The Nick Margerrison Podcast

0004 Dr David Clarke on UFOs and Mike Stuchbery the lefty historian



Dr David Clarke joins us to discuss UFOs and the UK's national archives. It's sure to throw a cat amongst the pigeons as regards a good chunk of the audience to the podcast so I expect your feedback. If you are intrigued by his work go to his website here: or follow him on twitter: @shuclarke  Mike Stuchbery is an ardent anti-fascist and left wing twitter user. He has frequently been engaged in online battles with Infowars's Paul Joseph Watson and, as he says himself, this is one of the things that has given him such an impressive online presence. He tweets here @MikeStuchbery_ or, if you'd like to buy him a coffee, he has a website for that purpose here: My twitter is here: @nickmargerrison Share the podcast far and wide. We're getting an impressive level of downloads since my return to podcasting, all jolly good fun. Thanks for the support so far!