Clear The Clutter

EP 33.Secret Launch & How I broke my arm



Episode + Journal Prompts I'm so excited to publish the first episode of 2021! You might not know this, but that was the first time I had EVER talked about how I broke arm. Yea, don’t get me wrong. I’ve told extended family and close friends that story. But, I haven’t told anyone else the FULL story. Including the back story of how Ben use to bail us out of tight spots. I definitely didn’t tell anyone about how I use to Uber or cut grass to try and bring in extra money. Plus I give out the detail about my "secret launch" I have always struggled with being to private of a person. I joke all the time that I remember life before the internet and that awful sound that dial up use to make as a kid. (BTW I'm only 32, but still). This launch is taking me so far outside of my comfort zone in regards to sharing HOW I GOT HERE, that its crazy. But with the INTENSE time we all have been going through the last year.  I couldn't  just stand by any longer and do nothing.  I felt