Badass Pub

EPISODE8 - Badass Pub



Badass Pub - Episode 8; Diantha Jones and Tiffany Fox join HBIC Deena Rae to drink and talk publishing. Main topic of discussion was racial diversity in publishing and writing. Since the attack in Dallas was still fresh, the racially mixed panel wanted to address race, division and some of the more explosive social issues as well as how to address them in writing. We also brought up social media marketing and how it can become overwhelming. A quick overview of Pinterest to let readers know how you see your characters.We even hit on Litsy, a new social media app for Apple product users.Instagram and using it to promote your books and author persona is touched on as well. To Watch the episode on YouTube Find Out More about Diantha Jones Find Out More about Beyond DEF Find Out More About Badass Book Society http://www.badassbooksociet