Anders K Getting The Marketing Out There

Handelling failure and obstacles



This episode is to show you how I use my shortcomings to motivate myself. The power of learning from failure and using the frustration of shortcomings to work harder to get to where I want to be. It propels me like rocket fuel to get the things done. Putting the episodes up here while I am doing the 30day One Funnel Away Challenge is really awkward for me.  But I am doing this to show that imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.  Failure is how you learn things, embrace it and when you hit an obstacle, you know that you are on the right way. Yes, obstacles shows you that you are treading the ground that most people avoid.  You have, friends, other people, google and YouTube so you can always find ways around your obstacles. I hope that my story inspire you to follow my footsteps and that by doing so you will create your own success.