Anders K Getting The Marketing Out There

Opportunity Cost and Outsourcing



Hi Anders here, this episode is about asking the question who instead of how. Think about designing your logo for example, you may learn it and do it in 10 hours. You will probably get a mediocre result. Or you hire a pro online who does it for $40-70 and use your time to do something else.  Hey do it yourself $7 an hour, I am not working for anyone at that price. Moreover, the time you spend on your logo could be used to do something that gives better return of investment in your time.  You can think of the example of getting a contractor to make a house. He knows how to get the things done, but he still hires people to do the electricity, plumbing, making the foundation and so on. He has outsourced it to people who does a better job at it than him. He just knows and hires the right people and get everything together. I am way better for example on explaining with text than talking. I describe mailing list as postboxes offline, and you usually get ads every week with offers in your mailbox. This ca