Clear The Clutter



Teaching you how to clear the clutter in you Life, Home, Brain, Calendar. To finally get what you really are craving. More time to do what lights you up. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • EP 38: The maintenance of elevating into overflow

    22/09/2021 Duration: 37min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Maintenance gets a bad rap. We are brainwashed that its wrong and hard to maintain something we desire or crave. But, its so funny, because maintenance is how I've made my living for the past few years.  We are taught that there is nothing sexy about maintaining our bodies, cars, houses or relationships. That if its work, then we are doing something wrong.  Hell, depending on what Facebook group your in, work the new curse word. Instead, everything should just click naturally. God forbid if things are not flowing and are full of grace. You would have to have something wrong with you. Because, when it doesn't flow, then your not in alignment or on the right path. Well in todays podcast I'm going to challenge that myth that there is something wrong with maintenance. I also talk about one of my favorite books, The compound effect. I'll take you into my view point of what makes maintenance "hard", and how to fix that.  Then show you the magic

  • EP 37: The #1 tool that helped me change my money mindset

    09/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes I believe in timeless principles. I believe in doing it once, right and then moving on. I believe in the energy of overflow. But, I didn't always believe this.  I use to believe in lack and sacrifice. I use to believe that there was never enough. That I wasnt enough.  That because I was missing that "thing"  I couldn't make money and change our lives. Today I dive into the #1 tool that helped me change my money mindset. Of course, I have the journal prompts below to help you out too. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 36. Becoming the Wealthy Woman

    25/08/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes >>Wealthy Woman Vibe<< Ill go into my belief around who she is in the podcast more. But know that for me: she is able to take care of her family emotionally and financially she doesn’t cap her income she has more than enough money for all her desires. she is wealthy and carefree. she has her credit cards paid off all year long she has enough money to put into savings and also have a vacation fund. Not choose one or the other. Resources & links: --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 35. How I elevated into overflow

    11/03/2021 Duration: 54min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Today's podcast episode goes into the nitty gritty of How I elevated into overflow. And yes, I teared up a bit sharing my story. I knew that I was capable of so much more than I give myself credit for. I was here to create, to share my gifts with the world, and to make a damn fine living in the process. But my mindset around money was messy. I was a hard worker, but could never KEEP any of it. I was always end up with a big bill or expense that would wipe us back out to scratch. I’ve talked about how Ben was always the person who got us out of jams. But I was tired of always putting the pressure on him. I couldn’t weld or do side hustles like him. My ebay and craigslist game back in the day was weak. But what I alway felt more comfortable with was earning around a traditional 9-5 job. So I worked my ass off to change my mindset that I could get better paying jobs. That I could get side gigs that would pay me well. I knew that I was my biggest obstacle, I was

  • EP 34: Manifesting your desires while afraid

    02/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Its ok to manifest your desires, and dream big. But what most people won't admit to is that they are doing the really big stuff afraid. Shocking right???  So that blogger that you admire from afar, she is launching and selling while afraid.  That person you admire in the gym? Yup same, they started out afraid and probably didn't know what machines to workout on to get the best bang for their buck. But what they dont admin (most of the time) is the actual steps they use to to manifest their desires WHILE being afraid.  Being afraid doesn't meant sitting on your hands and doing nothing.  Sometimes it means that you need support. Sometimes it means that you just are not clear on you goals. And sometimes it just means that you need to take inspired action to move through the fear.  In this episode, I go through the steps I use to always manifest the things that I want, regardless of being afraid.  --- Support this podcast: https://

  • EP 33.Secret Launch & How I broke my arm

    20/02/2021 Duration: 48min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I'm so excited to publish the first episode of 2021! You might not know this, but that was the first time I had EVER talked about how I broke arm. Yea, don’t get me wrong. I’ve told extended family and close friends that story. But, I haven’t told anyone else the FULL story. Including the back story of how Ben use to bail us out of tight spots. I definitely didn’t tell anyone about how I use to Uber or cut grass to try and bring in extra money. Plus I give out the detail about my "secret launch" I have always struggled with being to private of a person. I joke all the time that I remember life before the internet and that awful sound that dial up use to make as a kid. (BTW I'm only 32, but still). This launch is taking me so far outside of my comfort zone in regards to sharing HOW I GOT HERE, that its crazy. But with the INTENSE time we all have been going through the last year.  I couldn't  just stand by any longer and do nothing.  I felt

  • EP 32: How delegating makes you more money

    04/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I knew that I couldn't do everything myself. But Instead of taking advantage of the help that I was offered from employees and family.  I would just give them bullshit tasks and keep the "bigger" ones for myself. I liked the big wins and looking like I could manage a ton of things on my own. What eventually happened is that my tasks became too much and I started making stupid mistakes because I was juggling too much on my own. So when I was ready to shift around this idea.  I did what I do best and linked it to money. If you have listened to any of my podcast episodes or read any of my blogs. You know that I love making money and believe that we truly can never have enough. So i started thinking why not use this as a tool to make me even more money and not just as a way to pacify people that I was not taking it all on. I deeply believe that we suck at focusing on the true purpose of delegating. Most people focus on delegating one-time tasks.  T

  • EP 31: How to stop self-sabotaging money and support coming into your life.

    07/05/2020 Duration: 30min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I've talked about my favorite question a few times.  What would this look like if it was easy?  Well in today's episode I'm going to take you to the next level of that question. Am I sabotaging the support and income opportunities that's currently trying to come into my life? You might be wondering why I'm talking about support and income when I'm trying to make your life easier? Well, when most of us move over to our next level we start to hit that magical upper limit of success ceiling.   For some people, it's all about being the only person that can do it all.  And, therefore never taking any help. For others, it can be that we make things super messy when it comes to earning extra income. But both ways of sabotaging comes down to one simple thing.  We don't believe it can be easy and that we have to struggle.  So since we're used to struggling, we find a new way to make our life hard again. Today episode goes even fu

  • EP 30: How to always produce results even when you feel unmotivated.

    04/05/2020 Duration: 35min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Have you ever wondered why there are just some people that seem to get it "all" done?  That they have everything always flowing for them and they never miss a beat? Well unless those people have like a million personal assistants, they are doing something different than you.  Here is there secret.  They are only doing the 20% that gets results and they delegate the rest. So before you come at me with pitchforks, that life is possible.  But you have to get really clear on what your 20% looks like.  And, I'm here to break it to you that most of the time we are not doing the 20% that why our results or 80% is not what we want. In today's episode, I go over a ton of examples of getting your 20% when it comes to relationships, saving for a home, work, and even your health. Plus you have the journal prompts below to apply this to your own life.  And after listening to this podcast. If you want to dive deeper, I linked up to one of my fa

  • EP 29: Turning your existing skills into cash in the bank

    30/04/2020 Duration: 27min

    Episode + Journal Prompts In today's episode, I talk about taking an existing skill you have and breaking through the block that is preventing you from getting paid for that skill. My belief is that we all have a set of skills that we take for granted. But what I don't understand is why can't we get paid for it?  What do we have to make getting paid so hard? Most of you have a skill that has you already 80% of the way there? Why not get paid for it? This is where most of you would answer me that earning money cant be easy or you don't deserve it.  But I would challenge you to see if that's ultimately true?  Does making money have to be hard? Also, not all skills have to replace your fulltime income.  It's ok to have a skill that only brings in a few hundred dollars a month.  It's better to start small and make some type of extra income instead of none at all.  Now, if you are already making money and want to make your life easier.  That's where someon

  • EP 28: How to rest during a pandemic or catastrophic event

    16/04/2020 Duration: 22min

    Episode + Journal Prompts ⁠ On today's episode, I give my perspective on how I'm dealing with the covid-19 virus.  But as always I am going deeper than just what we are all dealing with now. Regardless of when you are listening to this episode. It can be now, live, during the covid-19 pandemic.  Or it can be during an extremely stressful time in your life.  The circumstances doesn't matter.  What matters is that I go over some timeless principles that you can use to get grounded and centered. What am I trying to get you grounded and centered?  Well, when you are well-rested and not full of stress hormones, you have the brain juice to make the tough decisions with grace. Which means a lot when you have extra stress on your plate. These are the exact methods that I have used when my husband and I both faced extreme health crisis during our marriage.  It's also the tools that I have used to deal with death in the family and unrealistic stress and anxiet

  • EP 27: How to maintaining your new levels of success

    05/10/2019 Duration: 55min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Have you ever had a few weeks or even a month when everything is going AMAZING? Your job is on point, your bills are right where you expect them to be. You have more than enough time for friends and family. Most of all you have enough time for yourself too. You're on top of the world and then you start thinking that this is not possible to maintain. That life can't always be this good. There always has to be friction and stress and frustration in your life. Well outside of a crazy family emergency, your daily life is your choice. What most people don't understand is that they have just created some bad habits. They don't know or even expect to maintain their current levels of success. In reality, it's 100% possible to maintain new levels of success and freedom. As long as you do two things. Identify what's working and make an action plan to fix what's not. It really can be that simple. In this episode I uncover: how to identify when you have reached a n

  • EP 26: How to stop reinventing the wheel.

    01/10/2019 Duration: 43min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I’m here you giving you permission to stop doing unnecessary tasks that take up your valuable time. It’s ok to stop rewriting that same follow-up email that you send out a million times a month, from scratch. I’m here to tell you to put down the grocery list that you make from scratch each week only to write down the same things over and over again. There is this big reward for always being busy. But I am always willing to argue that people that don’t simplify their tasks are just afraid of not being busy. Because if they weren’t busy then they would have to level up. Not everyone is ready to level up. But if you’ve made it this far in listening to me that you are the one that’s raised your hand and said yes. Leveling up means that things have to change. We must shed our old task, objections, and beliefs to make way for new ones that serve us and move us forward. To do that calmly means that we have to create space in our life for the things we want. It’s hard

  • EP 25: How to make decisions that move you forward in life.

    28/09/2019 Duration: 29min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Do you ever wonder how some people just don’t seem to have a ton of stuff on their plate? Wouldn’t it be nice to stop filling our brains and schedules that we have to pay for over and over again? Today I dive into a topic that helps us all get out of our own way. It’s not about saying no more. Instead, I take you through examples you can use at work and at home. Why? Well, I am invested in you having more time with your family, your loved ones and your craft. The only way that’s going to happen is if you get out of your own way. Don’t worry, If your thinking that all your time is taken up by your job or by your family obligations. I have that covered too. This podcast episode might be one with the most examples to date! I clear up the misconceptions around what moving forward in life actually looks like. How to identify questions so you don’t make the same decision twice. And, what the practical part of doing this with your family, friends, and coworkers

  • EP 24: Back to the land of the Living + honoring the grieving process

    04/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Archiving Love Course Its been a while since I recorded this podcast. You might have been wondering what happened to me? Did I fall off the face of the earth? Did I get overwhelmed? Did I get eaten by a 10000 mosquito?  While the mosquito one is mostly true. They are crazy and fierce during this time in Florida, there is a deeper story. Part of it was that I just wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to deal with the grief I had gone through. But also it felt dishonest to not record an episode about this. There were so many times that I wanted to just "skip" this episode and not admit what had happened. But that would have been hiding and I don't hide. Instead, I said the prayer over and over to everyone above that my grief could be helpful to someone else. That my pain was not pointless. For that to have happened, I gifted myself two things. Time and Honesty. In this episode I go deep into my personal life about: Why I was gone for so long What I learned from

  • EP 23: Upgrading your todo list to projects closed list.

    03/05/2019 Duration: 34min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I was chatting with one of my girlfriends a few weeks ago. But all I could do was complain that I never seemed to get anything off my plate.  I was so frustrated, because even though I am a smart accomplished woman. I was treading water with about 10 tasks that were literally taking months too long to get done. So I started asking myself a different question.  It's one that is the undercurrent in the whole podcast.  It also was my game changer to go from a person treading water to someone that actually gets shit done. In this episode I dive into how to turn your to-do list into projects closed list. Why this will make you more money at work. Plus, how this build an important muscle for your future self. Hopefully, you listened to this podcast and do the journal prompts at the same time.  This podcast episode is designed to move you forward in life.  Its also going to give you more time back.  And who doesn't want more time to do t

  • EP 22: The difference between loving yourself and self-care.

    29/04/2019 Duration: 30min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Sure self-care is hot right now. But self-care and loving yourself are not the same thing.  As frustrating as it is to see another 50 ideas of self-care.  There is some truth to it. Most women are not taking care of themselves. Let along putting themselves as a priority.  Which gets me slightly crazy, because what we mimic and show to the world is what we value.  Its also just really bad habits that we are showing our kids.   Why would we want them to mimic us in our constantly frazzled state? In this episode I dive deep into the difference between loving your self and self-care. I help you identifying gaps in both worlds, along with healthy boundaries. This episode has crazy amounts of examples can help you understand the difference.  I also want to encourage you to start having this conversation with your girlfriends and family. Don't let this stop with you. Teach your sons, daughters, and spouses that we ALL should be prio

  • EP 21: Discovering your non-negotiables around work & home.

    22/04/2019 Duration: 50min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Have you ever been asked what your non-negotiables were? I have. The worst part was that I couldn't give you any really good ones. What was even worse than not having an answer was that I kept confusing my boundaries with my non-negotiables. They were the same thing. Right? Instead of taking the time to sit down and discover my non-negotiables, which were different from my boundaries. I kept flailing around, wasting time and energy on defending my wishy-washy beliefs. Then getting mad when they were not honored by others. Regardless that I couldn't honor them myself. In this episode I go over the difference between a boundary and a non-negotiable. I know that giving 2 different sets of examples for both home and work will help shift you in the right direction. When you are going over and writing out the journal prompts, don't forget to focus on what's going to move you forward in life. Your future self will thank you. --- Support this podcast: https://ancho

  • EP 20: How to create healthy boundaries around tech.

    19/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I use to check my phone every five minutes. I couldn't go anywhere without it.  Being online when from a way I created a community to an obsession. I believe that we are all addicted to technology right now,  but no one is talking about it. Instead of joining another social media platform.   Why don't we question the real reason to be on it in the first place.  Instead of running out to get the latest phone, for upgrade sakes.  Why don't we prioritize the things that are important to us and base our purchases from that. In this episode I go over how to set your own healthy boundaries around tech. Why having boundaries is important for our health. Plus, key questions to ask yourself to see what you can get rid of and what needs to stay. It might sound like I'm anti-tech.  That's the furthest thing from the truth.  But what I am trying to champion is that we have a healthy relationship with our electronic devices. Instead

  • EP 19: How to ask for what you want.

    15/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    Episode + Journal Prompts We are not trained to ask for what we want.  Most western cultures have this crazy double standard for achievement.  If you are wanting what is socially normal or acceptable, then cool.  Ask away. But asking for that raise or a better home for your family, that breaks social norms.  Then you're getting "to big for your britches".   Its this crazy double standard that we don't have to opt into anymore. In this episode I go over how to identify what you want. I also go through the scenarios of building up to the ask. And, why having confidence thats facts based and sold is important. Asking for what  you want is not selfish or greedy.  Instead its a way to make sure that you and your family are provided for.  While also giving you the resources to provide for others too. --- Support this podcast:

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