Radio J-dub



The sports blogosphere's answer to Radio Free Europe. Sports discussions you will never get from the likes of ESPN. Rated PC for language.


  • EPISODE 24- Radio J-Dub


    This installment of Radio J-Dub is all about one of the craziest nights ever in sports, then drops a seriously hot take on ESPN meddling with political agendas and why people who just blindly blame cops for everything need to shut their traps.

  • EPISODE 23 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub calls for an end to "Homerism" before something really ugly happens in this country, takes a look at why this upcoming World Series might be the most interesting we've seen in a while, offers a non-flattering view of the Los Angeles Dodgers, and thinks it's time to shatter some myths in the NFL, particularly when it comes to Rex Ryan and Bill Belichick.

  • EPISODE 22 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub goes all "hot take" on the Fan Duel/Draft Kings mess, play-off baseball, and the sudden departure of Steve Spurrier. In the last segment, J-Dub marks the ten-year anniversary of Penn State getting hosed out of a shot at the National Championship, and how that means what happened to Michigan last Saturday is a case "they got what they deserved."

  • EPISODE 21 - Radio J-Dub


    Have you ever written something on a blog or said something in a podcast that turned out to be so horribly wrong that you got buried in thousands of emails telling you how stupid you are? J-Dub has, and in today's podcast, he explores some topics where he did just that.

  • EPISODE 20 - Radio J-Dub


    The "Victim of Love" Episode, or what happens when all your teams are crap. J-Dub reverses his field on Liverpool head Brendan Rodgers, and does an epic monologue about stand-up comedy.

  • EPISODE 19 - Radio J-Dub


    It's time for a real college football play-off

  • EPISODE18 - Radio J-Dub


    Is it an "Emergency" for Brendan Rodgers in Liverpool, An examination of the Steve Sarkisain situation as it reflects on the American Sports Media, and a baseball update, complete with a painful story regarding J-Dub, the Los Angeles Angels, and the destruction of the front seat of a Camaro

  • EPISODE 17 - Radio J-Dub


    Today is all about story time with Uncle J-Dub. You hear why all soccer fans should be supporters of AFC Bournemouth, why it's time to look realistically at the baseball post-season, and J-Dub's first-hand account of why Rex Ryan will never get big-time free-agents to come to Buffalo.

  • EPISODE 16 - Radio J-Dub


    The sports world is full of stories. Most of them stopped being interesting a long time ago. J-Dub and Jason from Indiana break down some of those things which "jumped the shark" a long time ago. Plus, the end of the podcast becomes an improptu tribute to the late "Rowdy"Roddy Piper.

  • EPISODE 15 - Radio J-Dub


    Now that ESPN is rid of Keith Olbermann and Colin Cowherd, J-Dub and long-time Dubsist "Jason from Indiana" explore other things about ESPN that can go away as well.

  • EPISODE 14 - Radio J-Dub


    "Jason from Indiana" makes another guest appearance; this time to answer J-Dub's questions about the Chicago Cubs. There's also a bonus discussion about the designated hitter rule. The answer to the DH question Jason posed can be found at

  • EPISODE13- Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub calls out the American Sports Media and talks about his work with TurtleBoy Sports.

  • EPISODE 12 - Radio J-Dub


    Today's podcast is a rare departure from the world of sports, but it shares one of J-Dub's usual themes...using a narrative to drive an agenda, and why that isn't good for America.

  • EPISODE 11 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub realizes that the sports media in this country has a fundamental misunderstanding of the NBA, which leads to J-Dub discussing the real meaning of an MVP, and why Cleveland should hold a parade for the Cavaliers. fans.

  • EPISODE 10 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub has issues with the media's ever-changing narrative on LeBron James and makes a case for a big change on the use of instant replay in baseball.

  • EPISODE 9 - Radio J-Dub


    Usually, June marks the beginning of the "summertime slowdown" for sports, but not so much this year.

  • EPISODE 8 - Radio J-Dub


    J-Dub blows up a phony narrative being used to push this story for all the wrong reasons, and the real reason why Jenner should be looked at as a "trail blazer."

  • EPISODE 7 - Radio J-Dub


    In the continuation of Tales of Depression and Sorrow - J-Dub interviews an "old-school" fan of the New England Patriots, one who knew about the Patriots before the Brady-Belichick era, and one who could actually tell you who Mosi Tatupu was.

  • EPISODE 6 - Radio J-Dub


    A frank discussion about good "bad" coaches, and a preview of new head coach Dave Hakstol for Philadelphia Flyers fans

  • EPISODE 5 - Radio J-Dub


    In his return to podcasting, J-Dub talks about what else...Deflate-Gate.

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