Nafs Rewired Podcast



A journey towards a level 10 life of purpose, connecting with the fitrah, embracing tawakkul upon Allah, and living with Ihsan.


  • Ep 7 | Husn Ash Dhan Bi-illah | It’s a Level 10 Life

    26/10/2022 Duration: 15min

    Quote of the Day "Allah says: 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.’” [Hadith Qudsi-Sahih Al Bukahri] To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit: To get in touch with me don’t forget to use the WhatApp button on my website. ©️Nafs Connection Podcast

  • Ep 6 | Ego & It’s Vices | It’s a Level 10 Life

    19/10/2022 Duration: 10min

    Quote of the Day "All of a man's happiness is in his being the master of his ego, while all his suffering is in his ego being his master." Imam Al Ghazali رحم الله To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit: ©️Nafs Connection Podcast

  • Ep 5 | Glorious Silence | It’s a Level 10 Life

    05/10/2022 Duration: 17min

    Quote of the Day "The sins of the tonque are many. They have a certain taste in the heart, and they spring forth from a person's nature. There is no way to be saved from their danger except to remain silent." Ibn Al Qayyim رحم الله To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit: ©️Nafs Connection Podcast

  • Ep 4 | Love & Allah سُبحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ | It’s a Level 10 Life

    28/09/2022 Duration: 15min

    Ep 4 | Love & Allah سُبحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ | It’s a Level 10 Life Quote of the Day The heart, in its journey towards Allāh, is like a bird. Maḥabbah (Love) of Allah is its head; Khawf (Fear) and Rajā (Hope) are its two wings. [Ibn Al Qayyim رحم الله] To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit: ©️Nafs Connection Podcast

  • Ep 3 | Self-Regulation & Delayed Gratification | It’s a Level 10 Life

    21/09/2022 Duration: 12min

    Ep 3 | Self-Regulation & Delayed Gratification | It’s a Level 10 Life Quote of the day Hasan al-Basri رحم الله said: “Certainly, the believer is a guardian over himself and he holds himself accountable to Allah Almighty. The reckoning will only be lightened on the Day of Resurrection for people who held themselves accountable in this world. Certainly, the reckoning will only be grueling on the Day of Resurrection for people who did not hold themselves accountable.” [Source: al-Zuhd wal-Raqā’iq 307] To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit: ©️Nafs Connection Podcast

  • Ep 2 | The ‘Why’ of Inconsequence | It’s a Level 10 Life

    14/09/2022 Duration: 09min

    Ep 2 | The ‘Why’ of Inconsequence | It’s a Level 10 Life  Quote of The Day  “…For sure, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves…”  [Surat Ar-Rād: 11]  To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit:

  • Ep 1 | Rat Race to Happiness | It’s a Level 10 Life

    07/09/2022 Duration: 09min

    Ep 1 | Rat Race to Happiness | It’s a Level 10 Life Quote of the Day Whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a believer, We will surely bless them with a good life, and We will certainly reward them according to the best of their deeds. [Surat An-Nahl: 97] To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit:

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 8 | In Conversation with Raheema Odus

    27/12/2021 Duration: 47min

    Raheemah Odusote is the Lead Coach at Impactful U Limited where she coaches and guides women coaches and professionals to be the Authority in their niche, and impact millions by writing their life-altering nonfiction books. She takes you from your book idea to publication on Amazon in her 3-month group coaching programme, Birth Your Book. Check out her account on Instagram at She's a bestselling author of Taken for Granted, her debut novel which was published in December 2020. Her book can be purchased at Rovingheights Bookstore, and The Gift Source (TGS) both in Abuja. EazyPeazy is another side of her business where she creates and designs printables for writers and authors to be productive as they write their books. Check out the printables business on Instagram and Facebook page here. Facebook group: The N

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 7 | In Conversation with Khadija Al Kaddour

    20/12/2021 Duration: 43min

    My Guest today is Sr. Khadija Al Kaddour She is an Awaken and thrive motherhood expert and a parenting mentor, she helps empower muslim mothers to rediscover themselves, reclaim their self worth, tawqa, purpose and connected relationships to show up authentically thriving. Listen to us talk about the power of du’aa and having tawakkul of Allah سُبحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ ‎إن شاء الله‬. You can connect with here on here: F A C E B O O K @Khadija Al Kaddour I N S T A G R A M @khadijaalkaddour The Nafs Connection Podcast is brought to you by Level 10 Muslimah Life Coaching. To learn more about me and how you can work with me, visit: W E B S I T E F A C E B O O K / I N S T A G R A M Stay tuned for more stories, this is your host Seema Azmath, until next time stay blessed.

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 6 | In Conversation with Alvia Thahir

    02/09/2021 Duration: 36min

    Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 6 | In Conversation with Alvia Thahir My guest today is Sr. Alvia Thahir, she is an Islamic Studies Educator and Head of the Islamic Department in an International school in Qatar. She is also the founder of the Little Sahabas Academy-an online Islamic academy for kids. Listen to us talk about the importance of mental health awareness and how important it is to love Allah and be loved by Him and finding ourselves through it all. You can connect with her here: L I N K E D I N I N S T A G R A M @justlikealvia @LittleSahabasAcademy Y O U T U B E The Nafs Connection Podcast is brought to you by Level 10 Muslimah Life Coaching. To learn more about me and how you can work with me, visit: W E B S I T E F A C E B O O K / I N S T A G R A M Stay tuned for more stories, this is your host Seema Azmath aka Umm Rayyan

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 5 | In Conversation with Umm Marwan

    26/08/2021 Duration: 38min

    Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 5 | In Conversation with Umm Marwan Umm Marwaan Ibraheem, she is a mother of three, born and brought up in Dubai, settled in India, She has completed her bachlores in Islamic Studies from IOU, currently she is studying tafseer of the Quran, from Al Manaar Int Academy, she is an author of a Children Picture book Dawood Loves His Books, as well as a copy and developmental editor of Islamic Works of fiction and non-fiction. Listen to us talk about the struggles of growing into success with meaning for the sake of Dunya and towards Akhirah. You can connect with her here: W E B S I T E I N S T A G R A M @umm.marwanibrahim F A C E B O O K @umm.marwanibrahim E M A I L The Nafs Connection Podcast is brought to you by Level 10 Muslimah Life Coaching. To learn more about me and how you can work with me, visit: W E B S I T E F A C E B O O K / I N S T A G R A M @leve

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Ep 4 | In Conversation with Umm Affan aka The Odd Muslimah

    12/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 4 | In Conversation with Umm Affan aka The Odd Muslimah My guest today is Sr. Umm Affan is a Multipotentialite, she bogs as The Odd Muslimah, along with being a mother of two, She is also a dentist as well as an author of the book I Love Muhammad. Listen to us talk about depression, distractions and finding our souls sustenance and the ground beneath our feet through it all. You can connect with her here: W E B S I T E I N S T A G R A M @the_odd_muslimah F A C E B O O K @theoddmuslimah The Nafs Connection Podcast is brought to you by Level 10 Muslimah Life Coaching. To learn more about me and how you can work with me, visit: W E B S I T E F A C E B O O K / I N S T A G R A M Stay tuned for more stories, this is your host Seema Azmath aka Umm Rayyan, until next time stay blessed.

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 3 | In Conversation with Kulsoom Kazim

    05/08/2021 Duration: 34min

    Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 3 | In Conversation with Kulsoom Kazim My guest today is Sr. Kulsoom Kazim, she is a certified life coach, counsellor, motivational speaker and author. She holds a Bachelors Degree in psychology from York University. She also serves as the women’s chaplain at University of Toronto - Mississauga. She's also 2 courses away from completing her associates degree in Islamic Sciences from Mishkah University. She’s a instructor at i3 institute and inspires to spread the message of Islam with the various projects she is involved with. Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” [Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim] In today’s episode listen to Sr. Kulsoom and I talk about how we often overlook the Spiritual Connection that can be achieved thr

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 2 | In Conversation with Naila Naiyyar

    29/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    My guest for today is Sr. Naila Naiyyar from Naila's Diary, she is a popular Muslimah blogger and a renowned and trusted book reviewer, listen to us talk about the importance and influence of parents in our lives. You can connect with her here: W E B S I T E F A C E B O O K I N S T A G R A M The Nafs Connection Podcast is brought to you by Level 10 Muslimah Life Coaching. To learn more about me and how you can work with me, visit: W E B S I T E F A C E B O O K / I N S T A G R A M Stay tuned for more stories, this is your host Seema Azmath aka Umm Rayyan, until next time stay blessed.

  • Spiritual Connection Series | Season 2 | Episode 1 | My Story of Spiritual Connection and Loss

    22/07/2021 Duration: 59min

    I recently had an opportunity to be interviewed by Sr. Zahra Venkat from Ar-Riqaq and they were kind enough to allow me to use the recording on my own platform ‎الحمد لله‎‬. So, I decided to start off this series with my own spiritual connection story where I talk about my spiritual journey, what lead me into becoming a life coach and my recent experience with a personal loss and how my connection with Allah سُبحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ has been helping me understand the bigger picture of His Qadr. In Shaa Allah! So, let’s dive right into it. This is the Nafs Connection Podcast, brought to you by Level 10 Muslimah Life Coaching. To learn more about me and how you can work with me, visit my website you can also find me on Facebook and Instagram under Stay tuned for more stories, this is your host Seema Azmath aka Umm Rayyan, until next time stay blessed.

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