Dreamers & Doers

#57 - The importance of flow states at work - Mason Lantay



The word that comes to me when I think of Mason is effortlessness. Mason has a lot of experience in psychology and productivity in the workplace. I was impressed by how he combines spiritual practices with getting stuff done. In this interview, Mason drops a lot of value. I'm very excited because we'll be working together with other conscious entrepreneurs in Bali in October. He organised a villa optimised for flow states. If you want to join us, let me know! Here is what we discussed: 1. His story and background in psychology 2. The power of combining spirituality with productivity 3. How to get into flow states at work 4. Should it always be effortless? 5. The impact he wants to have in the world For more info, check https://www.herointernational.org/231379905