Clear The Clutter

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 48:46:01
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Teaching you how to clear the clutter in you Life, Home, Brain, Calendar. To finally get what you really are craving. More time to do what lights you up. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • EP 58: Who is benefiting from you staying small

    07/04/2022 Duration: 42min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes Have you been feeling the "calling" to go bigger? To show up and a bolder way?  To go after the thing that has been on your head, heart and pinterest board for a while now? Or is it just me.  Lately I have been feeling this deep sensation that is almost pulling me forward. At first, I was reaching out to one of my besties and seeing if it was something in my astrology chart. And while there a bigger calling in my stars, its more than that.  Last time I felt this feeling, within 4 months we sold our motorcycle shop and moved 3 hours south.  It was like hitting turbo boost on changing our lives for the better. Of course it was sc

  • EP 57: How to develop unshakable faith.

    31/03/2022 Duration: 31min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes I am always surprised when episodes seem to find there perfect timing. Todays episode is about developing unshakable faith in yourself. Its so easy to get discouraged with everything that is changing right now. Gas is crazy expensive, we don't know what the new normal looks like. Housing and interest rates are like a mini roller coaster. But through out all of this. I have faith. Not just faith in a job or in money or the economy. But in me. That I will always show up. That I will always do the work That I will always bring my A game Because of that mindset, its lead me to opportunities, that on paper never should have happ

  • EP 56: How to set boundaries to save your sanity

    24/03/2022 Duration: 30min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes For most of us, we have been going STRONG for the last two years.  Regardless of what your home and work life looked like. Or even how often it changed on you.  You stepped up to the change that we have collectively experienced. But we have gotten lost in the process. I feel that we are collectively getting back into that burn our stage. Which can be such a dark place that is hard to come back from. Every time I have been burnt out, it took an EQUAL amount of time to recover fully.  Which drove me nuts. Being on/available all the time is not sustainable. Its perfectly fine when you have to switch on that skill in a crisis mode. But

  • EP 55: What to do when your jealous of someone else's results

    18/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes Todays episode took a lot of courage to publish.  I would never consider myself a jealous person. But, this was something that triggered the hell out of me.  I read a post on Instagram and hit angry and heartbreak in 2.5 seconds. I was so upset.  It had me going into the bathroom and crying in the middle of a work day. Then slipped into a mini dark place for about a week while I was trying to process how this was affecting me. Even though It took a few weeks longer than I was wanting to publish this episode. Im still committed to teaching you how to use everything that life throws at us to grow. Even when its painful. Im going to

  • EP 54: How your money mentality affects everything

    10/02/2022 Duration: 46min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes If I told you that you money mindset affected what your life looked like. Would you think I was crazy? Or would you be able to point to the times in your life that because of fear, you held back. from asking for the raise, asking to get paid what your worth, admitting what you actually wanted but didn't believe that you could have. Your money mindset will influence what opportunities you go after. Just as much as it will influence the positive and negative stories you tell yourself. This weeks episode is the practical and the woo woo about updating your money mentality. Im going to teach you how I uncovered old and unhelpful money mindset belie

  • EP 53: Making it easy for people to pay you

    06/02/2022 Duration: 54min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes Do you ever turn down a tip or compliment? Do you ever downplay your abilities, or try and make sure that "everyone" gets the credit. Even though you did 80% of the work. If your not comfortable getting recognized, then your probably doing this with money too. Its so easy to not see how these small actions are holding you back. Todays episode walks you through the most common mistake we make trying to bring in more income. Where are you not sharing your links for the products your selling? Where are you adding unnecessary steps for your customers to buy and follow you? How are you underplaying your successes at your day job? How/why are you

  • EP 52: Learning how to let go

    27/01/2022 Duration: 41min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes I don't know about you, but I'm still running high of new years goals and dreams vibes.  I'm paying attention to the action I'm taking and calling in that aligned action. I had noticed that in last weeks podcast episode I neglected to dive into how to let go.  I believe that one of the big steps of calling in abundance is making room for what you want. I used this example in episode 51, but If there is no room on your plate, then its hard to handle the abundance. But that can be super hard when you don't know how to make space.  All you know is that you want to go big, and achieve so bad. But somehow, your actions are not matching

  • EP 51: Making room for Abundance to show up

    21/01/2022 Duration: 50min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes I felt like there was a block for this episode. I couldn't seem to get into the groove for this one. I was struggling with my topic. While at the same time I was feeling a bit of mental fog. Which is crazy when you think about it. I have no problem talking and I always feel that each episode is divinely called in from above. But yet, the fog persisted, both around this podcast episode and our income. I have been super clear for months now that I am going to show up, be willing to see and do things differently, and help our family double our income. But it was as if the steps were not coming to me. I knew that logically I would have to add in addit

  • EP 50: Starting Fresh

    07/01/2022 Duration: 48min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes Starting fresh always gets me excited.  I don't care if its a new start because of of the time of year, or because I've hit my goals. There is something to be said for starting over. Before I was aware of how intoxicating a new start was, I use to blow up my life over and over again.  Or even worse, I would set these small, baby goals. That way, I could "accomplish" a ton of stuff and have bragging rights. But just like with anything else, three is an easy and timeless way to start fresh. And then there is the messy chaos way to do that. Its so easy to fall into the patter that most of us are doing right now.  Its a new

  • EP 49: Archiving Love

    30/12/2021 Duration: 33min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Archiving Love Course Love is everything to me.  Its a part of my foundation. Its required in my daily life. Its what fuels me during the good and bad. If you had asked me years ago, why I kept all these memories of our life. I would have told you for our future kids.  But the reality is that each birthday card, photo, video or memento is a way for me to walk back in time. Its my version of a memory palace and can instantly transport me into that wonderful memory. It can help me relive the love. Needless to say Archiving Love is a foundational course for me. Its more than just storing photos and videos easily. It the only way I can listen to my grandmothers voice on a voice mail I saved from her. It a watch that can tell me the time. But also bring back the late night car ride home conversations that I had with my madrina (godmother) before she passed. It's a photo of me and one of my babies when I was sixteen years old and seeing if I could get Ange

  • EP 48: What to do when you have out grown your container.

    17/12/2021 Duration: 25min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Todays episodes is all about limitless possibilities.  This is the perfect second to last episode to close out 2021. Instead of doing the traditional vision board party. I wanted to end this year with a deep dive into what has held you back this year. Was it lack of resources? Lack of time or money to grow? Or was it fear that you were growing too big, too fast and it caused you to pull back on your dreams? Not, so random farmer wisdom. Did you know that plants, when living in too small of a container will do one of two things.  They will either become root bound and literally curl themselves into a ball to fit the "container" they are in.  Or they will bust through the walls that are holding them back and grow as big as they want. Our desires and limiting beliefs are the same thing. We can either be "root bound" and curl back into ourselves to stay small. To fit into the crowd or normal that surround us. To not rock the boat. Or we can lean int

  • EP 47: How to get clear on your goals when you feel stuck

    08/12/2021 Duration: 55min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Its so easy to feel that your in a fog. That your stuck and not moving fast enough. To get frustrated that your dream is still out of reach. Or even worse, you keep doing things but they never seem to be the things that move you forward in life. You talk about the goal and the five year plan. You get all excited that this weekend is going to be the ONE. You will magically have enough time and even be able to BEND time to get everything that you want done. Then the weekend comes and you realize that you have been burning it at both ends. So you end up sleeping more that you realized. Which leaves you feeling refreshed, but still frustrated since sleep didn't help your todo list shrink. Hell, you create content and things and stuff. But you never seem to bring in money. You might even have a PayPal button up or too. But something keeps sabotaging you from going from idea to income. Yes, you follow other people on Instagram or Facebook, and they inspire you. But

  • EP 46: What it really takes to start that side hustle

    24/11/2021 Duration: 21min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Get all the other links mention on the podcast here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Notes If you had asked me 10+ years ago if I would feel comfortable making money outside of my job.  I would have laughed at you. I have had a job since I was 13 years old. ( My dad was smart enough to make a photo copy of my first check for me. ) While I always knew that I had a good, strong work ethic.  I could said with such confidence and a bit of swag that I always could make money through good paying jobs. I couldn't sell things or "side hustle" to save my life.  Like it was BAD.....  So before I was ready. Ben decided that he was going to make me a selling machine and I use those skills each day now. Having the ability to sell

  • EP 45: What 13 years of marriage has taught me about love, patience and growth.

    15/11/2021 Duration: 55min

    Episode + Journal Prompts On November 11th, I celebrated 13 years of marriage with my amazing husband. If you dont know my story, Ben and I got married right out of highschool. Yes, we are that highschool sweetheart couple you always hear about. We were 19 & 20 when we got married. So there was a lot of growth that needed to happen fast to make this marriage healthy from the start . We also chose to not have the typical 20's experience, going off to live on campus for 4 years, then going into the work force. Instead, less than seven months after getting married, we were buying a house. Plus, we were already working full time jobs before we even got married. Since there were so few role models that we could mimic to build healthy habits. We chose to learn by trail and error, plus psychology books on how to effectively communicate. We had to learn how to not have passive aggressive conversations. But instead follow the rule of saying something nice or nothing at all. How to be clear

  • EP 44: How to push & pull to manifest faster

    02/11/2021 Duration: 46min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Have you ever felt that desperate, sticky energy when you were trying to manifest something you wanted? You would start out feeling so hopeful and excited. Then after a few hours, weeks, months, when things were going slower than you wanted. You would start getting into your head. Once you were in your head, its so much harder to get back to that excited and clear energy of what your trying to achieve. If you were able to get back out of your head, then it would be like a vicious circle. Hopeful, excited, nervous, looking for validation, fear, then start the journey all over again. There is a next level way to manifest things into your life. But just like with anything else, its a muscle that you need to build. It's not that this muscle takes a certain amount of time to get strong. Instead it's all about how often you use this muscle. Just like a pro athlete, the more you work and focus, the faster the results come. The secret? You have to pay attention to the

  • EP 43: Becoming the lighthouse

    28/10/2021 Duration: 45min

    Episode + Journal Prompts When you think about who you are, what do you picture? Do you picture words or images? For years, I focused on becoming stronger woman, that could handle everything. So I surrounded myself with words that made me feel something powerful. Part of my belief systems is that your words matter and become your building blocks. I have spent years talking to my subconscious mind, programing it to be the person I always wanted to become. Hence the obsession with words. But then, the words stopped working. I felt that the words were me thinking to small. Then I pictured this beautiful lighthouse in the middle of a raging storm. Shining her light calmly and always being there, for herself and others. I wanted to not be the tug boat, bouncing around in the storm anymore. I wanted to become the light house. See for me, the light house is a metaphor that I have been using to be that next level calm and consistent person. No matter what is going on around me. Of course, I g

  • EP 42: Learning to say no at home, work and to yourself

    21/10/2021 Duration: 42min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Oh boy. Full moons make for a super spicy episode! I was reading my friends newsletter about things getting released and brought up to the surface during the full moon. Mannnnn, she was right! I was on fire! In this episode I teach you how to say no. But with love, of course. There is a true difference between standing up for yourself and being rude. I even give you a few killer catch phrases that you can use in "almost" any example as well. Most people believe that saying no is the end of a conversation. I don't view it that way. Instead, I look at saying no as part of a negotiation. Most of the time people say no and then go silent. While no can be its own sentence. I've found that its better to offer a different solution or resource when saying no. Its all about the pivot. People at work and family are coming to you for a reason. It might be because they have learned to rely unnecessarily on you. Or it might be that they don't realize that what they are ask

  • EP 41:Learning how to get unstuck to get your results faster

    15/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Todays podcast is all about the pivot!  What the heck pivoting actually is and how to implement it in your day. I have a radical belief system.  I'm the fricken Queen of pivoting.  Our running family joke is that we might not be the smartest person in the room. But we can out pivot and get to our goal faster than anyone. Instead of getting stuck on the way to new goal. Once I'm locked into what I want, I train my brain to become an unstoppable force. I have it know that I always achieve my goals years faster then I set out to. So, when I ran into a perfect example of what pivoting would look like in the real world, I knew it had to share it. I go over examples of creating my new course, structuring sales packages and talk ALOT about trees and Wi-Fi. Most people don't realize that pivoting is a good thing that gets you to your goal faster. Plus, what about the thought process that work isn't hard and free time isn't bad. Of course there are journ

  • EP 40: How to actually do the "work"

    09/10/2021 Duration: 40min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Do you feel frustrated that you keep grinding and doing all these "things" but your not getting the results that you want. You keep journaling and leaning into the feeling of where you want to be. You keep showing up and affirming to the universe that THIS is where you want to be. THIS is where you desire to transform your life to reflect. And, everyone tells you to go do the work. To take action or just hustle harder. To work longer hours, because that's what it takes to be successful. Its all about grit. But you secretly don't either know what that is. Heck, you dont even know what doing the work means. You can talk about all these woo woo words and statements. But, if you had to pitch your idea to a friend or business partner, they would look at you like your crazy. They cant understand what your actually doing. Worst yet, you have this sinking feeling that your doing all the wrong thing. So you just keep doing the busy work, so that at least your doing some

  • EP 39: How to stop sabotaging your own success

    29/09/2021 Duration: 43min

    Episode + Journal Prompts Have you noticed lately that you keep running into the same mistakes as you did in the past? That you keep creating the same money and time issues? Does it feel a little bit like ground hogs day? Are you as tired of not making progress on that goal, because it feels like you keep starting from the beginning. Which you are so over doing. You signed up for growth in this life, not standing still. In todays episode, I dive into how to identify what is keeping you from hitting that next level of success. Plus, the real reason why we abandon the tools that made us successful in the first place. I walk you though examples of how to get your weight, money and ability to outsource back on track. This episode also builds on my previous one on outsourcing too. That way you can grow your success over and over again, instead of starting from scratch. I even walk you through how to overcome your own ego. How standing up yourself isn't bad, and show you how to do

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