The Nick Margerrison Podcast



The Nick Margerrison podcast.Former Kerrang! Radio & LBC presenter Nick Margerrison's fortnightly podcast is a continuation of his often eclectic radio career.Building on the legacy of the critically acclaimed first series "The Cult Of Nick" this podcast looks at how topics which were explored back then are now considered to be the bare bones of what is frequently termed 'the intellectual dark web'.A proud Discordian Nick's take is always sincere but never too serious.Contact the show via


  • 028 The Cult Of Nick The Awakening - an audio essay

    27/11/2012 Duration: 28min

    The fuller text of this essay is on the website. You can find it by typing "The Global Awakening" into google, it's on the first page of that search at the moment. It got re-tweeted almost 100 times and got around 200 "likes" on it. It's my attempt at putting a positive spin on a meme that has been around for some time. If people like it I might try and do another in a month or so, if not we'll just crack on with the archive. Already got some very interesting people who are interested in being interviewed on this podcast as a stand alone piece. Won't happen until the new year. The music performance was taken from My twitter address is My personal blog is This podcast can now be found on iTunes. It's early days cult members, I'm still learning this new form but I think I'm starting to get an idea of how cool it could be.

  • 027 Alan Moore interviews

    20/11/2012 Duration: 02h06min

    This week's offering to The Cult Of Nick features two interviews with Alan Moore. Both were recorded on the same day but intended to be broadcast seperately. The first is about comic books and the occult, the second is about the reasons why Mr Moore hates film conversions of his work. If I'm being honest here the stuff where we get into occultism involves me feigning ignorance a little. I'd gotten into it by now and was already telling people I was a Discordian High Priest [1]. However, it seemed like a better idea to step back and let a real expert do the talking. If this podcast is too long do message me about it on twitter: @nickmargerrison Next week I'm going to do entirely original content, as an experiment. Regardless of if we lose half our audience or double it as a result it'll be back to the archive the week after as I've got lots of bits and bobs I wanna stick up here. Thanks as always for downloading. C u next Tuesday! Nick Margerrison. [1]...23

  • 026 The Cult Of Nick

    14/11/2012 Duration: 47min

    Two interviews with Kevin Warwick. He doesn't call himself a "transhumanist" but that's the term you need to google really. This podcast deals mainly with the notion that people are on the verge of being able to fuse themselves with kinetic technologies. Kevin is a really genuine bloke and I enjoyed meeting him in person for the TV show we did, "Esoteria". I discovered today that you can buy an audio version of it for £6 on iTunes. F. that, I'll copy you it for free if you really wanna watch it. No one's giving me any of that £6 I'll tell you that much. Anyway, in this podcast I mention an article I wrote recently for which has gathered its own momentum since I recorded this. I'll focus on it a little more next week. In the meantime I am find-able on Hope you enjoy the podcast. 23 PS The picture is of a mannequin taking a dump... dunno if you can see it or not, still working out how pictures work...

  • 025 Cult of Nick ft Desmond Morris

    06/11/2012 Duration: 32min

    An interview with the author Desmond Morris. Feedback to:

  • 024 The David Icke interview

    30/10/2012 Duration: 01h03min

    David Icke talks us through his “awakening”. He goes from being a TV sports personality to the world’s most listened to conspiracy theorist. This interview was first broadcast on Kerrang Radio in an edited form around 2007. Icke’s work is nowadays appreciated by various musicians such as Matt Bellamy, Noel Gallagher and Robbie Williams. The comedian Russell Brand had him on Radio 2 not long after this interview. Icke recently spoke to an audience of thousands for over 11 hours at Wembley Arena. It’s one of my favourites.

  • 023 First full half hour version of The Cult Of Nick

    23/10/2012 Duration: 30min

    This is an interview from the archives. It features David Aaronovitch, a writer for The Times. It was to promote a book he'd written called Voodoo Histories about conspiracy theories. It's also the first proper full length episode of the podcast. Annoyingly I had to move from Audioboo to here. Not to worry, the Cult of Nick is only small at present, I'm sure everyone will find their way here in the end. I have no idea where this writing will end up ... if you enjoy the podcast write to me on twitter: @nickmargerrison

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