High Performance Mindset | Learn From World-class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches About Mindset



Dr. Cindra Kamphoff, High Performance Coach and Ph.D. in sport and performance psychology, delves into all things related to the mindset of the successful. She interviews world-class consultants, coaches, speakers, entrepreneurs, athletes and leaders about mindset while uncovering their secrets. Each week she also provides a short powerful message with a strategy to reach your best more often. Cindras goal is simple: to help you reach a life of high performance each day while inspiring you to be fully present, confident and passionate about your big dreams. To live a life of high performance, your mind must work for you, not against you. Master your mindset and unlock your potential!


  • 625: How to Be an Optimist

    16/06/2024 Duration: 05min

    In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares the 3Ps of Optimism and how you can use this concept to better your life. She also shared her tool called the Three OPP Strategy to get out of a pessimistic perspective and choose optimism.  Power Phrase this Week: “I choose optimism. I believe the best is yet to come!” Quote of the Week: "Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities." - Roy T. Bennett

  • 624: 12 Keys to Extraordinary Success and Peak Performance with Dr. Alan Zimmerman, Hall of Fame Speaker, Coach and Author

    13/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    At the age of 7, our guest today was selling greeting cards door-to-door.  By age 14, he owned a small international import business.  By age 21, he was teaching at the University of Minnesota, and during the next 15 years, he was selected as the “Outstanding Faculty Member” by two different universities. At age 36, our speaker retired from teaching and opened his own speaking, training, and executive coaching company.  That position has allowed him to deliver more than 3000 programs around the world.  Of course, you may already be familiar with Dr. Zimmerman.  You may have heard him speak at a conference, or perhaps you’ve seen him on Fox News, CNN, on the CBS Morning Show.  And you may have read his books, several of which have become #1 best-sellers on Amazon.com.  In this episode, Alan and Cindra talk about the: The 12 Keys to Peak Performance and Extraordinary Relationships Why most people live smaller than they should be His LASTING acronym and how it can help you to be your best more often His

  • 623: Move Towards Your Fears

    07/06/2024 Duration: 06min

    The World’s Best choose courage instead of fear. They feel the fear, but don’t let it keep them from doing what they want to, have to, or were designed to do. As Jimmy Johnson, the coach who led the Dallas Cowboys to two consecutive Super Bowls, once said, “Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?”   This Week's Power Phrase: “I embrace my fear and choose courage.” Quote of the Week: “Do the thing that you fear to do and keep on doing it…that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer your fear.” - Dale Carnegie (American author)

  • 622: Overcome Your Fear and Soar Like a Top-Gun Pilot with Martha McSally, Keynote Speaker, Former Congressman & 1St American Woman to Command a Fighter Squadron in Combat

    04/06/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    Flying an airplane is a challenging activity, even in clear skies and perfect weather… Now imagine you are flying a plane in combat. The enemy on the ground is trying to kill you by shooting down your plane. All while you are trying to save the lives of YOUR TEAM on the ground who are under attack. That's exactly what Martha McSally did as an A-10 fighter pilot in the Air Force.  Martha's life has been spent overcoming things like fear, self-doubt, trauma, adversity, and obstacles.  After arriving at the U.S. Air Force Academy for basic training at 18, she was told that it was against the law for women to become fighter pilots.  So what did she do? She decided that’s exactly what she would do and became the first woman in U.S. history to fly a fighter jet in combat!  Plus, she later became the 1st woman in U.S. history to command a fighter squadron….which meant, in combat, she was the first one in and the last one out! She deployed 6 times to the Middle East and Afghanistan, flying 325 combat hours, earning t

  • 621: How to Address Your Limiting Beliefs

    29/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares how everyone has limiting beliefs that hold us back. We explore in this episode how to recognize your limiting beliefs and the steps to address your limiting beliefs. Power Phrase this Week: “I choose powerful beliefs about my future.” Quote of the Week: “If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” - Louise Hay

  • 620: Develop Your Competitive Advantage with Lynne Jensen-Nelson, Keynote Speaker, Business Strategist, and Business Owner

    23/05/2024 Duration: 53min

    You are here because you want to be the best that you can be. You have high standards for yourself. You want to gain the competitive advantage. That is what Lynne Jensen-Nelson is here today. After earning her master’s degree, she rose through the ranks from front line sales to corporate executive leadership.  Now through her skills in keynote speaking, workshops, and business strategy, Lynne transfers key lessons learned from years of experience to organizations across the country. Lynne founded Conversion-omics Speakers & Consultants to help organizations create true competitive advantage.  Today this company has grown to 90+ professional speakers and consultants who are experts in virtually all topic areas. Her goal is to bring the INFORMATION, MOTIVATION, and INSPIRATION you need to take your event or project to the next level.  In this episode, Lynne and Cindra talk about the: 4 components of Competitive Advantage How to consider your mindset, skillset, and toolset to gain a competitive advantage

  • 619: How to Manage Your Perfectionism

    17/05/2024 Duration: 06min

     As a high achiever, it is good to strive for success and have high expectations. These high standards keep you going, striving to be your best. When you strive to be your best, you help others around you do the same. But perfection is unattainable. Instead, consider striving for excellence instead and Dr. Cindra shares with us how to do just that. Power Phrase this Week: “I am kind to myself when things don’t go perfectly moving on quickly to protect my confidence.” Quote of the Week: “At the root of perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love for being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure.” - Michael Law  

  • 618: How to Get into Flow

    13/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    Finding your flow zone starts with your mind and channeling your focus to the present moment. Your mind is a muscle; it takes daily practice to master it. Flow is like a muscle—the more you train and experience flow. In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares the 3 barriers that get in the way of flow for you. Power Phrase this Week: “My mind is like a muscle. I train my mind to increase my chances of finding flow.” Quote of the Week: “Flow is being completely involved in the activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies.” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  

  • 617: Speak and Communicate with Impact with Joel Weldon, Hall of Fame Speaker and Speaking Coach

    09/05/2024 Duration: 53min

    You're here because high performance is one of your mindsets. You're already good at what you do and you know there's still more that you can do on your journey both personally and professionally. One of the most famous high performers in the world of business and finance is Warren Buffett. He is ranked as the number one investor of all times and is now one of the world's richest men. Warren said, "You can improve your value by 50% just by learning communication skills and public speaking."  That's why I wanted you to meet our special guest, Joel Weldon. Joel is my personal speaking skills coach and a Hall of Fame professional speaker, He is the creator of the Ultimate Speaking System for entrepreneurs and business owners as well as executives to speak even more effectively by following one of the most important mindsets ordinary speakers just don't have. If you rated yourself using a 1 to 10 scale on your ability to speak in front of a group, made up of your ideal audience members, what would that number be

  • 616: Focus on the Process

    03/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    Your big dreams allow you to step into your own unique potential. And when building your career and pushing forward, it’s easy to spend too much time thinking about and planning the future. In this episode, Dr. Cindra shares when to focus on the process vs. your destination, or the outcome. Power Phrase this Week: “I take my goals on step at a time focused on the process.” Quote of the Week: “If you focus on the process and not the outcome, you’ll have better results.” - Joe Madden

  • 615: Control Your Attention, Control Your Life with Maura Thomas, Author, International Speaker and Productivity Expert

    30/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Maura Nevel Thomas is an award-winning international speaker, trainer, and an author on individual and corporate productivity and work-life balance, and one of the most widely-cited authority on attention management. Maura’s clients include the likes of Google, Old Navy, L’Oréal, and NASA. She is a TEDx speaker, and author of six books on the topics of attention management and personal and organizational productivity. She has columns in Forbes and Harvard Business Review.  Maura earned an MBA from the University of Massachusetts and has studied the field of productivity all over the world for more than two decades. In this episode, Cindra and Maura discuss:  How productivity advice gets it wrong   Her Empowered Productivity System  10 signs that you need to master attention management When multi-tasking works and doesn’t work And, her communication guidelines for leaders  HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE LEARN MORE ABOUT LAURA  FOLLOW SIGN UP FOR THE FREE MENTAL BREAKTHROUGH CA

  • 614: The ABCs of Self-Awareness

    27/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    You can use the ABC method to increase my self-awareness and change my thoughts, emotions, and actions when needed. Consider what people or situations push your buttons? What can you do to stay in control in those situations? When you feel pressure or stress, you can pay attention to what led you to feel that way? In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff talks about how to increase your self-awareness and why it is important to your performance. This Week’s Power Phrase: “I master myself to master my life.” Quote of the Week: “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” - Benjamin Franklin

  • 613: How to Be an Authentic Leader

    26/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    When we mindfully and purposefully practice authenticity, we invite peace, gratitude, and happiness into our lives, and this impacts our performance.  In this episode, Dr. Kamphoff shares 4 ways to be an authentic leader. To be successful in your career, you must be yourself. Power Phrase this Week: “The world needs me and my gifts. I will show my authentic self to the world through my leadership.” Quote of the Week: “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” —Brené Brown, researcher and author

  • 612: Talking on Eggshells: Soft Skills for Hard Conversations with Sam Horn, 10-Time Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker and CEO of the Intrigue Agency

    23/04/2024 Duration: 51min

    As Founder/CEO of the Intrigue Agency, and the Tongue Fu! Training Institute, Sam helps people create respectful, intriguing, proactive communications that are a win for all involved.  Sam's 3 TEDx talks and 10 books - including Tongue Fu!, POP!, Talking on Eggshells, SOMEDAY is Not a Day in the Week - have been featured in NY Times, Fast Company, Forbes, Readers Digest, TED.com, NPR.  Sam's IKIGAI - and one of her great joys - is helping people crystallize a meaningful message/mission that puts the light on in their eyes and creates a rising-tide LEGACY that adds value for all involved. In this episode, Cindra and Sam discuss:  “Words to Lose, and Word to Use”   Her AIR acronym  What to do when you disagree with someone Tools to deescalate a situation And, why her PLAN tool can help you prepare for any conversation HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE LEARN MORE ABOUT SAM   FOLLOW SIGN UP FOR THE FREE MENTAL BREAKTHROUGH CALL WITH CINDRA’S TEAM TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MENTALLY STR

  • 611: 3 Ways to Be Your Best

    16/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Leading yourself can be very difficult because our brain is hardwired to see what is missing. Instead, you can lead yourself to your own personal vision by remembering: What you think about yourself, you become. Thoughts only have power if you believe them.  You can act independent of how you feel. Chance thinking doesn’t lead to success – instead, make time each day to master your thoughts and lead yourself even more deliberately.   This Week's Power Phrase: “I lead myself today.” Quote of the Week: “Work harder on yourself than you do your job.” — Jim Rohn

  • 610: Your Mindset is Your Superpower with Allistair McCaw, Keynote Speaker and 7-Time Best-Selling Author

    10/04/2024 Duration: 52min

    Allistair McCaw is recognized as one of the world’s leading figures on team culture, leadership, and mindset. For over 25 years, he has consulted and worked with numerous Olympians, Grand Slam Champions, Fortune 500 companies and NCAA Colleges including LSU, SMU, Duke, and the University of Minnesota.  An author of 7 best-selling books and a keynote speaker, Allistair consults and mentors leaders, coaches, teams and organizations. A 29x marathon finisher and former 5-time World Championship competitor in the sport of Duathlon, Allistair resides in Florida. In this episode, Cindra and Allistair discuss:  7 Types of People You Should Surround Yourself With   The 90/9 Rule  3 Steps to Achievement  The Power of Your Story And, 10 Things You Should Let Go Of    HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE LEARN MORE ABOUT ALLISTAIR   FOLLOW SIGN UP FOR THE FREE MENTAL BREAKTHROUGH CALL WITH CINDRA’S TEAM TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MENTALLY STRONG INSTITUTE Love the show? Rate and review the show f

  • 609: How to Grow Confidence

    05/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Confidence is a choice you make daily. Your belief and trust in your ability is your choice. Don’t overthink the feeling of confidence – you might feel nervous and unconfident when you are trying something new. Keep building the foundational skill of confidence. Intentionally decide today to take control of your confidence. Believe and trust that you can!   Power Phrase this Week: “I choose confidence today!” Quote of the Week: “You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.” - Oprah  

  • 608: The Key to Happiness

    26/03/2024 Duration: 05min

    Much of our happiness can be changed by engaging in daily, intentional activities that impact how we act and think. In fact, happiness also comes from the relationships we develop. This week be even more deliberate about building relationships and being present in them.  This Week’s Power Phrase: “I choose happiness by building relationships around me.” Quote of the Week: "Happiness is not the goal…it’s a by product of a life well-lived.” - Elenor Roosevelt

  • 607: How to Grow Your Self-Image

    14/03/2024 Duration: 06min

    You can never outperform your self-image. Your self-image is your view of yourself. Be careful what you say to yourself about yourself. To level of your self-image, consider the beliefs you want to hold about yourself to reach all of your goals and dreams. This Week's Power Phrase: “I talk to myself powerfully today.” Quote of the Week: “People are never able to outperform their self-image.” - John Maxwell

  • 606: How to Be Antifragile with Dr. Nick Holton and Dr. Adam Wright, Co-Founders of The Antifragile Academy

    11/03/2024 Duration: 48min

    Dr. Nick Holton is a Co-Founder of The Antifragile Academy whose work focuses on helping individuals, teams, businesses and organizations become better versions of themselves through the application of the cutting-edge science of human flourishing – a synergistic development of both peak performance and overall well-being and fulfillment.  He also runs a podcast alongside the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard. Nick has also directed multiple large scale implementation projects oriented toward human flourishing for schools and organizations around the globe, and has delivered talks and trainings across the US, Europe, India, Hong Kong, Australia, Uganda, Singapore, Mexico, and South America.  Dr. Adam Wright is a Co-Founder of The Antifragile Academy who is a high-performance and executive coach, consultant, and educator who supports a broad range of elite performers whose craft demands their absolute best in volatile, high-stakes environments. He consults with clients in such disparate performance arenas a

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