Live From Love



Life Coach Amanda Louder works primarily with LDS (Mormon) women, helping them to be confident, happy, empowered, and find peace as they choose to stay in their marriage or decide that their relationship is complete.


  • Episode 237 - Modesty & The For Strength of Youth: A Collaboration with Zach Spafford

    04/11/2022 Duration: 55min

    In this episode, I talk with my good friend and fellow life coach Zach Spafford about modesty and the new For the Strength of Youth guide. We talk about why this new guide is a step in the right direction when we’re speaking to our youth about modesty and living the Gospel. How we need to let go of some of the old traditions we were raised with when it comes to modesty and embrace a new way of looking at things. With examples from our own lives, this is a very interesting episode that you won’t want to miss!    You can find Zach at: His website: On Instagram: thrivebeyond_forcouples His podcast Thrive Beyond Pornography Email him to request a Fireside:

  • Episode 236 - The High Achieving/Peace Keeping Dynamic

    28/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, I am speaking with Rhonda Farr. Rhonda is a life coach who works with men and their emotional intimacy. We talk about the high achieving/peacekeeper dynamic that we see so often in marriages. Usually, it’s the husband who is the high achiever and the wife who goes along with what he wants to keep the peace. But as you’ll see, this doesn’t actually help either party. Rather than feeling safe, both spouses end up feeling resentment, anger, anxiety, and depression. So, what can you do if you find yourself in this dynamic? We have the answers. You can find Rhonda at: On Instagram at rhondafarr_coaching

  • Episode 235 - Coaching Changed our Marriage

    21/10/2022 Duration: 38min

    In this special episode, I spoke with Maddie and Matt. I have been coaching Maddie for a little over a year now. We talked about what my coaching program is and what it isn’t. We talked about how Maddie being coached has changed not only her relationship with her husband Matt, but also with her kids and other relationships in her life. Matt talked about how even though he doesn’t get coached directly, he has learned the tools right alongside Maddie and he has been able to become more like the person he wants to be. If you have ever wondered if my Embrace You Elite Society membership is right for you, this is the podcast to listen to!

  • Episode 234 - When Kids Disrupt Your Sex Life

    14/10/2022 Duration: 15min

    If I had a dollar for every time a woman told me that their kids were keeping them from having sex, I would have added a lot to my piggy bank. What I have found is that the kids are often a convenient excuse, but really aren’t to blame for our lack of sex. In this episode, we’re talking about 5 common reasons women give me for children interupting their sex life and the strategies to overcome them. After all, your spouse is the most important relationship you have so let’s work together to help you have a better relationship with him.

  • Episode 233 - Your Sexual Prime

    07/10/2022 Duration: 10min

    I think it’s safe to say that we all want a great sex life. But most of us just don’t know how to get it! When we run into problems with having the sex life we thought we’d have, especially when we waited until marriage, many people, men in particular, feel like they have lost the opportunity to have the best sex of their life. While studies do show that women reach their sexual prime in their thirties, and men in their late teens, this doesn’t mean that you have missed your opportunity! In this episode, we talk about what a sexual prime really is and why we haven’t really missed out on anything. We can have a great sex life at any age!

  • Episode 232 - I Don’t Care if I Ever Have Sex Again: A Conversation with Mike Frazier, MD

    30/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    In this episode I’m talking with Mike Frazier, MD of Strong Men, Strong Marriages. I share what the woman thinks when she says that she doesn’t care if she ever has sex again. And then Mike lets us in on what the men think about. This is a great episode where you can really see what is going on in your husband’s mind when it comes to sex and intimacy and he could get a glimpse into what you think as well.  If you’d like to learn more about Mike, go to or find his podcast, Strong Men, Strong Marriages, on your favorite podcasting app.

  • Episode 231 - Bad Sex

    23/09/2022 Duration: 16min

    Stop settling for bad sex! I talk to a lot of women who just think bad sex is what sex is or that bad sex is better than no sex. This isn’t true. You can have a great sex life that is fun for both you and your partner. Listen to this podcast where we talk about what bad sex is and, more importantly, what good sex is. Never settle for bad sex again!

  • Episode 230 - Sex Isn’t A Drive

    16/09/2022 Duration: 11min

    Have you heard the phrase “sex drive”? I’m sure we all have. But in truth, sex isn’t a drive, it’s a mindset. Why is this important? Because when we think that we need it, or should need it, it becomes a release rather than a way to get closer to our spouse. Listen to this episode to find out what a biological drive actually is, and why it is so important to know that if you don’t want sex, you aren’t broken. Sex is NOT a Drive Like Hunger, and Here are 2 Reasons This Fact Matters Come as You Are by Dr. Emily Nagoski Passionate Marriage by Dr. David Schnarch

  • Episode 229 - Duty Sex

    09/09/2022 Duration: 18min

    What is duty sex? Duty sex is when we have sex with our husbands because we “should.” Because it is our duty as a good wife. Because he “needs” it. Because we don’t want him to look elsewhere for it. Or because we are trying to manage his emotions and behavior with it. We have been convinced that we don’t have to want it too. And this simply isn’t true! Duty sex is passionless and doesn’t create the connection that either of you want. So, how do we stop having duty sex? It isn’t an easy process but in this episode, I’ll share with you the two steps to take to fix it.

  • Episode 228 - Female Ejaculation

    02/09/2022 Duration: 19min

    One of the topics I get the most DMs about is female ejaculation. Either women who do it all the time and want to stop or women wanting to know how to do it and everything in between. In this episode, we’re talking about female ejaculation, how it works, why we shouldn’t be afraid of it, and why it actually is pretty amazing. So, why not give it a try? She Comes First by Ian Kerner  Women’s Anatomy of Arousal by Sheri Winston Medical News Today Healthline

  • Episode 227 - How can I be Righteous and Sexual?

    26/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    I think most of us want to be righteous. We want to do what is right. But where is that line when it comes to sex in our marriages? That’s what we’re talking about in this episode. Where is that line in the sand is? And which side do you fall on? The answer may surprise you. Have you been thinking you are unrighteous for too long? Listen in!

  • Episode 226 - The Mental Load That Is Affecting Your Sex Life

    19/08/2022 Duration: 23min

    Do you feel mentally overwhelmed with everything you need to do to take care of your family? With all of the activities, and the doctor's appointments, and the school calendars, not to mention dinner, it gets overwhelming. The answer isn’t to “say no more” or “you’re doing too much.” But what is the answer? Listen to this episode as we talk about how to lighten your load so that you have time to have the wonderful sex life you deserve.  Fair Play Cards

  • Episode 225 - 6 Emotional Styles of Disconnection

    12/08/2022 Duration: 21min

    For many of us, we are better at reading our family’s emotions than our own. Why is that and why does it matter? That’s the focus of this episode. We talk about the 6 emotional styles that actually disconnect us from those around us. We talk about why we need to feel our emotions and why that can be difficult. Are you ready to really feel your emotions so that you can have a more intimate relationship with your spouse? Let’s work on it together. The 6 Styles of Emotional Disconnection with Alex Howard

  • Episode 224 - What Is The Cause of Your Low Libido?

    05/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    Women often come to me wanting me to fix their libido. While I wish I could wave my magic wand and make everything better, I can’t. Much like an iceberg, a low libido is often just what we see on the surface and what you don’t see is what is really causing it. In this episode, I’ll share with you 11 things that could be causing your low libido. The good news? Every single one of these is absolutely fixable! You deserve better sex! Let me help.

  • Episode 223 - Silent Sex

    29/07/2022 Duration: 13min

    Silence can be good, if it’s a comfortable silence. But when we are uncomfortably silent with our partner, especially in the bedroom, we lose the intimacy that is so important in our relationship. In this episode, I talk about the good and bad of silent sex. I share with you some real life examples of uncomfortable silence during sex and what it does to our relationships. Intimacy issues are one of the biggest reasons women come to me for coaching. Are you lacking intimacy in your relationship? The Archer and His Rosebud by Mindy Michele Michele G. Miller Mindy Hayes Silent Sex Queen - We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle Orgasm: Pleasure in the Final Frontier -  We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle This is Why Silent Sex is Awesome

  • Episode 222 - When You Don’t Know What You Want In Bed

    22/07/2022 Duration: 11min

    Has your partner ever asked what you wanted in bed, or what felt good, or what you wanted to do next, but you had no idea what to tell him? You are not alone. Many of the women I talk to have no idea what they want in the bedroom, or outside the bedroom for that matter, because most of us were raised to put everyone else’s needs first. In this podcast episode, let’s talk about how to find out what you want in bed. It may just help you in all aspects of your life. Sources:  Lifehacker

  • Episode 221 - Healing from Infidelity: An Interview with Andrea Giles

    15/07/2022 Duration: 33min

    In this podcast episode, I talk with Andrea Giles. Andrea helps women heal from infidelity in her coaching program. We talked about how to build trust with yourself again after finding out you’ve been lied to. We talked about how to decide if you should stay or go in your marriage. This is an impactful conversation that I know will help so many of you. Andrea Giles is a Certified Life Coach who is dedicated to helping women use the trial of marital infidelity to change their lives for the better. She is host of the podcast, “Heal from Infidelity” and  encourages listeners from all over the globe to get up from off the floor and get moving toward the life they most desire.   She coaches from personal experience and is driven to show her clients that infidelity can be a springboard for massive internal growth and a marriage of peace and joy.  When Andrea's not coaching, you'll find her enjoying the simple things in life. She loves to read, kayak on the river in her backyard in Montana, play games with her husba

  • Episode 220 - The Fear of Pleasure

    08/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    Do you fear pleasure? You might be saying ‘no’ but many of my clients do. Think about it. Do you take compliments well? Do you look at others who are pursuing their pleasure and think it’s frivolous or inappropriate? It seems paradoxical because we spend so much of our life in the pursuit of happiness. Where does the fear of pleasure come from? For many of us, it comes from our childhood. Children are the epitome of pleasure! But then we’re told to not be so loud, or not do that. And our brain begins to subconsciously equate pleasure with danger or even death. Listen to this week’s episode to see what you can do about your fear of pleasure.    Source:  Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D. Wikipedia - Hedonophobia

  • Episode 219 - Conscious Partnerships

    01/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    When we get married, we often think that if we married the “right person,” then everything will be easy. This is simply not true. Every relationship takes work. In this episode, we’re talking about conscious partnerships. Let’s go through the 10 attitudes/behaviors that characterize a conscious partnership. Any relationship worth having is worth working for!   Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D.

  • ​​Episode 218 - The Importance of Being Selfish

    24/06/2022 Duration: 15min

    Do you think that your own desires are selfish? Most of us women do. We’ve been taught this by well meaning people either explicitly or implicitly. While our desires are not more important than anyone else's, they are AS IMPORTANT as anyone else’s, including our husband’s, our children’s, or anyone else in our lives. Listen to this episode to see how life changing it can be when we start to look at how being selfish sometimes is actually a good thing.

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