Clear The Clutter

EP 30: How to always produce results even when you feel unmotivated.



Episode + Journal Prompts Have you ever wondered why there are just some people that seem to get it "all" done?  That they have everything always flowing for them and they never miss a beat? Well unless those people have like a million personal assistants, they are doing something different than you.  Here is there secret.  They are only doing the 20% that gets results and they delegate the rest. So before you come at me with pitchforks, that life is possible.  But you have to get really clear on what your 20% looks like.  And, I'm here to break it to you that most of the time we are not doing the 20% that why our results or 80% is not what we want. In today's episode, I go over a ton of examples of getting your 20% when it comes to relationships, saving for a home, work, and even your health. Plus you have the journal prompts below to apply this to your own life.  And after listening to this podcast. If you want to dive deeper, I linked up to one of my fa