Anders K Getting The Marketing Out There



Hi Anders Here, I have been in the background of my childhood friend Sven for a few years now in our business. I am doing this to put myself out there for all people like me who speak English with an accent and no training in recording themselves to get motivated and follow my example. I am one of those who have a degree (master in Chemical Engineering). and started online because the jobs they got were not what they planned, labwork is as dull as it sounds. I am also not very good at planning and consider setting goals and multitasking difficult. So if I can do it, so can you!


  • Packaging Your Offer to Increase Perceived Value

    06/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    This episode is about presenting your offer to increase the perceived value. One easy way to increase the perceived value of a car is future pacing. This is a fancy way of saying, let the person who is out looking for a new car go for a test drive. When driving the car, you will start noticing how it feels, smells and putting yourself in the position of owning it. And if you already have a car and like this one even more than your old one. This test drive may result in you buying is after realising how much better it fells than your old car.  Another good example is animal rescue. You are going there to find a pet say a dog. So you find a cute one and they let you take him home. If your experience is not a disaster, and your kids and wife absolutely adores the dog. There is no way that you are taking the dog back. You have bonded with it, and now started to feel how your life would be like as a dog owner. In other words, it is highly unlikely that this dog is returning to animal rescue again. I can tell

  • Offer Sequensing and how Offers Work

    05/03/2019 Duration: 04min

    If your offer is good and you send high quality traffic most of the will buy the offer, or at least opt in and buy it later. If the offer is bad, you will pay more for the traffic than you get in return. It is either the offer, the traffic or the story that is the reason if the offer is not converting. You want to have your best offer or product first. Say you have a store people go to before they go camping, presuming they already have a tent/mobile home or caravan. But they need to get food and cook it. A bad idea would be trying to sell the hotdogs first. A much better way to start is to ask them what grill they need, than go to charcoal, things needed to start a fire with the charcoal, accessories to flip burgers or hotdogs and finally bread and ketchup. So this is the end of today´s podcast, I hope that my terrible accent will inspire more people to follow my lead, Put yourself out there, people would rather hear your stories than about native speaking gurus talking about their pay checks... And if peopl

  • How you package the product matters & have an offer

    04/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    If you have the same product, containing the same information, how it is presented matters. You can pay $90 for a video course, but only pay $27 if it is as an audio or $15 including shipping to Europe from the US for a book. Yes, you are getting the same information (unless stating otherwise) for different price. Even if it is a digital product, how you present it matters. If you have no cover or a bad looking one for the product it will not sell. Having a cover designed that looks like covers of a book or casing of a DVD or a computer program increase the perceived value a lot. You may also put in a tutorial for free, if you had a hard time learning to use the product. This would give you an advantage compared to the others having the same offer. A god way to increase perceived value is to add a physical product to your offer, it could be a cup or a T-shirt that is related to the product. By doing so the person buying from you would feel that his value just skyrocketed compared to just getting a digital pro

  • A Great Offer is better than a Great Product

    03/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    The three mayor industries are Health. Wealth and Relationships. Internet marketing, making money online is the wealth industry. A few steps down from these three for example wealth-internet marketing-internet marketing using paid advertising, the last in the chain is known as a niche. Going one step down for example doing affiliate marketing using paid ads is a sub-niche. When it comes to products, they are the hero of what you put out there. But focusing on the hero puts you in the price game. So with the smallest margin you can be the cheapest and live miserably even though you are selling good. Being the second cheapest is a waste of time, might as well be the most expensive. But if you have some other things around the product you get a dramatic change. Nobody would by a white nondescript used white cup for $10-20. But if you would get a cup of tea/coffee together with a big serving my popular Swedish Browny/chocolate cake (kladdkaka) served with fresh raspberries and whipped cream served at a table with

  • Marketing vs Sales, Do not waste time on things that you do not like to save pennies.

    02/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    I have known the difference of marketing and sales in my heart for a long time now, but not been able to put it into words. I am doing this episode to help all the people getting this wrong as they start out in marketing. Marketing can be seen as the road that starts when the customer discover the offer til customer satisfaction after buying. So marketing takes the mindset of the customer on a journey, a story after which he/she has tested out the message in the story and decided, wow I gotta have this. A good marketer sees that what the consumer gets is what they want and solves all the troubles the product itself causes. Sales is the transport along the road made up by the marketer. So a salesman uses the message and offer generated by the marketer to make a sale. If the marketer is good, everybody can become a great salesman as the deal is a no-brainer. People selling over the phone are called telemarketers. The reason is, many times the marketer has done a poor job, or the script is not right for the one

  • Model it or you may end up doing a product that the market is not ready for. Listen to the right people

    01/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    If you think that you need a break through product to succeed is wrong. If the market is not ready for it, you will not be able to sell it. So revolutionary products need great marketers.  A smarter solution is to find something that already sells and see what you think the product is missing. You may either model the outline, not copy! How are they selling the product to you and what ads are they using? and go make a better one.  Or you can make a bonus product that you sell together with the original product. So buy the product and try it out, not for one hour, but give it your best shot. If it does not work or is a scam, use PayPal to get refund.  If you think sales happens without doing nothing, grow up. In order to do Internet marketing, YOU NEED TO LEARN and APPLY MARKETING. If you not, go to an online casino or vegas. I have not seen a successful online butlering service yet... In marketing you need to be able to tell good stories, to get the outline, watch a Disney movie if you wan

  • Opportunity Cost and Outsourcing

    28/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    Hi Anders here, this episode is about asking the question who instead of how. Think about designing your logo for example, you may learn it and do it in 10 hours. You will probably get a mediocre result. Or you hire a pro online who does it for $40-70 and use your time to do something else.  Hey do it yourself $7 an hour, I am not working for anyone at that price. Moreover, the time you spend on your logo could be used to do something that gives better return of investment in your time.  You can think of the example of getting a contractor to make a house. He knows how to get the things done, but he still hires people to do the electricity, plumbing, making the foundation and so on. He has outsourced it to people who does a better job at it than him. He just knows and hires the right people and get everything together. I am way better for example on explaining with text than talking. I describe mailing list as postboxes offline, and you usually get ads every week with offers in your mailbox. This ca

  • Handelling failure and obstacles

    27/02/2019 Duration: 08min

    This episode is to show you how I use my shortcomings to motivate myself. The power of learning from failure and using the frustration of shortcomings to work harder to get to where I want to be. It propels me like rocket fuel to get the things done. Putting the episodes up here while I am doing the 30day One Funnel Away Challenge is really awkward for me.  But I am doing this to show that imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.  Failure is how you learn things, embrace it and when you hit an obstacle, you know that you are on the right way. Yes, obstacles shows you that you are treading the ground that most people avoid.  You have, friends, other people, google and YouTube so you can always find ways around your obstacles. I hope that my story inspire you to follow my footsteps and that by doing so you will create your own success.

  • Intro and Background, Why I Do This

    26/02/2019 Duration: 03min

    My background online. I hope my story would inspire more engineers who are not getting the exciting jobs they hope for listen to this. I also hope that people who speak English with an accent like me, who are afraid to put themselves out there get inspired by me and dare to follow my path.  Yes I am not trained at speaking on podcasts, listen if you do not believe me. I started online because I do not belong in a lab and to work with my childhood friend Sven. I have done work in the background for a few years in his company, including many blogposts.  But even if I know a lot about marketing, I am still struggling with podcasting and building my name online. I am just starting 30 days of concentrated work to become better at this, but it is only the beginning of my journey in podcasting, I want to show you that anybody who wants to help people reaching success can do this, no matter how bad your first episode sounds...

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