Personal Branding Podcast

Daring Greatly 2022



12 Things to Dare in 2022 “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ― Andre Gide There comes a time in our lives that we must step out of our comfort zones and prisons and get into new territories.  We all have some areas that we need to Dare to venture into in the coming year. So, today I present to you some ideas for daring discoveries. Go through and give it a shot. 1. Dare to Break mental strongholds It all begins in the mind. Your mind is either your prison or palace. Several people have been stopped not by demons but by their own beliefs: self-limiting believes. So many “I can’t” block the flow of possibilities. To do and have more, one must first believe. Expand your capacity to receive. Sometimes we place a cap on what we can achieve based on our past failures, which ought not to be so. Until one breaks self-imposed barriers in the mind, success becomes a wild goose chase. Believe you can and work towards it. See it first in your mind then work towards