Best Of The Best The Flickering Box



Come for the Podcast, Stay for the Executions


  • Best of the Best Episode 85: Writing Wrongs


    Grab your quills and finest writing hats as this week on Best of the Best, Andrew and Mark look to write some wrongs. Discussions this week range from the Best Worst Idea We’ve Ever Worked On to Best Places for Ideas to learning about our brand-new written project: “Sexy Frankenstein Gets a Job.” ALSO, learn […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 84: Last Vegas


    Place your bets on what depressing thing is going to get seen or talked about this week on Best of the Best, as Andrew and Mark visit the oasis in the Southwest: Last Vegas. From gigantic hotels to projectile vomiting, this episode is Sin City to a tee (the movie, probably. I remember Bruce Willis […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 83: Free Labor


    Everybody generally works for a specific reason: that magical time known as pay day. But, what if I told you there was an entire world of work out there that didn’t include things like “salary,” “money” or “maximum cap of hours worked”? Mark and Andrew delve into this mystical land of free labor on this […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 82: Breaking Bad


    With the end of AMC’s Breaking Bad on Sunday, this gives Best of the Best no better excuse to start breaking our own bads all over the goddamn place during this week’s episode. From bad habits to bad guys, we got all the bads and breaks you could ever want. So, while you console yourself […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 81: Tool Time


    Binford Tools is proud to present: Best of the Best, Episode 81, Tool Time! Relive the greatest moments of improving homes with Andrew and Mark as they discuss everything about tools, time and tool time. From the Best Tim Allen Movie to figuring out why scythes aren’t in vogue anymore, this episode has got it […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 80: The Witching Hour


    It’s been nothing but late nights here at the Best of the Best compound, giving us no better excuse than to talk about that magical Witching Hour on Episode 80 of BOTB. Late night hijinx are here to stay as Mark and Andrew talk about the Best Sleepover Event, what to do at the stroke […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 79: Terror


    It’s getting very scary here on Best of the Best, as we talk about Terror on Episode 79. Gird your loins as Mark and Andrew get pretty terrifying, discussing the Best Terrifying Moment in Their Lives, jump scares, scary-looking snakes and the Best Pirates (who are pretty terrifying, too, you know). It might get dicey, […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 78: The Mob


    Those wiseguys, Mark and Andrew, get in deep about fifty large (pizzas, I think) and now have to talk all about the Mob this week on Best of the Best. From waffling people with tire irons to being generally untouchable (and unloveable, to boot), it’s a mob-tastic week. If you have opinions about the best […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 77: Across the Pond


    Mark and Andrew look across the ocean and across the pond to discuss the Greatest of Britains this week on Best of the Best. From the Best Brit playing an American, to the Best British TV Import, it’s all about pip-pip cheerio, take the lift to the loo, park the car in Harvard Yard what-have-yous. […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 76: Talk Show


    It’s all about the gift of gab (and technical difficulties) this week on Best of the Best. Talk shows are front and center for Episode 76. Mark and Andrew break down the Best Celebrity Guest, figure out if this podcast will float and talk the talk about talk (while talking!). This is all brought to […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 75: Summer Replacement


    The only real cure for the summer time blues is Best of the Best, and probably Xanax? Right? Anyway, being in the thick of the summer season, Mark and Andrew get to discussing summer replacements during Episode 75 of Best of the Best. On the docket this week is talk about the Best Summer TV […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 74: Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn


    From the free shampoos to the continental breakfasts, America is in love with its hotels and motels. What other place allows you the freedom to use as many towels, cups and ice bins as you want, huck them on the floor like a child and then return to find everything restored like you’d never been […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 73: Big Goddamn Robots


    Holy cow, these robots are HUGE! And they compose the topic of this week’s episode of Best of the Best. From Optimus Prime to the Megazords, these robots are large and in charge, mainly because of how large they are. Mark and Andrew discuss everything from understanding and caring for your large robot to learning […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 72: TV on DVD


    Soon to be outdated, the TV DVD box set is something to be cherished. Binging through TV DVDs is becoming a lost art form, watching not only the episodes but digging through the special features and listening to the cast commentaries. Best of the Best is here to dig for you on this week’s episode, […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 71: War of the Worlds


    So many wars and so many worlds, so it makes perfect sense to discuss wars between those worlds on this week’s Best of the Best. In Episode 71, Mark and Andrew look into the H.G. Wells classic, but also discuss the Orson Welles spin and really hash out what makes a good, audience-panicking, fake war. […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 70: Pool Party


    The sun is shining, the temperature is rising and summer is here at last, meaning only one thing: odd sweat patterns on clothing. Well, okay, TWO things: sweating and pool party season. Andrew and Mark get you ready to soak it up in the pool by discussing all things Pool Party this week on Best […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 69: Origins


    This week, Andrew and Mark investigate the seedy backstory of Best of the Best with a discussion all about origins. From the Best Origin Film to their own personal origin stories, you’ll learn how you go from simple beginnings to the bags of neurosis and insufferable tics you hear today. And because it’s an origin […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 68: Zombies


    Protect your brains because this week, Andrew and Mark are discussing all things zombie on Best of the Best. From drooling hordes to 60s pop bands, it’s a truly frightening site. Of course, your body starts to shiver, for no mere mortal can resist the evil of the Best of the Best. Load your boomsticks, […]

  • Best of the Best Episode 67: Box Office Bombs


    Andrew and Mark just flop around this week, discussing Box Office Bombs on Episode 67 of Best of the Best. From the Best Flop to movie stars getting ready for their big failures, we explore something we’re very familiar with in the form of flops. Fire up your copy of “Ishtar,” then listen by clicking […]

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