Broad New World



Hey my new friend, Im BROADHURST. I have done some big cool stuff in my life, but rather than list them here (because bio's make me feel icky) I will just say that my mission is to be of service to you through my music, music videos, blog, social media and this podcast. I will always be radically honest, real and raw, sharing with you everything I have learned (and most need to learn) about creativity, health, relationships, entrepreneurship, wealth and love. I live a pretty frickin amazing life, but it hasn't always been that way. Let me show you how I changed it. Learn more at


  • 98: Help! I'm More 'Conscious' Than My Partner!

    28/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    When you go on the path of personal growth and spiritual evolution, you are signing up for the ride of a lifetime. But what if that special person in your life, your partner, didn’t sign up for the same journey? What do you do if one person in a relationship is growing, doing all the spiritual and personal work, while the other just wants to stay as they are?   For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 97: The Cervical Orgasm (Part 2)

    18/09/2018 Duration: 15min

    After almost 100 episodes, I feel like we have been building up to moments like this. A climax where we can share and discuss the most intimate parts of our lives as a community. In part 2 of The Cervical Orgasm Series we are going to dive deeper into why this part of the female body is so powerful, and how you can, on your own, or with your partner, tap into the holy grail of orgasms. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 96: The Cervical Orgasm (Part 1)

    11/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    Sex. It’s rarely spoken about, so it’s no surprise that some of the most basic functions of the female body are for most men, and women, a total mystery. In this two part series focused on the cervical orgasm, which is equally important for both men and women to listen to, we are going to get things started (literally) by diving into a little known technique called ‘thumbing’ that holds the key to unlocking levels of pleasure you may have never dreamed possible. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 95: The Day My Head Popped

    04/09/2018 Duration: 22min

    There are some people you meet who are just so magnetic, you just want to hang around them. They seem to move through life with ease and create opportunities at will. They radiate presence and exude a level of warmth that just makes you go all gooey inside. I am sure you have met someone like this. So what are they doing differently and how can we nurture this within ourselves? Let’s find out... P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 94: Why Self Awareness Is Key

    27/08/2018 Duration: 20min

    There are some people you meet who are just so magnetic, you just want to hang around them. They seem to move through life with ease and create opportunities at will. They radiate presence and exude a level of warmth that just makes you go all gooey inside. I am sure you have met someone like this. So what are they doing differently and how can we nurture this within ourselves? Let’s find out...   For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 93: A Word Of Caution About Ayurveda

    23/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    There is no doubt in my mind that Ayurveda, the science of life, is the most powerful system of healing ever created. Not only physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. In this episode we are going to take a look at one side I have noticed to Ayurveda which can actually have the opposite effect of healing. If you love Ayurveda as much as I do, or even if you are new to Ayurveda, having this one simple understanding can ensure you reap the benefits of this profound ancient system. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 92: The Ultimate Breakfast For You (And Your Family)

    09/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    Food. It’s one of the most confusing things that we all have to deal with every day of our lives, and it seems every week there is a new trend promising to deliver everything you dreamed of. Keto, vegan, pegan, paleo, vegetarian, high carb, low carb, fruitarian, atkins, bulletproof, carnivore, raw... The options are mind boggling! But what if there was a specific meal you could have each day that is cost effective, fast and transcends all the fads and dogma? No matter what your individual unique body type is, this breakfast could just be that one thing that really moves the needle on your levels of health, vitality and longevity. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to... Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... www.iamnickbroadhurs

  • 91: How To Make Your Phone Your Friend

    06/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Never before have we been more connected to the world of information, thanks to our mobile phones. But if we are not careful, this amazing tool can not only pose an alarming health risk, but it can quickly become a weapon of mass distraction. In this episode we are going to look at some quick tweaks you can make that will finally make your phone your friend. P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...  Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show... Want more? Come play with me...

  • 90: Redefining Enlightenment

    02/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    When we think of ‘enlightenment’ it’s easy to conjure up images of monks in monasteries, and to feel like it’s something out of reach for us mere mortals. In this episode we are going to redefine what it means to be enlightened, and by the end of the show you may just realise you are closer to the holy grail than you imagined. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 89: The Trump Technique

    30/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    Trump. He is the source of endless debate, 24/7 news stories and plenty of anger. But what if ‘The Donald’ is actually exactly what the world needs right now? What if, within the worlds most divisive man there is in fact an opportunity for you, for all of us, to see all the things within us that until now have lay dormant, waiting for a shiny mirror like Donald Trump to finally help us see? For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 88: The Truth About Olive Oil

    27/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    It’s no secret that out of all the healthy fats we can choose from, olive oil is most definitely high up on the list. It forms the basis of the mediterranean diet, the most studied diet in the world. But did you know that within the olive oil industry there is a lot of corruption? During my recent trip to Greece and a tour around an olive oil farm, I learned about one simple number you can check, that will ensure you are not only getting what you pay for, but can be the difference between helping or harming your health. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 87: The Playful Side of Parenting

    16/07/2018 Duration: 17min

    Parenting. It’s one of the greatest challenges we face, and also one of the greatest opportunities for growth. In this episode we are going to dive into the playful side of parenting. I invite you to come on a journey with me… an experiment for parents and non-parents that could unlock new levels of love, joy and happiness. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 86: Want Better Relationships? There’s An App For That

    09/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    It’s true that technology has connected humanity like never before, but the polarity to that connection is a level of disconnection as we walk around with our heads down, absorbed into our phones. However, what if there was one app which actually could support us to digitally deepen our connections? For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 85: Radical Honesty Series - Your Questions Answered Part 2

    02/07/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    My most downloaded episode to date has been from my Radical Honesty Series, where I answered all your questions. So today I have decided to do it again. These are your questions, on any topic you like, answered with complete radical honesty. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 84: My Debut Album is Out Now! (Plus Why I Changed My Name)

    28/06/2018 Duration: 22min

    Today marks a big day for me. One of the biggest in my life. Today is when I finally release my debut album called ‘Thank You’. Many of the songs you will know, plus a few new ones I am releasing as they fit perfectly onto this collection. In this episode I am going to talk to you about what it took to write this album, how the songs came about, why I changed my artist name and this show name, the recording process and much more. Plus I am going to play for you two of the new tracks on the album. Let’s do it. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 83: Ayurveda Series 2 - How To Balance Kapha

    26/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    If there was one body type or dosha that people love to disown, it would be kapha. But If I were to have envy of any particular dosha, it would most definitely be Kapha. Sure, if kapha goes out of balance it can lead to increased weight gain, but when in balance it holds the key to lustrous skin, shiny hair, a strong immune system and a long, happy and healthy life. Listen in this order.. Ayurveda Series 2: Agni – Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: Agni – Rekindling Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: The Root Cause Of Disease Ayurveda Series 2: The Antidote to Ageing Ayurveda Series 2: How To Balance Vata Ayurveda Series 2: How To Balance Pitta This episode For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want more? Come play with me...

  • 82: Ayurveda Series 2 - How To Balance Pitta

    24/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    If you have ever felt angry, irritable or possessive, or perhaps broken out in a rash or embarrassing pimples, chances are you may have what is called a pitta imbalance. The Pitta dosha in Ayurveda represents the fire element. You know those type A personalities? Yep, pitta. It’s amazing for getting shiz done in your life, but like all doshas it’s important to stay balanced and keep that fire under control and recognise the imbalance before it takes you over. And that’s what this episode is all about. Listen in this order.. Ayurveda Series 2: Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: Rekindling Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: The Root Cause Of Disease Ayurveda Series 2: The Antidote to Ageing Ayurveda Series 2: How To Balance Vata This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... www.iamni

  • 81: Ayurveda Series 2 - How To Balance Vata

    23/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    “I’m so vata right now”. If you’re anything like me, you will know exactly what the statement means. No matter what your predominant dosha or body type, we can all develop imbalances in any of the three doshas. So even if you are more pitta or kapha, this still applies to you. And in this episode we will be taking a look into how to balance the vata dosha through diet and lifestyle. Listen in this order.. Ayurveda Series 2: Agni – Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: Agni - Rekindling Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: The Root Cause Of Disease Ayurveda Series 2: The Antidote to Ageing This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want

  • 80: Ayurveda Series 2 - The Antidote to Ageing

    22/06/2018 Duration: 18min

    ‘Anti-ageing’ certainly is soooo hot right now. We all want to look our best, but so often turn to external devices to give as that healthy glow. But what if there was a secret ‘essence’ in your body that held the key to your optimal vitality, immunity, calm and radiance? In Ayurveda it’s called Ojas, and today we are going to find out what robs us of our Ojas, and how to build it back up using simple lifestyle strategies and learning about the three categories of foods, and which types are best for cultivating our Ojas. Listen in this order.. Ayurveda Series 2: Agni – Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: Agni - Rekindling Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: The Root Cause Of Disease This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music... www.iamnickbroadhurst

  • 79: Ayurveda Series 2 - The Root Cause Of Disease

    18/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    In the previous episode we learned all about the gatekeeper of good health, Agni, also known as Digestive Fire. But today we are going to look at the antithesis of Agni, which is called Ama, also known as toxins. Ama can accumulate in the body when we don’t digest our foods or our emotions properly. The good news is that Ama is relatively easy to clear form the body, if you catch it before it is forced deeper into the tissues of your body. So, let’s dive in and take a look at what Ama is and how we can implement some simple strategies to keep it at bay. Listen in this order.. Ayurveda Series 2: Agni – Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: Agni - Rekindling Your Digestive Fire This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...  

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