Radio J-dub



The sports blogosphere's answer to Radio Free Europe. Sports discussions you will never get from the likes of ESPN. Rated PC for language.


  • EPISODE 45 - Radio J-Dub


    Amongst other things, J-Dub breaks down more assholery from ESPN, answers some "viewer mail," and explains the link between the Washington Redskins and the transgender bathroom debate.

  • EPISODE 44 - Radio J-Dub


    Now that we're past Mother's Day, we've got a great picture for the story lines which will drive the next five months of baseball season. We're talking over-rated players, another Dodger Fact, a closer look at the Curt Schilling/ESPN situation, exploring if Chicago can become the capital city of baseball, could promotion/relegation work in baseball, the gloom and despair of the New York Yankees, the five basic types of baseball teams, and a Dickensian observation of the Chicago Cubs and Toronto Blue Jays.

  • EPISODE 43 - Radio J-Dub


    In the midst of primary election season, why not have one of the candidates cover everything form porn to pro wrestling? In between J-Dubs talks about Prince, the NBA, the Hillsborough disaster, Carson Wentz, and the law of "Expanding Mythology."

  • EPISODE 42 - Radio J-Dub


    Today's installment takes you on a journey which involves tips for supermarket dating, another lesson in how to tell if you're an asshole, why Stan Kroenke might be a jinx, a discussion on how many of your Facebook friends might actually be dead and you don't know it, the real reason why "Deflate-gate" happened, an examination of why the NFL draft is bullshit, we learn the difference between a primary and a general election in Mr. Dubs' Neighborhood, and a look at why the NFL needs Carson Wentz more than he needs the NFL.

  • EPISODE 41 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub's Fighting Sioux win their 8th NCAA hockey title, how quitting the NFL is like being a vegetarian, tips on how to tell if you are an asshole, a new segment from Dubsism contributor JFI, a hot take on the Kyle Schwarber injury, and much much more!

  • EPISODE 40 - Radio J-Dub


    With the start of The Masters, we break out an interview from the archives with Chris Humpherys from about what its like to be at Augusta for the traditions unlike any other.

  • EPISODE 39 - Radio J-Dub


    What Donald Trump has in common with Jesse Ventura, RIPs to Joe Garagiola and others, and why J-Dub is ready to give up on the National Football League.

  • EPISODE 38 - Radio J-Dub


    Last week's episode bleeds over to this week, as Radio J-Dub found itself on the receiving end of a letter-writing campaign from an East Coast women's college which shall remain nameless. From there, J-Dub laments the passing of prog-rock legend Keith Emerson, Mr. Dubs' Neighborhood offers a lesson on the "Third World," and a break-down of the idea that Ohio State could beat the Cleveland Browns.

  • EPISODE 37 - Radio J-Dub


    Feminist Comedy and the Real Reason the Oscars Exist. That headline for Episode 37 of Radio J-Dub is just for starters. There's also an homage to broadcasting legend Vin Scully, how Steph Curry rains gloom and despair on his NBA opponents, and another lesson from Mr. Dubs' Neighborhood to round out another audio incarnation of the most interesting independent sports blog on the web.

  • EPISODE 36 - Radio J-Dub


    The first episode of Season Two of Radio J-Dub brings all kinds of new features to the audio incarnation of the most interesting independent sports blog on the web.

  • EPISODE 34 - Radio J-Dub


    When is "too soon" for jokes, how a supermarket made J-Dub a degenerate gambler, and the stupidity of the Oscar boycott.

  • EPISODE 33 - Radio J-Dub


    This week, J-Dub rants about "dumb" football fans and tells you stuff about the NFL's return to Los Angeles you probably didn't know.

  • EPISODE 32 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dubs talks Baseball Hall of Fame, the dynasty of the NDSU Bison, and why the NFL is putting such a crap product on the field.

  • EPISODE 31 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub takes us through the Final Five of JFI's NFL Coaches Death Watch from Dubsism.WordPress.Com...just in time for Black Monday. Which NFL Coaches are just Dead Men Walking?

  • EPISODE 30 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub is joined once again by Bruce Burns from sportsattitudes, and together they take a unique look at the college football bowl season.

  • EPISODE 29 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub Breaks down Cam Newton's MVP candidacy and explores the possibility that we can see the future of the NFL by looking at the history of the Soviet Union.

  • EPISODE 28 - Radio J-Dub


    The "Law and Order: Episode: J-Dub channels his inner Lenny Briscoe and builds a case against some criminals in the sporting world you may not have notices.

  • EPISODE 27 - Radio J-Dub


    Bruce Burns from sportsattitudes joins J-Dub to talk turkey about being a fan of the Philadelphia Eagles. Together these two represent almost a full century of Eagle fandom angst-filled experiences, and thanks to this podcast, you can share in the misery.

  • EPISODE 26 - Radio J-Dub


    This week's installment starts with how technology can bring up things you would normally never think of, and has a scalding hot take on Missouri head football coach Gary Pinkel.

  • EPISODE 25 - Radio J-Dub


    In today's episode, J-Dub talks about how the J-Dub Gambling Challenge is illustrating how much he doesn't understand the NFL anymore, largely because the NFL is pumping out a crap product, which leads to a hot take on the Greg Hardy situation you surely will never get from ESPN.

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