Doctor Whooch



Doctor Whooch is a bi-weekly podcast where there is drinking and Doctor Who. These are both good things. They are even better together. Hosted by Danica LeBlanc and Brandon Schatz.


  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 165 // Mary Shelley Overdrive

    20/02/2020 Duration: 29min

    In which we're not allowed to snog Byron. On this week's show, Danica and Brandon are talking about another banger, "The Haunting of Villa Diodati", in which Jack friggen' Harkness' warning comes home to roost at an important point of literary history. It's GREAT!

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 164 // Is Anybody Out There?

    13/02/2020 Duration: 34min

    In which we have a good talk about things and stuff. On this week's show, we're digging into "Can You Hear Me?", which continues this series' string of addressing important modern issues with a sci-fi sheen. Not everyone is okay! At least not all of the time. And that's okay. We love you!

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 163 // Death by Plastic

    06/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    In which we regret using "sledgehammer" to describe a previous episode. If only we had known. On this week's show, Danica and Brandon worry about a poor man who is left for dead on a beach. Also, they talk in depth about Praxeus, and why subtly might not be a good thing these days. Outro is "Everywhere" by Michelle Branch.

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 162 // We're Jacked!

    31/01/2020 Duration: 51min

    In which I'M SORRY WHAT On this week's show, we're talking about "Fugitive of the Judoon" and um... so look, how do we even TALK about spoilers here? This episode was a lot, and got us right in our Russell T Davis' Feels and we're SO FRIGGIN EXCITED! YES! Outro music is "Til I Am Myself Again" by Blue Rodeo

  • Doctor Whoosh // Episode 161 // Edison Always Was A Turd

    25/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    In which we discuss facts - FACTS - about how Edison was a stupid dink and the absolute worst. And by facts, we mean drunk yelling. On this week's show, we're talking about "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" and folks? Edison can eat several butts. That's really all we have to say about that. Enjoy the episode?

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 160 // Hammer Time

    16/01/2020 Duration: 50min

    In which WOW HA HA FEELINGS On this week's episode Danica and Brandon dig into the Series 12 episode "Orphan 55" and folks, we're not gonna lie, the world is on fire and boy are we happy and terrified there's a show out there not pulling their sci-fi punches. Anyhow, get ready for A LOT, and also nonsense from Brandon.

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 159 // Nazis Are Bad

    11/01/2020 Duration: 44min

    In which we have theories. THEORIES! On this week's show, Danica and Brandon are talking about SPYFALL PART TWO and wouldn't you know it? They liked it. And may or may not have found some bits and bobs that remind us of the modern internet. Say, did you hear that Nazis are back? You'd think the world would have learned the first time, but NOPE. Outro music (we HAVE it this time!) is Skyfall by Adele

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 158 // Masterful

    04/01/2020 Duration: 34min

    In which, we're back! And worse than ever? After (checks notes) six months away? Wow. Um... Brandon and Danica are back, because Doctor Who is also back! And holy HECK was it exciting. Anyhow, Spyfall is dope, and you can listen to us fight a timer in order to describe what the sweet hell just happened. Also, we won an award for being the best comic store in Canada, so EAT BUTTS other comic shops! Shut up, YOU'RE drunk. (Also, apologies for the lack of even the BARE MINIMUM of editing we usually do: GarageBand keeps freezing. Delightful.)

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 157 // Daddy Powers

    07/06/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    In which we are four eels. On this week's episode, Danica and Brandon continue with The Jumbly Season and hit up another Sarah Jane Adventure - "Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane". This one has a Space Rubix Cube and also, sweet ollies. Sk8 or Die, nerds! Outro music is "Ms Jackson" by Outkast Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY  

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 156 // Space French

    17/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    In which we remember the days of laser tag. On this week's Doctor Whooch, we're still plugging through the first season of The Sarah Jane Adventures with a little ditty called "Warriors of Kudlak" aaaannnddd... well, our notes say things like "everybody loves stick, dead dad, and Ds n Vs" so... work that out? Outro music is "Foux Da Fa Fa" by Flight of the Concords Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY    

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 155 // Meanwhile, Back At Nun Castle

    18/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    In which parents are terrible. On this week's show, The Sarah Jane Adventures continue with the Series 1 two parter, Eye of the Gorgon. Brandon and Danica talk about evil space nuns (?) and how Maria's mom is the worst. Or probably second worst. They also mention they should have Paul as a guest on the show. And they did! Two weeks ago! Time travel is fun. Outro music is "Eye of the Tiger" by Paul Anka  

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 154 // The Best Throuple

    04/04/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    In which Brandon is a jerk. (But what ELSE is new.) Our eclectic 13th season of Doctor Whooch rolls on with a brand new Companions episode, featuring Paul Gifford of Drink This Pod! Danica and Brandon and Paul watch "Vincent and the Doctor" from Matt Smith's first season, and WOW is there a lot of feelings in there. Depression sucks, folks! And reach out if you need to. Outro music is "Why Do You Feel So Down" by Declan McKenna Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 153 // Red Dawn

    21/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    In which we learn that Danica takes nicknames very seriously. We're in the midst of the dry season (also known as "all of 2019, probably) with no new Doctor Who television content in sight, so we're continuing to explore the vast riches of other media... this time, with Big Finish audio! On this week's episode, we listen to an Eighth Doctor adventure, Blood of the Daleks, that has some similarities to a pair of episodes from the Russel "The" Davies run. As always, if you haven't listened to the audio itself, don't worry! You'll get all the info you need, except drunk. It's fine. Trust us. Outro music is "Ghetto Supastar" by Pras feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard & Mya Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 152 // Everybody Gets Two Dads!!!

    07/03/2019 Duration: 28min

    In which the Slitheen return which... wow. WHY. So hey, this is an episode about daddies - but strangely, Tennant is nowhere to be seen? What sorcery is this? It's the second batch of The Sarah Jane Adventures - "The Revenge of the Slitheen". And there is a baby. It is... horrifying. So. Yeah. Outro music is "DADDY (feat. CL)" by PSY Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 151 // Teen Feels and Puppers

    21/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    In which we eat our mistakes. On this perfectly normal episode of Doctor Whooch, Danica and Brandon are digging into The Sarah Jane Adventures with "Invasion of the Bane!" Grab your legitimate sodas and your rad kicks as we dig into what was the absolute opposite of Torchwood during the Russell "The" Davies era of Doctor Who. Outro music is "Starlight" by Muse  

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 150 // Horny on Podcast

    07/02/2019 Duration: 39min

    In which we have completely normal conversations about past Doctors ha ha ha no YOU'RE making it weird. On this entirely normal edition of Doctor Whooch, Danica and Brandon celebrate by not making anything weird at all while watching "School Reunion" once more. They do this for a reason. Listen to the episode! And do not send us human meat. Outro music is "Side to Side" by Ariana Grande Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY  

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 149 // Blood Rage and the Three Gregs

    17/01/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    In which we doom all Gregs to their sad, stupid lives for good. #NotAllGregs On this fine, upstanding episode, Danica and Brandon are talking about ALLLLLLLL of Series 11, featuring the 13th Doctor and her best friends. Her fam. Through the fog of a lot of damn alcohol, they manage to crystallize some opinions about how Chibnall runs the show, in contrast to Russell "The" Davies and Steven "Garbage Panda" Moffat. They are very nice about it, and no one is cussed at. No one. Not even you. Outro music is "5 Years Time" by Noah and the Whale Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 148 // Aerial Smack Mouth Resonance

    03/01/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    In which we have NO idea what ASMR is, but we sure do have some guesses. Welcome to 2019, jerks! Danica and Brandon are kicking the year off with their take on "Resolution", the best Doctor Who episode of 2019. Spoiler alert: the villain is not humanity this time - humanity, empathy and love, are the cure. Also there's stuff about families and relationships and being a person in there. It's pretty good. Always punch Nazis, thanks byeeeeee.

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 147 // I Don't Think So, Tim

    14/12/2018 Duration: 50min

    In which we bid a fond farewell to the fam. On this week's show, Danica and Brandon watched "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos" and they have some thoughts! Mostly about character development through the season, but partly on the show's continuing efforts to confront ideas that are really tearing down society. Like organized religion! Yayyy! Outro music is "TV" by Colleen Brown

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 146 // Father of the Year

    06/12/2018 Duration: 58min

    In which Norwegian Erik is a terrible father. Seriously. Just the worst. On this week's show, Danica and Brandon discuss "It Takes You Away", in which an idiot makes a lot of terrible life choices, and then has to be saved from destroying all of existence. Could you imagine? "Oh, how did the universe end. With the Time War? Some bullshit with the Daleks? Nah, it was Erik, who wanted a couple more dirty smooches." GTFO of here, Erik. You dummy. Outro music is "Ribbons" by Ingrid Michaelson

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