Broad New World

81: Ayurveda Series 2 - How To Balance Vata



“I’m so vata right now”. If you’re anything like me, you will know exactly what the statement means. No matter what your predominant dosha or body type, we can all develop imbalances in any of the three doshas. So even if you are more pitta or kapha, this still applies to you. And in this episode we will be taking a look into how to balance the vata dosha through diet and lifestyle. Listen in this order.. Ayurveda Series 2: Agni – Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: Agni - Rekindling Your Digestive Fire Ayurveda Series 2: The Root Cause Of Disease Ayurveda Series 2: The Antidote to Ageing This episode P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health practice. For all the show notes from today's episode head to...   Head to Spotify or Apple and follow me for all my music...   Get all episode of The Nick Broadhurst Show...   Want