Inspiring Your Shine



Join Rebecca Keselburg Your Personal Growth Mentor to create a foundation for Six Figure Success in your Social Selling Business. Magnetize your message and rise above the competition by being Authentically YOU! Discover your authentic self, activate your power and overcome every obstacle so you can live the life of your dreams. Be empowered with TRUTH, and Align with Your God given Purpose so you can light up the world like only you can.


  • How to get unstuck and conquer fear

    30/12/2019 Duration: 35min

    Overcome the fear of failure, the unknown, and of being uncomfortable to take action and make your dreams come true. Simple tactics to help you overcome yourself and face your fear. Get Your Free Worksheet To Conquer Fear Here  

  • 3 Keys to Progress and reaching your goals fast

    11/12/2019 Duration: 39min

    Creating a vision, having a detailed plan and personal accountability are the elements you need to reach your goals fast. 

  • A Secret Ingredient To A Wealthy Mindset

    14/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    This podcast expands on the most listened to episode to date Wealthy Mindset Secrets.  Prosperity is not just about money it is about having well being and abundance in all areas of your life. To build a long term sustainable business you must develop a wealthy mindset so tune in to learn what you need to possess to prepare for your abundant life. 

  • 4 Simple Ways To Get Organized Even If You Are A Mess

    02/11/2019 Duration: 39min

    Organization goes so much deeper than keeping things neat and clean. Disorganization will impact your well being, cause conflict with people you love, cost you money, and cause feelings of overwhelm and stress. Listen in for simple tactics you can implement today even if you are naturally a messy person like me. 

  • Regaining Momentum And Focus After Being Distracted

    21/08/2019 Duration: 27min

    Summertime tends to distract you from your business and you may feel like it is time to refocus and gain back the momentum you have lost. Listen in for the 3 simple things you can do starting today to get back on top of your business goals so you can realign with your dream life.  Here is the link to the worksheet to help you regain motivation: Momentum Worksheet  

  • Enjoy Your Moments

    05/08/2019 Duration: 38min

    You don't have to wait until you are successful to be happy today. Listen in to become more mindful and intention everyday as you learn to honor your core desired feelings for a more satisfying life on you journey to success.

  • Align with your purpose

    10/06/2019 Duration: 34min

    3 indicators that let you know you are aligned with the path to a purpose filled life. Plus, discover how to live on purpose and why a life of purpose can be hidden from you and hard to attain unless you are intentional.

  • Simplifying Your Life To Allow More Of What Matters

    14/05/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Are you consistently adding MORE "things" that leave you feeling overwhelmed instead of the simplicity you crave? Listen in as Cory and I chat about why you don't need more, you need less to have success!

  • How to feel like you are enough

    02/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    If you are constantly struggling to feel like enough then listen in to the 3 reasons you never measure up in your own mind and how to progress toward the life you desire! Download your free worksheet

  • Simple tips to eliminate the food struggle

    25/04/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Fueling your body properly is a serious matter that most of us struggle to do well. Join Cory and Rebecca as they chat about simple solutions to common problems surrounding food such as the struggle of feeding your family a healthy meal when you are busy, making healthy snack choices, planning ahead for success and losing the weight that keeps you from your best self.    oatmeal-basic recipe I cook 1/2 cup steel cut oats in 2 1/2 cups water for 15 minutes Move from heat and mix in One small container plain yogurt 4 T maple syrup 2 T flax seed Dash of salt 1/2 tsp vanilla I like a chocolate peanut butter add in so I add 3 T of cocoa powder 3 T of peanut butter Mix it all well and it makes 4 servings You can add anything you want! I’m sure you can find many add in ideas online. It has a good amount of fiber, healthy carbs, protein and not too bad on sugar. I love to add bananas to my chocolate peanut butter. So good!  

  • How to take consistent action

    08/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    Taking consistent action is one thing you must do to have the success you dream of. Listen in to understand and conquer what is keeping you from doing what you know you need to do in your business so you can reap the rewards of your labor instead of spinning your wheels.   

  • Be Productive And Stop Wasting Precious Time

    28/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    Don't waste your life being busy and surviving through each day. Choose to live a life that is productive, satisfying and impactful. Plus, discover the importance of following through on what you start so that you can enjoy the rewards of your labor, and how to not miss your divine connections that lead to your best life. 

  • Achieving balance in your life

    20/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    Discover the one simple thing you can do starting today to balance your life that will impact your entire well being and help you produce results. Listen in as we chat about boundaries, honoring your core desired feelings and how to feel more empowered.

  • Managing Your Job And Life While You Build Your Business

    19/03/2019 Duration: 39min

    How to manage your life while you build your business. You are likely neglecting the one thing that matters most to your success and not doing the very thing that will get you to where you want to go. Tune in and hear Rebecca get raw and real about her own journey and walk away with strategies to help you come out on top

  • Real talk with Rebecca and Cory about Body Image and Self Esteem

    14/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    A behind the scenes chat between Rebecca Keselburg and Cory Noble about body image, self esteem and the struggles of not feeling like you are enough. We chat about the concept of "Glowing Up" and how to deal with comparison.  

  • Real talk about reaching your goals

    11/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    Join Rebecca and Cory Noble of Inspire as they talk about what it really takes to accomplish your goals. Cory breaks down the anatomy of a goal and you will hear some unique perspectives about achieving goals such as how to create "artificial motivation", the importance of tracking and rewarding yourself for tiny steps forward, and why making a declaration put Cory on a whole new path in life.  Click here to join Cory's FB Group Inspire Get the Anatomy of a Goal Worksheet here

  • How to Increase Your Influence Online

    01/03/2019 Duration: 35min

    If you want to make money online follow in the footsteps of the greatest influencers out there by being authentic, serving and selling through stories. Listen in to learn how you can (and should) be a successful influencer in your niche.  Get your free worksheet to dial in your ideal client for your niche Ideal Client Worksheet

  • Cultivate loyalty and get referrals

    26/02/2019 Duration: 38min

    In todays competitive market the best way to ensure stability and long term success is to learn to cultivate relationships with your clients.  Get your worksheet with 20 tips on how to build long term relationships by clicking here    

  • How to use visualization to achieve your dreams faster

    13/02/2019 Duration: 32min

    Click Here to get your FREE How to Visualize Checklist

  • How to build unshakeable commitment that will help you achieve your goals and dreams

    05/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    It is easy to quit and that is why so few reach their dreams and goals. But you my friend are different and I know you have what it takes to commit to your goals and achieve them. I will share with you all of the awesome things I have gained because I have learned to commit to my dreams. Listen in to learn exactly what commitment is, why some fail to commit, what keeps you from fully committing and makes you quit on your dreams as well is my best tips for staying committed. 

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