The Nick Margerrison Podcast



The Nick Margerrison podcast.Former Kerrang! Radio & LBC presenter Nick Margerrison's fortnightly podcast is a continuation of his often eclectic radio career.Building on the legacy of the critically acclaimed first series "The Cult Of Nick" this podcast looks at how topics which were explored back then are now considered to be the bare bones of what is frequently termed 'the intellectual dark web'.A proud Discordian Nick's take is always sincere but never too serious.Contact the show via


  • 0017 INTERVIEW | Mike Yardley and Don Miller

    14/04/2019 Duration: 02h27min

    Don Miller is the chap I talk with at the start of this piece, I assumed that I'd get back, google him and boom - there'd be a website or whatever. Nope, no sir. So, I watched his DVD, bit odd. I say I watched it, I flicked through it when I realised I couldn't find him online. These notes will update when someone - who is better on Google than me - tweets me the details: Slightly easier with Mike Yardley, he tweets away here: And his "Positive Shooting" page is here: Robert Anton Wilson isn't in his earthly spacesuit these days but you can meet his public personna online, it'll do you good: Jon Snow shows off his reality tunnel here: Charles Fort is here: Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia! 23

  • 0016 INTERVIEW | Kim Justice

    22/03/2019 Duration: 02h05min

    Our show kicks off with Kim Justice, a YouTuber who I recently praised on the podcast, delighted she could join us. Her work focuses on 8 bit and 16 bit computers, the sort that were a huge deal in the 1980's and 90's in the UK. We get into various topics aside from that, well worth a listen. Also our review and deep dive into Quantum Psychology continues with Chapter Two - The Problem with Deep Reality. More of Kim's work is here: Her patreon is here: The Oasis doc we mention is here: Random bits: I am a robot: The famous "non crime" tweet:

  • 0015 INTERVIEW | James Patrick on 'Malware For Humans'

    09/03/2019 Duration: 01h41min

    James Patrick tweets here: More on him here: Malware For Humans is a conversation-led, independent documentary about fake news, big data, electoral interference, and hybrid warfare. Watch now on Youtube: #MalwareForHumans -- Robert Anton Wilson's work, Quantum Psychology, is available here: -- I tweet here:

  • 0014 INTERVIEW | Ian Marchant on his "Hero for High Times"

    18/02/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Ian Marchant's book "Hero For High Times" is available here: Ian himself can be found here: He tweets here: I tweet here: Share this podcast with the largest possible audience you can find! Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia! LIKE THIS? WANT MORE? Try the CJ Stone episode... click here.

  • 0013 INTERVIEW | Thad McKraken

    06/02/2019 Duration: 01h39min

    Thad McKracken is a spirit medium, writer and musician. Facebook: Twitter: His book Transmissions from out of time is here: Black science links are here:

  • 0012 Musician Gareth Icke and writer Gareth Evans

    30/11/2018 Duration: 02h01min

    Two creative entities on this podcast, firstly we've got the affable Gareth Icke - his music features on the podcast and it's great. I've watched his career blossom over the years through the social media web that we weave around ourselves. Since recording this interview he has said he's going to be entering the world of podcasting - excellent news. It'll be interesting to see how his political discussions develop but it'd be a crying shame if he neglected his music. Go see his website here: Also on the podcast we have Gareth Evans, his work "The Box Society" is interesting. We discuss his book and more widely we get into a conversation about the occult and mental health. If you like the sound of him why not go here and have a look: There follows an audio collage about Brexit, which sounds better than it looks when I write it out as a sentence. Feedback via twitter: Don't forget to share thi

  • 0011 Speak to the moon ... a fiction writer special

    10/10/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    This podcast sees debut interviews from two excellent guests. Firstly the writer of "Media Monster" OMJ Ryan joins us, his website is here: His book gets a good plug on the podcast and it's easily worth a few of your shekels. Both entertaining and interesting, I read the whole thing in about a week. Also on the podcast we have another fiction writer, Summer Heacock. Her website is here - - and her excellent twitter feed is here: Then, towards the end of the podcast, where we traditionally go for a bit of a ramble I mention a bunch of stuff which originally I had loads more to say about... only to accidentally delete the audio I was working on. Hey ho. The bare bones were - Blair White says right wing YouTubers are faking resistance to their work: And Grievance Studies lances the puss filled boil of left wing academia: And the potted versi

  • 0010 David Shayler, the ex-MI5 agent and The Psychedelic Detective Agency

    15/08/2018 Duration: 02h53min

    I've interviewed David Shayler a number of times over the years, this conversation works as an introduction to him and, in my opinion, is one of our best discussions to date. He tweets here: The Psychedelic Detective Agency's podcast continues to go from strength to strength, this conversation gives you an idea of what they're like. Imagine it without me interrupting them and spouting nonsense all the time and you're on the right track. Go see: My twitter handle is here:

  • 0009 The Post Postmodern Podcast - Helen Pluckrose and @dazthetory

    26/07/2018 Duration: 02h03min

    Helen Pluckrose's work is excellent, she tweets here: Darren Harrison tweets under the name @dazthetory The excerpt from The Cult of Nick comes from the "Magnum Opus" sessions, the first of which is here:

  • 0008 #DiscordiaRising - Lucy Brown follow up interview

    22/06/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    Lucy Brown, the former camera woman for Tommy Robinson joins us to explain what has happened since her last interview. In short, she's been attacked in the street multiple times, organised a huge protest in favour of free speech and left the employment of the EDL founder. Her website is here: and she tweets here: "The right to openly discuss ideas must be defended" footage is here. The Rotherham report is here: DOWNLOAD IT AND READ IT Lucy's piece on the subject of Tommy Robinson and the subsequent mass protests which have been seen in major cities up and down the UK is here. The end bit where I bang on about free speech and boats is taken from the impenetrable earlier podcast, The Cult of Nick, which preceeds this one. It's one of the most difficult episodes to listen to but weirdly it's had 1,000's of downloads - MAGNUM OPUS II

  • 0007 Harbingers The Raputure and Vanity Von Glow

    12/06/2018 Duration: 02h06min

    As if to perfectly demonstrate why I hate covering news in the podcast medium this was recorded before Tommy Robinson, the former EDL leader, now citizen journalist and activist, was jailed for breeching the terms of his suspended sentence. There's potentially a whole other podcast in that topic, maybe another time, it depends. My thoughts haven't really shifted from the position you'll find them at in this little sound collage. As always I'm open to thoughts on twitter: Featuring; Vanity Von Glow (3mins in), her twitter is to be found here - and, displaying their work and agreeing to a friendly chat at Harbinger's The Rapture ( their site here: ) were ARTŪRS BĒRZIŅŠ ( 1:02:00 in, his work here: ) Nazanin Moradi ( 1:07:56 in, her site here: ) and Ray Fiasco ( 1:15:54 in, his twitter is here: ) The Munk Debate is here:

  • 0006 Step out onto the flat earth...

    04/05/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Dave Marsh's YouTube is here: The guy on a harness on the ISS space station, which I found surprisingly convincing, is here: We've lost the technology to go to the moon: They lost the tapes? Audio from here: How did we lose the technology to go to the Moon? Originally appeared on Quora - the 'knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights'. I reference this article here:

  • 0005 Ban Sex Robots and let speech free!

    01/05/2018 Duration: 01h32min

    Featuring Professor Kathleen Richardson of the CAMPAIGN AGAINST SEX ROBOTS! And the broadcaster Jonny Gould @jonnygould

  • 0004 Dr David Clarke on UFOs and Mike Stuchbery the lefty historian

    20/04/2018 Duration: 01h30min

    Dr David Clarke joins us to discuss UFOs and the UK's national archives. It's sure to throw a cat amongst the pigeons as regards a good chunk of the audience to the podcast so I expect your feedback. If you are intrigued by his work go to his website here: or follow him on twitter: @shuclarke  Mike Stuchbery is an ardent anti-fascist and left wing twitter user. He has frequently been engaged in online battles with Infowars's Paul Joseph Watson and, as he says himself, this is one of the things that has given him such an impressive online presence. He tweets here @MikeStuchbery_ or, if you'd like to buy him a coffee, he has a website for that purpose here: My twitter is here: @nickmargerrison Share the podcast far and wide. We're getting an impressive level of downloads since my return to podcasting, all jolly good fun. Thanks for the support so far!

  • 0003 Nick Monroe, the censorship agenda, gamer gate and identity politics.

    30/03/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    This episode features a new interview with the journalist and proficient twitter user Nick Monroe @NickMon1112 we cover the rise of censorship in the UK and its recent worrying increase. A genuinely draconian power emerging in our midst, or just a straightforward battle between good people and those who want to say mean things? Would genuinely appreciate feedback on this one. My twitter @nickmargerrison The podcast which interviewed me is excellent, follow it: The end is a clip from an earlier episode, 101 in the back catalogue. Go search it out.

  • 0002 Lucy Brown, Far Right Watch and an old Peter Hitchens interview

    10/03/2018 Duration: 01h47min

    This week we return to a major theme; free speech. Joining us we have Lucy Brown, who tweets as @LucyFrown on twitter. She gives us her point of view on the so-called "new right". A movement which involves younger people taking on perspectives which are traditionally seen as the preserve of dusty old folk. We also have John O'Connell, representing the twitter account and website @Far_Right_Watch he puts forward his view on "hate speech" and explains a position which we've discussed critically in the past on the podcast. Finally we have an old interview with Peter Hitchens, who tweets as @ClarkeMicah and is probably one of the most amusing accounts on that social media site, largely because he spends all his time arguing with randoms. Thanks for all the nice words about last fortnight's effort. We've got quite an audience cooking here, I didn't expect it to take off quite so quickly. Do keep spreading the word. We'll have another one in a couple of weeks, assuming the Goddess is kind in her chaos.

  • 0001 The Nick Margerrison podcast ft Tom Fortes-Mayer and Emory Andrew Tate III

    23/02/2018 Duration: 50min

    The podcast returns - with a new name, some new noises and plans to take over the world. Today's offering features interviews which have been kept in cold storage for some time, one on the subject of hypnosis (Tom Fortes-Mayer) and the other on the subject of censorship (Emory Andrew Tate III). Cult members are asked for ideas regarding some of the older content, what should we showcase to the new tsunami of listeners we're about to encounter? Also - who would we like to hear on the podcast, who might we convince to enter our lair? Nick's twitter is the point of contact: - send ideas and thoughts.

  • 168 - Chaos magick and Festival 23 with Dave Lee and Twitchy Spleen

    05/09/2016 Duration: 01h33min

    Fresh from the excitement of Festival 23 the world's favourite least sinister cult on the internet dives right into an impenetrable chat about magic and Eris. Also we have Twitchy Spleen from the now legendary band GIBLET and clips from their awesome work "Holding The Egg'. Smear the podcast all over the internet like some sort of smelly steaming truth nugget. We're recruiting new members at the moment, having an actual audience for this is turning into fun. And don't forget to congratulate our excellent guests via their social media: @dleeahp - Dave Lee. @twitchey_spleen - Twitchy Spleen of GIBLET NM

  • 167 - Dr Penny Sartori on Near Death Experiences

    16/08/2016 Duration: 56min

    Our guest this time round is described on her website thus: "Dr Penny Sartori worked as a nurse in a British hospital for 21 years, 17 of those being in Intensive Care. She is highly experienced and skilled in her role as an intensive care staff nurse; and has conducted unique and extensive research into the near-death experiences (NDEs) of her patients. In 2005 she was awarded a PhD for her research into NDEs. Dr Sartori’s work has received worldwide attention and media coverage. She has spoken at many conferences both nationally and internationally and her work has received the attention of HRH Prince Charles." I'm sure you'll agree, she was a great speaker. Her book is well worth a look, it works as a beginner's guide but then goes quite in depth. A little like this chat... Post your thoughts in the comments section of or tweet me on @nickmargerrison You can find Dr Sartori on @DRPENNYSARTORI Do share this particular episode far and wide. We're looking at a nice...

  • 166 - Dr Powell's experiments in telepathy

    15/07/2016 Duration: 41min

    An excellent chat about telepathy. Worth looking down the time line of this podcast for the episode where I speak with Dr Sheldrake on this topic if you're new to the show. Dr Powell's website is here: Astounding work from The Cult's listeners in pushing the audience up. Our downloads are at a nice healthy 5,000 per episode. Keep recruiting new members, post it up on forums and websites around the globe. The article I mention is here: The excellent music you can hear is here: Also I will be doing a talk at Festival 23 Go see - get tickets and say hello!

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