Doctor Whooch



Doctor Whooch is a bi-weekly podcast where there is drinking and Doctor Who. These are both good things. They are even better together. Hosted by Danica LeBlanc and Brandon Schatz.


  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 145 // A Witchery

    30/11/2018 Duration: 50min

    Hi, there's no metaphors in "witch hunting", is there? GOOD MORROW kind folks and WELCOME to this SALACIOUS episode of the Doctor's Whooch, as presented by the DELECTABLE Danica and the BAWDIFOROUS Brandon. THIS WEEK! A missive regarding "THE WITCHFINDERS", starring one Mr. ALAN CUMMING, and it may in fact be his GREATEST performance since the RADIANT JOY of JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS was BESTOWED upon this world. It was fun. Outro music is "Witchy Woman" by The Eagles Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 144 // Post Bazos and Jeff

    22/11/2018 Duration: 50min

    In which we invited the ire of a billionaire. But I mean... what ELSE is new. On this week's show, it's "Kerblam!" - the 7th episode in the stellar 11th series of Doctor Who! In what might be our best (or worst?) episode yet, we lobby to get paid a lot of money to help the masses. And only a heartless person would deny our request. Outro music is a "Bitch Better Have My Money" by Rihanna Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 143 // Now Is Not The Time For Subtly

    16/11/2018 Duration: 52min

    What part of "be a good person" was hard to understand? On this week's episode, Danica and Brandon are talking about the series 11 episode of Doctor Who entitled "Demons of the Punjab" as only two white people can: with unearned confidence. Which makes them uncomfortable and awkward. So hey, all in all, a pretty regular episode of the show. Enjoy! Outro music is a "First Love" by Emmy the Great Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 142 // Diagnosis: Adric's Disease

    08/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    Apologize? Apologize for what! On this week's show, Danica and Brandon are talking about "The Tsuranga Conundrum", which puts The Doctor and Team TARDIS in a bit of a space pickle. Also, there's a wild space pregnancy, and a WHOLE LOT OF BROKEN FAMILY FEELS. And a cute as hell monster creature. So. There's that. Outro music is a "Sweet Escape" by Gwen Stefani Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY  

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 141 // There Are No Spiders In This One

    02/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    WHY WOULD YOU SUGGEST IT? On this week's show, Brandon goes it alone... sort of... as Danica's phobia of spiders comes into play. Thankfully, Kat from Verity is on hand, as a great guest host to talk about the series 11 episode... (checks papers) "Arachnids in the U.K." Which is almost definitely about space unicorns and not spiders. Almost definitely. Outro music is a metal cover of Sex and the City we found on the internet. Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY You can find Kat on Twitter at @xanister. 

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 140 // People Are Terrible

    25/10/2018 Duration: 53min

    In which SURPRISE! Racism isn't cured. On this week's episode, Danica and Brandon are two white people talking about the Series 11 episode "Rosa", so you know... take our drunk opinions for what they are. Also hey, feel free to hit the internet for more pertinent voices. We have a link to some in the show notes. K thanks byyeeeeeeeee. Outro music is a metal cover of Sex and the City we found on the internet. Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY There's a pretty good list of folks to listen to on all matters regarding the Rosa episode here.

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 139 // Delayed Gratification with Pickles and Bumble

    18/10/2018 Duration: 59min

    In which NO ONE CRIES HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST IT. On this week's episode, The Doctor and her best friends are out in spppaaaaaaaaaace! Which is slightly problematic when you're, you know, in the vacuum of it, and not in a ship. But no worries! There are ships, and Brandon and Danica DEFINITELY remember the names of who the pilots were and they don't at all ruin the emotional resonance of many scenes. Anyway, hey! It's "The Ghost Monument" and it is brilliant, and thank you all for listening. Outro music is "Best Friend" by Foster the People Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY You can listen to "So You Think You Can Danica" with Danica and our good friend Devin R. Bruce by heading over here!

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 138 // About Damn Time

    11/10/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    On this week's show... uh... huh. I dunno. Did anything cool happen recently? With Doctor Who? Ah, we'll think of something. FINALLY, Doctor Who is back, and it is a brand new era, with Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor, and a bevy of new folks behind the scenes! Do we have opinions? Will we compare this to Moffat era stuff? All good questions, you. Clever, clever. Do a listen, and we're sure you'll find the answers you're looking for, just... fairly incoherently. Outro music is "Changes" by Bananarama Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 137 // The World Is a Vampire (Moleman)

    22/06/2018 Duration: 38min

    In which we bid Devin adieu as we send him into the SEA... ...of our gratitude. Also, it is his last episode for now. Sad faces all around! Well, it has come to this. The last episode of Miracle Day, and the last episode of Torchwood. It has been a ride. As Danica and Brandon bid a fond farewell to their season long guest, they all endure and episode where there is a lot of blood, and the world has two buttholes. And if you control the buttholes, you control the world, but only if you have special blood? Torchwood is wild, y’all. And there wasn't even a lizard people conspiracy!  Outro music is "Deeper Than Beauty" by Sloan Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 136 // Cat Butt in the Middle of the World

    08/06/2018 Duration: 28min

    Well, THAT took a turn. And that's saying something... seeing how we're still watching Torchwood. Folks, Brandon, Danica, and Devin are almost done with this run. It's the home stretch! The second last episode - Torchwood: The Gathering. In which a bunch of nerds meet up at the centre of the earth to cast spells or something? Who knows at this point. All we REALLY know is that there's a thing with blood and possibly vampire mole men. What. It could be a thing. Outro music is "Explode" by Balthrop, Alabama Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 135 // Return to Bananatown

    24/05/2018 Duration: 52min

    More Torchwood! Will Devin ever forgive us for making him watch these? WHO KNOWS. Torchwood keeps being Torchwood in the eighth episode of Miracle Day. Apparently, three old white dudes wanted to live forever and so now things are really bad because people are dumb and horrible. But don’t worry! This can be solved with a dead lover, and fancy floor paneling. So that’s what WE’VE been up to. Howsabout you?

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 134 // Maintain the Thrust

    10/05/2018 Duration: 47min

    Thrust is a very important part of Torchwood. Very important. Danica, Brandon and Devin are still trying to make their way through Torchwood's "Miracle Day", and have arrived at episode seven, "Immortal Sins". While Torchwood is usually a catalyst for (entertaining) trash, this week it actually opens up a good conversation about bi-sexuality in popular media. The perfect thing to discuss while drunk! Anyway, it’s not bad, because the flashbacks are good, but then it gets back to the plot, and that's a horrible mistake, just like this season. There. We said it. Outro music is “Alejandro” by Lady Gaga Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 133 // This Has To Stop

    26/04/2018 Duration: 39min

    In which WE CREATE A GOD. We're back, and still on our bullshit, watching more of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Specifically, "The Middle Men" So watching this is a trip, friends. Was Russell T. Davies trying to warn us about the future using VERY FLAWED TELEVISION? Let’s say that is the case, otherwise, WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL THIS. Also: a woman taking down her terrible, rich boss is our favourite person. Who would have guessed! Also also? A Superman! Pysch? And what 80s and 90s cartoons were Super Drugs.

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 132 // OH GOD WHY

    10/04/2018 Duration: 37min

    Spoiler alert: the bleakest Torchwood episode is here. On this week's show: ash. Sadness. The void grabs our souls with cold tendrils, refusing to let go. All in all: Torchwood. Danica, Brandon and Devin push their way through the 5th episode of Miracle Day, entitled "Categories of Life", and let's just say... it's an experience. Also: get a look at the origin story of Danica and Brandon through Devin's point of view! That part is fun. Outro music is “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 131 // Bitches Get Snitches

    23/03/2018 Duration: 52min

    In which Devin has to moderate a domestic dispute. Welcome back to (WHY ARE WE DOING THIS) a full on, deep dive into Torchwood: Miracle Day, with your regular hosts, Danica and Brandon, and our irregular host, Devin R. Bruce. On this week's show: "Escape to L.A."! It's... interesting. At almost all times, at least one of us can't remember the names of the Americans on the show, which is fun. Also, there's a lot of yelling. TORCHWOOD. Outro music is “Drinking In L.A.” by Bran Van 3000 Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY  

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 130 // Getting Jacked

    10/03/2018 Duration: 44min

    In which FINALLY, all the weird sex and terrible relationships we've come to expect from Torchwood arrive! Welcome back to the sex house, babies! And the first and only episode we go out of our way to name check the man who put a seamless scene of butts together. Congrats, Michael N Knue - you did it! Anyway, Brandon, Danica and Devin are still trying to get through Miracle Day, and something terrible is coming. But in this episode, it's just folks who are coming. Do... do you get it? Oh, you get it. Outro music is “Let's Get It On” by Marvin Gay Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 129 // Forget it Rex. It's Banana Town.

    22/02/2018 Duration: 51min

    In which the world still has flip phones because OF COURSE THEY DO. Danica, Brandon and Devin are back for more Torchwood for some reason. In THIS episode (entitled "Rendition") we attempt to remember Rex's basic-ass American name, with diminishing results. Also! Evil instructions are related through triangle, and Bill Pullman is not dead. Bill Paxton is. We checked. Like... the internet, not... not any bodies or anything. Oh god just stop typing. Outro music is "American Girl" by Elle King Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 128 // 8 Shotguns and a Baby

    09/02/2018 Duration: 44min

    Hello ladies. Hello laddies. We're BACK. Welcome to a very special season of Doctor Whooch, in which we dig into the final season of Torchwood (Miracle Day!) with a very special guest... Devin R. Bruce! He's going to be here for all ten episodes and he's very uncomfortable about it which means he's perfect for the job. (He's great.) On this episode - we're talking about Episode One entitled "The New World". Inside: Danica kills English professors! Everyone has VERY LEGITIMATELY AMERICAN NAMES. There's a baby with a shotgun? Probably! It's Torchwood. And also, Rhys still isn't dead, and Brandon can not handle it. Friggen Rhys. Outro music is "I Sat By The Ocean" covered by Gaba Kulka Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 127 // Best Space Friend Chad

    11/01/2018 Duration: 39min

    In which we say good-bye... and good riddance.  Danica and Brandon are back to finally give their tipsy opinions on "Twice Upon A Time", the final Moffat era Doctor Who episode. And while it ALSO sadly marks the end of Peter Capaldi's time as the Doctor, they pull no punches. And sure, some might say we should have put this episode out before now, but here at Doctor Whooch, we like our takes like we like our drinks: on ice. So there. Outro music is: "If I Could Turn Back Time" by Riot of Color Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY

  • Doctor Whooch // Episode 126 // Nobody Dies… That We Saw

    09/11/2017 Duration: 48min

    In which a kid slides directly into his dad’s DMs and then catches the consumption. It's part two of our spectacular Companions Season finalé, in which we continue to talk about The Curse of the Black Spot with Doctor Who podcast luminaries Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky! In this episode, a Steven Moffat conspiracy theory is hatched, and we discuss how Doctor Who fans aren't detail oriented at all, and how crowns are pretty dope. Plus: drunk Chris Chibnall talk! Also, the appearance of some pod cats! No, we don't really edit, why do you ask? Outro music is "Pinball Wizard" as covered by The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, which you should see the full video for. Podcast picture is by GIRL NAMED SHIRL PHOTOGRAPHY  

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