Badass Pub

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Badass Book Society members talk about publishing and the business of publishing


  • EPISODE18 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 18 - Goodread, Reviews and Scattershot Marketing; Dino Price, Cee Streetlight and Tiffany Fox join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion was utilizing Goodreads for marketing and giveaways, Amazon's capricious and never-ending changes to ToS as well as the pros and cons of scattershot marketing via social media. Watch the Video Antics Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • Episode 17 - Amazon - Unfair To Indies & Small Publishers?


    Badass Pub - Episode 17; Allison Gosgrove and Dino Price join Tiffany Fox and HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. This week's main point of contention was Amazon and the increasingly unfair practices towards independent authors and small publishers. Other topics came into play for some pontificating and giggles. Find Out More about Allison Cosgrove Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About John M. Hardy Publishers Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE14 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 14; Agent Margaret Bail joined Wren Michaels, Dino Price and HBIC Deena Rae to talk about the dos and don't's of publishing and contracts. Watch on YouTube Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE13 - Badass Pub - What Every Authors Should Know


    Badass Pub - Episode 13; Leddy Harper joins Dino Price of John Hardy Publishing, Tiffany Fox, and HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion was what every author should know. Dino, Tiffany and Deena Rae also gave a wide overview of publishing through John Hardy Publishers as well as their upcoming romance imprint, Caliente Press. Find Out More about Leddy Harper Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More about John M. Hardy Publishers Find Out More About Badass Book Society Highlights About The Show What Every Author Should Knowâ?¦ Get an Editor, A Real, Professional Editor â?? Aunt Ethel Doesnâ??t Cut It Unless She Is An English Professor. The Duties of Editors. Marketing, marketing, marketingâ?¦.readers want a relationship with the authors.

  • EPISODE12 -Sex Shops and Banned Books


    Badass Pub Episode 12 HBIC Deena Rae has John Hardy Publishers Dino Price on to talk publishing, thinking 'out of the box' to sell at places other than bookstores and the call for romance books by Caliente Press - a subsidary of John Hardy Publishers. Find Out More about John M. Hardy Publishers Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE11 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 11; Anne Conley and HBIC Deena Rae have John Hardy Publishers' Dino Price on to talk publishing, publisher pros and cons, distribution and selling your printed books in unexpected places. We also discuss the benefits of being in professional organizations such as Texas Publishers the association of authors and publishers in Texas which educates and promotes Texas authors and publishers. Find Out More about John M. Hardy Publishers Find Out More about Texas Book Publishers Find Out More About Badass Book Society *Full Disclosure: Deena Rae works at John M. Hardy Publishers with Dino Price

  • EPISODE10 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 10; Tiffany Fox and HBIC Deena Rae are joined by Kelly Cozzone, Terrie Arasin, and Allison Cosgrove to drink and talk publishing. This week's main topics were Personal Assistants (PAs) - their duties and compensation, ARCs - differences between the ones for traditional publishing houses and Indie authors, Wattpad, and Deena's infamous 3000 word blow job scene. Find Out More about Kelly Cozzone Find Out More about Allison Cosgrove Find Out More about Terrie Arasin Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE9 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 9; Tiffany Fox and HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topics of discussion were book releases and the option of author agents. Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE8 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 8; Diantha Jones and Tiffany Fox join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion was racial diversity in publishing and writing. Since the attack in Dallas was still fresh, the racially mixed panel wanted to address race, division and some of the more explosive social issues as well as how to address them in writing. We also brought up social media marketing and how it can become overwhelming. A quick overview of Pinterest to let readers know how you see your characters.We even hit on Litsy, a new social media app for Apple product users.Instagram and using it to promote your books and author persona is touched on as well. To Watch the episode on YouTube Find Out More about Diantha Jones Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society http://www.badassbooksociet

  • EPISODE7 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 7; D. Kelly and Tiffany Fox join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion was professionals in publishing. What started out as the importance of using professionals to help produce the best possible finished book project, Deena Rae went off the rails and hit on the fact that if you are paying for a professional, you should at least listen to them. There was probably WAYYYYY TOOOO MUCHHHHH alcohol involved in the recording of this episode since it took about 3 days to edit it to cut out 20 minutes of Deena's rambling rampage. Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society Watch The Podcast on YouTube:

  • EPISODE6 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 6; Laura Hidalgo and Tiffany Fox join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion is authors and readers behaving badly, 'mean girl' authors and the sense of entitlement in the publishing world. We talk about piracy, critiques and the importance of listening to those with experience in the industry. It's a birthday celebration for Deena Rae and Tiffany so there was lots of alcohol involved in the making of this Badass Pub. To Watch the podcast Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE5 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 5; Allison Cosgrove and Tiffany Fox join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion is books banned by online retailers as well as the arbitrary censorship and unfair targeting of indie authors. Options for 'thinking outside the box' and other methods that authors and small publishers can use to sell their ebooks and books directly to the reading public. Laura Hidalgo joins the cast of characters late but gives good information about a possible online selling option. To Watch the podcast Find out more about Allison's Books Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE4 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 4, Laura Hidalgo, Tiffany Fox, and Anne Conley join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic is marketing including video marketing (as well as the software that can be used to do it yourself), buying video clips and the low-cost option, using visual mediums at movie theaters, as well as touching on the pricing debate. and the new Amazon Giveaway option. Watch it on YouTube Find out more about Anne's Books Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE3 - Badass Pub


    Badass Pub - Episode 3, Laura Hidalgo, Tiffany Fox, Suzanna Linton join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion: Booktrope and their closing. Find out more about Suzanna's Books Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society

  • EPISODE2 - Badass Pub


    Wren Michaels joins Badass Book Society's HBIC Deena Rae to talk Booktrope closing, authors and professionals getting the shaft and news that Harlequin US will cease print production

  • EPISODE1 - Badass Pub


    Badass Book Society's HBIC - Deena Rae - is joined by Tiffany Fox from Beyond DEF and Badass Author Anne Conley to talk about the basics of publishing.