Clear The Clutter



Teaching you how to clear the clutter in you Life, Home, Brain, Calendar. To finally get what you really are craving. More time to do what lights you up. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • EP 18: Learning to care for your future self.

    12/04/2019 Duration: 50min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Our society is not designed to think about our future self.  I can bet you that most of us don't even know what a future self is.  Let alone how to care for one. What if, instead of thinking that we will always have endless resources and time on our hands.  We planned.  We cleared up our schedule.  We took things off our plate that didn't matter. We made time and space for the things that moved us forward in life. But only in a loving, non judgmental way. In this episode I uncover: What is the goal that would best help your future self? What's taking your time and getting in the way of that? What baby steps can you implement today? Now that you have the tools to care for your future self , what's going to change in you life?  What are you going to say no to?  What are you going to simplify?  What are you going to move around?  How will you make the future easier for yourself and family? Use the journal prompt

  • EP 17: The importance of creating space and learning how to sit still.

    08/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    Episode + Journal Prompts We are all  overwhelmed with messages to do more.   Buy more.  Spend more time online.  But for what. Of course we know that the people selling us these ads, just want to make money off us.  But it's deeper than that.   If your in the US we are all living in a culture that needs to do more and spend more.  Do more because we have to keep up with the latest trends.  Spend more because we need to have the latest gadgets.  But no one really talks about sitting still.  It's gotten to the point that most of us don't even know how to sit still.  --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 16: What is the ultimate truth and how to create new truth's.

    05/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    Episode + Journal Prompts It hit me light lighting.  I was done.   I didn't want to spend any more time thinking about it.  I wanted to get my 6-10 hours a month back. But could I really do this. Yeah, sure other people had gotten out of credit card debt and never went back.   But could that be me? But I couldn't deny the feeling that id had for months.  That I was done and ready to never think/ juggle credit card debt again.  It was my new ultimate truth. In this episode I uncovered how to discover what is a crappy ultimate truth. What signs to look for when your ready to change your truth. Along with how to change it to a good one, permanently. I also take you behind the scenes in how I processed my credit card debt. Ultimate truth. Let me say this though.  Its not about the debt.  My credit card debt, could be your bad habit X.   So when listening to podcast episode,  If credit card debt doesn't ring true to you.  

  • EP 15: How to set new energetic minimums and maximums.

    01/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    Episode + Journal Prompts This is and will always be my favorite episode. As I always talk about in my episodes, there is always an easier and better way to achieve your goals. But what most people don't pay attention to there base levels of beliefs systems. Today's podcast is talking about setting new energetic minimums and maximums. It's the other half of the equation that most people don't know about. Let alone even talk about or focus on fixing. An energetic minimum is what you literally and physically willing to put up with. An energetic maximum is pushing the very limits of what you can image is possible. Going through life its easy to pick up conscious and unconscious beliefs that influence the decisions we make. Wanting a new job or a promotion? Your belief system is going to play a part in believing if your worthy before you even apply for the bump. What to get rid of toxic friends and habits. Your belief systems is going to be there telling you if its easy or hard to do that.

  • EP 14: How to bust through limiting beliefs that hold you back.

    19/02/2019 Duration: 32min

    Episode + Journal Prompts If what we want to achieve our big goals, then we need to make it easy to get there.  Yes, there will be things that we need to overcome.  There are going to be struggles and dark nights of the soul. But It doesn't always have to be so difficult.  Just like a pro athlete, taking care of yourself and having tools that make it easier is key. Even before I knew the tools that I have access to now.  I always had this belief that there has to be an "easier" way to do things.  As a kid, I loved reading biography's and other "how to's"  to take advantage of any short cut that I could to my goal. So over the years I have taken all the little snippets and fragments of tools that worked for others. Then created a simplified process to change my belief process. In this episode I show you how to ask if the "thing" is ultimately true. How to write a new story and then create mantras that everyone can get behind.  All in the effort of call

  • EP 13: How to shop your home and feel like you just won a luxury home makeover

    18/02/2019 Duration: 35min

    Episode + Journal Prompts If the goal is to always move up and constantly achieve our goals. Then clutter is the literal friction that gets in our way. In last weeks podcast episode I go over some simple and inexpensive ways to clear clutter and prevent duplicate purchases. But what about involving other people in this process? Getting anyone in your family to participate in keeping a home clean doesn't have to be a gargantuan effort. It doesn't matter if its your husband, kids or roommates. Its all about the approach, instead of using threats or just "doing it all yourself". I wrap this up with giving a little tip on how to create "reminder" areas to always make sure things get put away,  especially if its not by you. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 12: How to see what you actually have (no more duplicate purchases)

    17/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Clutter drives me nuts! Not only is it a super easy way to waste time and money. But it also is a way to stay small. When you are wasting time looking for things, it does more than slow you down. It leads to duplicate purchases, stressful, desperate searching for things that you just saw. Also, unnecessary stress looking for things should be making your life easier. Clutter is a physical and metal issue. The more unnecessary stuff you have in your home or work area. The more everything is slowed down. Your goals and dreams take longer. Your life is more stressful. Today, I am talking walking you through the process of seeing what you actually have (no more duplicate purchases). In this episode I go over some super easy ways to find and solve the areas that frustrate you. Plus, you will get my easy ways to handle storing your stuff and making it Better Homes & Gardens worthy. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 11: What's the most cluttered & frustrating room in your home?

    16/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Lets start this off with a bang! By answering those two questions will tell you alot about your home.  It will tell you how you currently feel about your home . But more so, how you want to feel going forward. What sparked this was a facbook group question I posted. ---What's the 1 most cluttered place in your home that frustrates you the most?--- Little did i expect to have over 70 responses in this group and at the time of me writing this. Its still going strong!! You may not realize it, but clearing the clutter out of you home is a spiritual thing.  We depend on our home to keep us safe on top of the status it fulfills. Hello keeping up with the jones.  But what we dont realize is that we should be treating the house like a living breathing thing. Its a creature that needs love and support.  Its a creature that should not be neglected. You can tell how far off the mark you are, by your answers from above. Do they match? If not, then ther

  • EP 10: How to build your dream support team.

    06/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    Episode + Journal Prompts I believe that asking for help is a huge missed opportunity that not enough people are talking about. Instead of asking for help, we have this culture that we can and should do it all ourselves.  But most often doing it all ourselves leads to frustration and lost time. Its not that we might lose time on the project. But that we are losing leisure time, time with our kids or furbabies.  Time with our loved ones. So this podcast is dedicated to helping you ask better questions to build your dream team. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 9: How to collapse time to get what you want. (Birthday edition)

    28/01/2019 Duration: 26min

    Episode + Journal Prompts It's my 30th birthday! To celebrate I wanted to talk about the exercise I use to collapse time and get to my goals much faster than people expect. It doesn't have to take years to get where you want. You just have to know what the end results look like. In this podcast we go over my strategy to drastically cut down the time it take to hit your goals using these 4 steps. Set the goal (be excited but unsure of how you will make the goal happen) Focus on the tangible. (What 1 thing can you do today to move you closer toward the goal?) Get rid of the minutia (clear the clutter!!. The less clutter in the way of your goal. The faster your goal can get to you.) Surrender to the unknown.  ( You don't have to know all the steps to hit your goal.) Don't forget to check out the journal prompts to get started creating your goal faster than you ever thought possible. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 8: What would this look like if it was easy?

    25/01/2019 Duration: 42min

    Episode + Journal Prompts It all started with a question.  I was listening to a live stream from one of my favorite people and this question rocked my world. What would this look like if it was easy? It was like lightening went off in my brain. I had always know that the "key" to success in life was asking better questions. But I never thought of ANYTHING being easy. I thought that if it was easy, then I didn't deserve it.  That the only way things would stay in my life, like money or joy is if I worked really hard for it. It's not surprising that I thought this way when everyone I knew always made it a point to talk smack about anyone that "had it easy".   It was the same story.  If it was easy, then they didn't deserve their money or success. So you can see why this one question rocked my world.  Listen to today's podcast to learn more about the two biggest questions I am constantly asking myself and family. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 7: What to do when obligations turn into overwhelm.

    23/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    Episode + Journal Prompts There is this weird thing that we as a society don't talk about.  Most of us are addicted to social media but we can't answer why. We can't answer what we are getting out of it.   Or why we get online basically every five minutes.  We cant even answer why we are REALLY posting another picture of our food. All of this "obligation" to social media is keeping us stuck and making some of us sick. In this podcast episode I tell the story of a best friend and how obligations to a platform made her life hell. I also go into the story of how I shifted my mindset around social media. Along with the four questions I now ask anyone that is ready to go on a break. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 6: How to live an intentional life.

    21/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Living an intentional life for me didn't come easy.  In this podcast, I go over my story of how I started this journey over 7 years ago. But just because that is my story doesn't mean that it has to be your story too.  I go over a bunch of resources and tip that can help you shorten your journey. Everything from exploring idea of how you want to live your life. Even when you dont know how to start. All the way to helping teach people in your life of how you want to be treated. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 5: How to ask for help and actually get it

    09/01/2019 Duration: 22min

    Episode + Journal Prompts This podcast is probably not going to be for the faint of heart.  In this episode I get raw around the biggest issues I see around people not asking for help. Regardless if you think that you are not worthy of help. Or just don't know the right words to say to actually get help. I have some great examples in this episode for you. I go over what I feel is the three biggest issues around asking for help. Why are you not asking for help Learning to deal worthy for help What is really frustrating you Here is to asking for help. Feeling worthy and getting more things done. So you can do what really matters most.  Spending time how you really want it. Not just on the minutia of life. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 4: How to set new years resolutions

    31/12/2018 Duration: 23min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Since its the new year. I have a few questions to ask yourself before setting new year resolution goals. Instead of setting the same boring goals that everyone does. I'm not a fan of setting goals just because everyone else is doing them. I also hate it when people set goals but there is not meaning or passion behind them.   Why not take it up a notch.  Why not dream bigger and think bigger.  Why not have your life look more like that hidden pinterest board you have. Now, goals don't only have to be set on new years.  I've set them on my birthday or when I had a big life change.  Its always a good time to set a new goal.  The primary goal is to feel good. So with that being said. Here are the questions below. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 3: All you need is a 15 minute power clean

    17/12/2018 Duration: 13min

    Episode + Journal Prompts We all want to have a clean home 24/7. But some days all we have is 15 minutes.  Todays podcast, ill be going over the benefits of a power clean. keep clutter to a minimum retrains your brain to love small wins Lets you identify clutter much easier I also go into what inspired me to start the 15 minute power clean. Along with a few examples of other areas in your life that you can uset this life changing skill. --- Support this podcast:

  • EP 2: Breaking up overwhelming tasks

    10/12/2018 Duration: 34min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Have you ever gotten to a point in the week that you can’t tell which way was up? That there are so many tasks that need to be done, but no matter how much you work you don’t feel like you can keep up. This weeks podcast deals with overwhelm. I also have a super handy template in evernote that you can use to make life simpler. If your thinking that you have tried EVERYTHING before to get things out of your head. I bet you haven’t tried this. This is my simple and portable system that I use to get things out of my head and onto a checklist. When you are listening to the podcast and creating you own list. Remember two things. First, that no matter how big or small your brain dump is doesn’t make you a bad person. Second, things that don’t get written down most of the time don’t get accomplished. I talk alot about evernote in this podcast because im a major fan of keeping things simple. I use to try paper list in the past, but then when I was at the grocery store

  • EP 1: Guiding Principles to Clearing up Clutter

    06/12/2018 Duration: 10min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes As, I promised a few weeks ago. I have been creating a podcast for you. It will be diving deep into how I have cleared clutter, both mentally and physically. In my own life i’ve been craving more space and more time. I’ve been lucky over the years to have come across some amazing resources, but was super sad that they just didn’t seem to be that popular. Instead everyone was so worried about hustling more and staying up 24/7.  I have been there and done that. I had hustled myself until I got sick and still went into work. I have pulled 18 hour days and busted my ass. But what the “hustlers” don’t tell you is that its not sustainab

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