Underground Usa

Republicans Need To Pivot To Policy Or Pay The Price



Before I get into this morning segment with Matt Bruce, I want to touch on something that we discussed in one of the latter segments and that is a statement by future House Speaker McCarthy about starting the investigations into, I believe, 21 people who had something to do with Russiagate.Unless there's something that's going to come out of an investigation like this it's really just another opportunity to showboat.We need to expunge the political careerists at the Department of Justice and in the FBI because they've been politicized. Those departments are not supposed to be politicized. Justice is supposed to be blind. Justice and the pursuit of justice is supposed to not see political party. That's not the case today.Larger than that is the failure of the Republican Party – at State and National levels – to understand that you can't just keep demonizing your opposition and expect to win elections. You need to explain to the people what your policies are, how they will affect them in a positive way, and how