Best Of The Best The Flickering Box



Come for the Podcast, Stay for the Executions


  • Best of the Best: New Feed


    Goodness gracious! The yearly tradition is here again, as Best of the Best presents the Spooktacular 2016! A wonderful mix of technology fear, AI uprisings and delicious Nabisco products. Everyone should listen and try not to pee your pants with such a bone-chilling tale about the one man who stands between peace and a nuclear […]

  • Best of the Best: Spooktacular 2016


    Goodness gracious! The yearly tradition is here again, as Best of the Best presents the Spooktacular 2016! A wonderful mix of technology fear, AI uprisings and delicious Nabisco products. Everyone should listen and try not to pee your pants with such a bone-chilling tale about the one man who stands between peace and a nuclear […]

  • TV Movie Night: NBC’s “Cocaine: One Man’s Seduction”


    Cocaine is no joke. But, cocaine addiction? A laugh riot, apparently. Andrew and Mark look into the white stuff via the 1983 made-for-TV movie, “Cocaine: One Man’s Seduction.” And despite all odds, things turn out pretty okay for the addict in this story. Listen in by clicking here and let us know what you think, if you […]

  • TV Movie Night: FX’s “44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shootout”


    This week on TV Movie Night, Mark and Andrew dig into ripped from the headlines film, “44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shootout.” Enjoy as Michael Madsen growls and grumbles about getting those dirtbag bank robbers for a full 90 minutes. Also, watch as Mario Van Peebles preaches the gospel in the midst of a LAPD […]

  • TV Movie Night: CBS’ “Deadly Whispers”


    Everyone is going to have to be very quiet, because you’ll need to pay attention to all these deadly whispers on TV Movie Night. Mark and Andrew get right in each others’ ears and watch CBS’ “Deadly Whisper,” starring Tony Danza and his “Streetcar Named Desire” Southern accent. Also, Pamela Reed is there, too. And […]

  • TV Movie Night: NBC’s “The Ghost of Flight 401”


    Ghosts are everywhere and we run into one in this week’s movie on TV Movie Night! Ernest Borgnine starts in “The Ghost of Flight 401,” a spooky in-flight shlockfest, coupled with all the best ads the late 70s can provide. Andrew and Mark decide that busting makes us feel good as they dig in to […]

  • TV Movie Night: ABC’s “Killdozer!”


    We’ve got construction coming up and those idiots at the home office sent over a Killdozer, instead of the backhoe and driller we asked for. But, we’ve got to get this thing done, so we’ll be strapping in with Killdozer this week on TV Movie Night. Andrew and Mark experience the B-movie madness of a […]

  • TV Movie Night: ABC’s “The Day After”


    It’s a new year, so you know what that means? Doing your taxes! And also a new podcast feature from these two jerks. We still are interested in the world of television, but Andrew and Mark are going more cinematic as they open up the long-forgotten world of television movies on TV Movie Night! We […]

  • Episodic Memories: Emergency!


    We checked the couch cushions and found this lost episode of Episodic Memories tucked inside of it. Mark and Andrew wind up the crank phone and roll out with an episode of Emergency! We’ve got it all: Handsome doctors! Lack of plot closure! And nothing but shots of 60s Los Angeles! Get excited and listen in by […]

  • Episodic Memories: The Dean Martin Show


    It’s been some time, but we’ve gotten over our hauntings to round out the year in wonderful fashion. Andrew and Mark dive head first into the world of variety with the Dean Martin Christmas Special on this week’s Episodic Memories. From jokes about Eisenhower to a medley of every Christmas song that’s ever existed, this […]

  • Episodic Memories: Spooktacular 2015


    Three years running! It’s the world-famous Spooktacular 2015! Andrew and Mark are joined by fellow podcast aficionados Jefferson and Jason from “Ask Jefferson,” as a murder is afoot. There’s rain and podcasts and all the other sorts of scary Halloween stuff you’d expect from the scary Halloween podcast. We hope you enjoy this scripted bit […]

  • Episodic Memories: SeaQuest DSV


    It’s October and you know what that means? Less than three months until Christmas! But, also, Halloween, I guess? We kick off Spooky-tober with this haunting episode of SeaQuest DSV. You’ll see scary sights of Roy Scheider talking to ghosts and crappy holograms! And haunted ships! And a surprising lack of skepticism! Get excited and […]

  • Episodic Memories: 2015 Fall Season Roundup


    It’s here! A brand-new television season is here, and Andrew and Mark crack open the newest offerings. And because we’re busy guys who ain’t got time to mess around with television shows, we get to the meat of the issue by just watching the trailers for these shows. Join us in discussing these snapshots of […]

  • Episodic Memories: HBO’s “Tales from the Crypt”


    Spooky-tober arrives early, as Mark and Andrew head downstairs and discover HBO’s “Tales from the Crypt.” In this week’s episode, Mark discusses his abject terror over the Cryptkeeper, we get a brand-new chapter in “The Guy That Pooped Out a Poop Monster” and we get a bonus look at selling HBO’s brand of blood and […]

  • Episodic Memories: SyFy’s “Warehouse 13”


    Mark and Andrew are all about urban exploration as they begin exploring warehouses of all shapes and sizes, from Warehouse 9 all the way to Warehouse 54. But, SyFy’s “Warehouse 13” is the place that has us the most interested. Combining elements from Indiana Jones, Moonlighting and Home Improvement, Andrew and Mark settle in to […]

  • Episodic Memories: Lifetime’s “UnReal”


    It’s time to get real. REALLY real, with Lifetime’s “UnReal,” which exposes the seedy real underbelly of unreal reality shows. Really. Mark and Andrew try to reel it in with the realness and figure out what the hell is happening in this show. From masturbating on set to messing with someone’s prescription medication, this show […]

  • Episodic Memories: Cartoon Network’s “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”


    Saddle up and get ready to travel to a galaxy far, far away (near Barstow, I think?), as Episodic Memories returns from its summer hiatus. Andrew and Mark look this week at Cartoon Network’s “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” and try to make as many Star Trek references as they can. Will Yoda be there? […]

  • Best of the Best Ep. 121: Grillseekers


    Just as we get back from the July 4th weekend, it’s now grilling season in America. So, this week on Best of the Best, Andrew and Mark pay homage to all those high-octane Grillseekers out there who’ll do anything for the perfect burg. Listen in as they discuss the Best Novelty Grilling Item, the worst […]

  • Best of the Best Ep. 120: I’m Lovin’ It


    We’re spreading the love this week on Best of the Best, as Mark and Andrew discuss the Golden Arches, McDonald’s. Special orders certainly don’t upset us as the guys discuss Michael Jordan gambling with french fries, pineapples on burgers and being forced to build your own damn burger. Pay at the first window, then pull […]

  • Best of the Best Ep. 119: HR Department


    Mark and Andrew welcome summer by getting it lined up with its start paperwork, as we discuss the HR Department this week on Best of the Best. It’s HR out the wazoo, from the Best Home Run Call to Mark’s insulting trip to Sizzler. Make sure to attend the mandatory harassment meeting at 10 am, […]

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