Nursing And Cursing



Nursing & Cursing is a parenting podcast that covers more than your 10 month old's full diaper. Five friends break down all the crazy that comes after the baby. Kids, husbands, sex, money. Everything from the early days of sore nipples and sleepless nights to parenting with a hangover and picking a preschool. Was your kid screaming on the other side of the bathroom door while you tried to find 5 seconds to put your last tampon in? Then this is the podcast for you.


  • S5 Ep45: New Dick, Who Dis ?

    07/03/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    Moms! We missed you! We left you hanging and we are so sorry. One of us had a baby, two of us moved to Florida, and one of us…well. Heads up for the absolute biggest Plot Twerk™️ the thread has ever known. Let’s just say, Kate hasn’t been the only one up all night.

  • S5 Ep44: FU 2020

    19/08/2020 Duration: 55min

    Hi Mamas!!! We miss you so much!!!  This ep is a lil check in/check up and a welcome to our mini season 6

  • S5 Ep43: Kids Tell All !

    02/07/2020 Duration: 41min

    Well mamas, we made it to the season finale of Modern Civilization /Life as We Know It. I mean, the season finale of Nursing and Cursing Season 5. And everything is fine. Totally fine. To celebrate, we are bringing you something brand new : OUR KIDS!! In this episode, we ask the kiddos :is mom cool? What’s this podcast all about ? Does she ever get grumpy ? Some of them gave us the cold hard truth, and others clammed up, scared of retribution. And Sarah coins a phrase that will make her a millionaire, or at least get her fine ass trending on Twitter. Love you mamas so much-what a ride this season has been. See you in the fall! Until then, let’s all manifest a quick and safe delivery for Kate’s babe and A FULLY FUNCTIONAL IRL FALL PLAN 4 SKOOLS!

  • S5 Ep42: Parenting Conflicts.

    25/06/2020 Duration: 41min

    Parenting is hard enough when you and your partner agree on things(still waiting for that over here, but whatevs) But what about those parenting issues you just *dont* agree on. From: are the kids developmentally on track, to should we say yes to a bedtime snack? Shit is hard. Do you compromise ? Disagree in front of the kids? Have a low grade hissing fight later? Or shrug and give in ? As usual, We have no idea. And for our loyal listeners, friends and fans, we are sharing some big news at the bottom of this episode. As always, we love you and thanks for the ride of our lives ❤️

  • S5 Ep41: The NO Zone.

    18/06/2020 Duration: 53min

    Welcome to the No Zone! Mom, can I ...? Nope. No. Not today. I said no. Don’t ask me again. This is your first warning ....cut to us handing out negative consequences for poor choices all damn day. Anyone else feel like they’re just constantly saying no and taking shit away? Kate calls it normal. Ali calls it violent communication and Molly says she needs to process her past. Same ol same ol around here! And welcome back to fails : we got some damn doozies for you this week. WE LOVE YOU!

  • S5 Ep40: LET'S LISTEN.

    11/06/2020 Duration: 02min

    Hey Mamas! This week, Nursing & Cursing is turning our voice OFF and turning ON the voices of Black parents, hosts, educators, authors, scholars, reporters and doctors through podcasts that teach. We’ve compiled a list of other podcasts (and there are so many more) that are helping us stretch and open to new perspectives, voices, ideas, and action steps. Please join us in the learning so we can be better teachers for our babies! Love, Nursing & Cursing

  • S5 Ep39: Talking to Kids about Racism With Guest Author Jelani Memory

    04/06/2020 Duration: 28min

    Hi Mamas. Wow. This week has been a painful and powerful reminder that some conversations with our kids are scary and uncomfortable and can’t wait any longer. Yes -we are talking about race and racism. As 5 white moms, we know that we have a true responsibility to help our kids confront and contextualize today’s realities in the hopes that tomorrow can be better and more equal for all. This week, we were honored and excited to welcome author (and FATHER

  • S5 Ep38: Ready or Not?

    28/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    We know we aren’t the only ones trying to be productive parents and make good use of ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL this time at home with our children, right? What’s it gonna be, kid? Losing the training wheels? Potty training? Swimming without your floaties? What do you do when YOU’RE ready for a milestone, but your kid ISN’T? Oh, and get a load of Christine’s fail ... hint: It’s the sequel to kicking the bed.

  • S5 Ep37: Hide Out or Ride Out ?

    21/05/2020 Duration: 39min

    Hey mamas! How you doing this week? We are barely hanging on and so grateful to you for being on the journey with us. This week Kate crowd sources some of life’s big decisions. As a New Yorker with 3 kids and a baby due days before school starts ...what should she do this fall? When she left her house in March she figured she’d be back in 2 weeks and setting up the crib. But things are looking unclear. Should she go back to the city and suck it up? Or stay where she is and accept that this year is gonna look and feel very different from what she imagined ? Help a pregnant sister out.

  • S5 Ep36: Quarantine Game Night !

    14/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to the ep you never knew you needed: Quarantine Game Night!! This week we take a quick break from spiraling /staring into the abyss/ making whips /crying jags/ and laundry and play our version of 20 Questions and Would You Rather. Our bras are off, our souls are crushed, our minds are fried, and we invite you to pull up a lawn chair 6ft away and JOIN US!!! We love you!!

  • S5 Ep35: Quarantine Lyfe with an Only Child.

    07/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    Oh, hey. Still. Here.At.Home.With.Our.Kids. You??? This week we are asking the hard -hitting questions like: is a vaccine coming? Should masks be mandatory? Will there be a second wave? Can I have another whip? Are you watching Normal People? AND HOW MANY KIDS IS THE HARDEST NUMBER IN LOCKDOWN!!? Is it 2 sibs who constantly bicker? 3 kids where one can be left out? Nope. We crunched the math and the hardest number is O N E. Cuz the buck stops with mom for EVERY-FUCKING-THING. Sarah takes us through a day with a full time job and a full time toddler. Phew. Love you mamas-you’re holding up half the sky.

  • S5 Ep34: FuckIt.Edu

    30/04/2020 Duration: 41min

    Hoooooolllly shit we are still doing this???? Remote learning. Mmm.. was cute 2 months ago, but we are into our second locked -down-with-our family-menstrual cycle now. The kids are over it (those that were ever on board to begin with ), and we are FRIED. Are you a teacher? A parent with school age kids, or today’s current nightmare : BOTH (so sorry Molz). Parents, teachers, kids ...we salute your efforts but what say we wrap this thing up? See ya in September for a do-over? Cuz mama is about to say some grown up words on your next classroom zoom. And have you guys had whipped coffee yet? Cuz we are chugging it and accomplishing nothing at 90mph.

  • S5 Ep33: Self Quar

    23/04/2020 Duration: 44min
  • S5 Ep32: Pregnant in Quarantine.

    16/04/2020 Duration: 45min

    Pregnant mamas! The world is ending. Healthcare is a minefield, the economy is a garbage fire and your laundry pile is sky fuckin high. You feelin #blessed yet?? How are you coping with being pregnant right now? Is this your first kid? Your 5th? Is this baby a bright light at the end of a tunnel or the cliff edge you’re suddenly racing toward? or all of the above. If your pregnancy cravings include some effing alone time and a meal you don’t have to make yourself-we are with you and we get it.

  • S5 Ep31: Quarreling in Quarantine.

    26/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    Hi Mamas.

  • S5 Ep30: Corona Special: La Caurentena in Spain

    22/03/2020 Duration: 35min

    Momrades! We are back with another corona special and this time we are comin atcha from la cuarentena in Spain. Our friend and special correspondent Bonnie is a Canadian living in Spain with her husband and toddler-she’s been living the quarantine lyfe a little longer than most of us and offers a glimpse into what we might be able to expect as this thing moves across the states. Hint : we will need art supplies and bidets if we are gonna make it. Love you all and here with you always.

  • S5 Ep29: School's Out Forever.

    19/03/2020 Duration: 01h06s

    The sequel is always worse than the original and this ep is no different. It’s Coronavirus II. Last week we were worried our trip to Mexico would be lord what a quaint time. This week, life on earth has been cancelled- but for some reason we still have to make dinner and do laundry. Even the fall of man can’t cancel chores. Thank god for screens, friendship, wine and coffee. Wherever you are we got you. See ya in hell (aka quarantine with da kids).

  • S5 Ep28: Corona Special

    13/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    This week we discuss what’s on everyone’s minds. The mother fucking corona virus. Yes, the respiratory virus is a health crisis, but being quarantined with your partner and kids is a MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS. The trips have been cancelled, the hands have been washed-ish, we have all the toilet paper. Now all we gotta do is survive being in lock down with the people we love the most. THOUGHTS AND FUCKIN PRAYERS.

  • S5 Ep27: It's the Freakin Weekend.

    12/03/2020 Duration: 36min

    Hellooooo mamas! This episode is about weekends! Honestly, is there *anything* your kids can’t ruin

  • S5 Ep26: Dealing with Death.

    05/03/2020 Duration: 41min

    Death is a part of life. Ugh. As middle aged adults, we can barely talk about it without choking up or shutting down. So what do we say (or not say) when our kids want to talk about death and dying. This week on the mic we muddle our way to some answers that we are using for now, but listeners we would love to hear your thoughts on this heavy topic. And Kate admits to a problem and may need an intervention.

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