Nafs Rewired Podcast

Ep 3 | Self-Regulation & Delayed Gratification | It’s a Level 10 Life



Ep 3 | Self-Regulation & Delayed Gratification | It’s a Level 10 Life Quote of the day Hasan al-Basri رحم الله said: “Certainly, the believer is a guardian over himself and he holds himself accountable to Allah Almighty. The reckoning will only be lightened on the Day of Resurrection for people who held themselves accountable in this world. Certainly, the reckoning will only be grueling on the Day of Resurrection for people who did not hold themselves accountable.” [Source: al-Zuhd wal-Raqā’iq 307] To learn more about me and how you can work with me visit: ©️Nafs Connection Podcast