Clear The Clutter

EP 28: How to rest during a pandemic or catastrophic event



Episode + Journal Prompts ⁠ On today's episode, I give my perspective on how I'm dealing with the covid-19 virus.  But as always I am going deeper than just what we are all dealing with now. Regardless of when you are listening to this episode. It can be now, live, during the covid-19 pandemic.  Or it can be during an extremely stressful time in your life.  The circumstances doesn't matter.  What matters is that I go over some timeless principles that you can use to get grounded and centered. What am I trying to get you grounded and centered?  Well, when you are well-rested and not full of stress hormones, you have the brain juice to make the tough decisions with grace. Which means a lot when you have extra stress on your plate. These are the exact methods that I have used when my husband and I both faced extreme health crisis during our marriage.  It's also the tools that I have used to deal with death in the family and unrealistic stress and anxiet