areas of power so you can focus on applying more power to your business.  You will be able to determine what is a power, skill, and what your weaknesses are so you can work smarter, rather than harder.  When you work in a power area it is effortless, fun, and gets you results.  Here is the link to download you power assessment and start tapping into your power today! 

  • 4 Ways to Simplify Your Marketing

    25/09/2018 Duration: 30min

    You have so many choices and platforms of how to market your business that it can be overwhelming. Listen to learn 4 tips to simplify your marketing so that you can show up consistently to create momentum and discover how to effectively use social media channels. You will even learn how to use keywords, SEO and hashtags. 

  • The Art of Being a Modern Influencer

    18/06/2018 Duration: 28min

    Become a Modern Influencer to increase your income and impact. Listen to learn the many channels you can use to influence others. Plus, Download the mentoring worksheet to discover the 9 ways to increase engagement and 9 ways to get more shares to magnify your message. 

  • Clearning the path to success

    15/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    Join Rebecca as she shares valuable lessons to help you learn what you can do to make your journey enjoyable and what you can do to prepare for what is ahead so that you can get in action and feel confident about where you are going.  Here is your worksheet to clear your path.  Mentoring Worksheet to help you clear your path  

  • Getting Back on Track When Life Happens

    12/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    Life Happens and it can completely obliterate the momentum in your business. I am here to help you learn what you can do to get back on track and I have even created a free worksheet for you for self reflection and free mentoring. Listen to learn how I got back on track after being completely side tracked by moving into my new home.  Get your worksheet here Getting back on track worksheet

  • Wealthy Mindset Secrets

    13/03/2018 Duration: 24min

    Rebecca shares her struggles to overcome a poverty mindset and how a wealthy person thinks and acts differently. Listen in for some insights into the difference between being rich and being wealthy, has little to do with how much money someone has. Make sure you download your Wealthy Mindset map by clicking here and start creating your wealth today  

  • Are you blocking success by masking?

    06/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    Learn about the 3 mask that are commonly worn that block you from success and how to take them off so you can achieve more.  Here is the link to determine where your areas of power are by taking the strengths assessment. Here is the link to the blog post about masking your authentic self.

  • The secret to your success is YOU!

    06/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    Discover what tools you need to know and accept who you are. Determine what sabotages your efforts and keeps you small. Allow yourself to be empowered, so you can fill up and pour out your brilliance through your authentic brand, so you can shine like no one else can.  Download your free Foundation for Six Figure Success Blueprint here Here is the Blueprint to build a foundation for six figure success Here is the Ideal Client Worksheet 

  • Controlling Your Calendar for the Win

    05/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    You can either lead your life or you can follow it around. The difference is how intentional you are with how you control your calendar. Learn how to plan and work smarter, not harder. Plus the one thing that should be on your calendar that likely isn't! As well as, how to choose quality over quantity to make the most of your time. Download this healthy calendar checklist to create a calendar that includes everything you need for a fulfilling life.  healthy-calendar-checklist

  • How to Have Success in Social Selling

    05/02/2018 Duration: 28min

    This is a fantastic podcast for anyone that is relying on their network to sell products or services. With 20 years of experience in Social Selling, Rebecca has vast knowledge to share on the common mistakes people make and what you should be doing to create success in social selling. 

  • How Your Personality Impacts Your Success

    05/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Understanding you personality will increase your power, confidence, self esteem and ability to create success.  Join the FREE Power of Personality mini email course to take your business to the next level.   4 Letter Type Personality Discover Tool

  • Successful Habits

    05/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    Your Habits may be sabotaging your success. Get clear on what you need to change and download my Success Habits checklist to make it easy to create your plan to stop allowing your day to day decisions to keep you from your dreams.  Here is the link to your checklist  

  • Overcoming Obstacles

    05/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    5 tips to get unstuck so you can win in your business.  Download the Overcoming Obstacles Battle Plan to help you create a personalized plan of attack to move the mountains that have kept you from reaching your dreams.  Yes, I want the battle plan map

  • A little about me

    02/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    A short bio on Rebecca and why she created the Inspiring Your Shine Podcast. 

  • Environment to Thrive

    02/02/2018 Duration: 24min

    test Be intentional about the environment you are growing in. Learn how to assess your physical, mental and atmospheric environment to help you have hyper growth to the success you desire. Environment to Thrive Worksheet  

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