Sister Scriptorians



Heavenly Father would want nothing less for his daughters than to know His Word. By learning, likening, and lifting others, Sister Scriptorians will experience an increase in their confidence to face challenges and their ability to love others.


  • Ep 31: Valley of Lemuel

    24/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    1 Nephi 1-16   The Valley of Lemuel can serve as a metaphor for our lives when we experience afflictions. A valley is a depression longer than it is wide, but it lies between hills or mountains (peeks). All of us will experiences the valleys between our peeks, but it is possible to make these valleys fruitful and prosperous for us. Before we leave the Valley of Lemuel, we will review all of the tools that we have been taught on how to draw near and gather strength from the Lord. We have been taught SO MUCh and we have only covered 16 chapters!

  • Ep 30: Questions

    17/09/2018 Duration: 18min

    1 Nephi 15-16:5   After Nephi had counseled his brothers on how to obtain answers to their questions (personal revelation) he answered their questions. He was able to do so because of his own personal searching of scripture, listening to the prophet of God, and seeking after personal revelation to learn more. On this week's podcast we learn the answer to 5 questions of his brethren. I am so grateful they asked! Because they did, we have additional information explained in a beautiful and clear way. Questions are a part of the process that all of God's children go through as they come to understand His gospel and deepen their faith. This is a holy process between God and His child. I'm not sure when questions became a crisis of faith instead of a search to better come to know the mysteries of God. After this week's podcast, I hope that you will have a renewed commitment to search for the answers to your questions in the way God would have us find them.

  • Ep 29: Have Ye Inquired of the Lord?

    10/09/2018 Duration: 20min

    1 Nephi 15: 1-11 Nephi had just returned from being carried away in the spirit and receiving a glorious and horrific vision. As he returned to the tent of his father, he came across his brethren disputing the things which Lehi had prophesied unto them. In this episode, we liken these scripture verses to how we may respond to our loved ones who may be questioning the gospel of Jesus Christ and his prophets. Also, we learn how we may more confidently seek answers to our prayers   Also refer to President Russel M. Nelson's conference talk from April 2018 "Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives"

  • Ep 28: Nephi's Vision - Who's on the Lord's Side? Who?

    03/09/2018 Duration: 19min

    We are all apart of a team. In this even there are no sidelines. There are a choice of two team - either the Church of the Lamb of God or the Great and Abominable Church. The Saints of God vs the servants of the devil. In this episode discover each team's jersey, their strategies, and what the final outcome will be. Who's on the Lord's side? Who? Now is the time to show.

  • Ep 27: Nephi's Vision - Plain and Precious Things

    27/08/2018 Duration: 26min

    1 Nephi 13   We believe the Bible to be the word of God, however, from Nephi's vision, we learn that many plain and precious things pertaining to the gospel of Jesus Christ, including covenants, were removed intentionally by the adversay. God's work among his children, however, will not be thwarted. God had a plan. He would manifest himself unto the remaining seed of Lehi and he would reveal many plain and precious truths. They would record them and when the timing was right, the Lord would make this record known unto the Gentiles beginning a marvelous work of restoration. We know this record as the Book of Mormon. In this podcast we review some of the plain and precious things that Book of Mormon reveals, not only making it the perfect companion to the Bible, but securing it's role as an essential testament of Jesus Christ. For those who read and follow its teaching, the Book of Mormon empowers us by eliminating our stumbling blocks and empowering us with the power of God.

  • Ep 26: Nephi's Vision - Delivered by the Power of God

    20/08/2018 Duration: 30min

    The vision that answered Nephi's desire to see, to hear, and to know the things that his father saw was both glorious and horrific. On this week's podcast we discuss the effects of the large and spacious building and the mists of darkness upon the children of men. The devil has a pattern of creating destruction and despair among the children of men. BUT the Lord's ways can not be thwarted and for those who choose him, the Lord always delivers in power, hope, and glory. We see this cycle play out in the Nephite history as well as our early American history. Find out how simple things like birds, wind, and fog were used to deliver by the power of God.   credit: Seven Miracles that Saved America by Chris Stewart and Ted Stewart

  • Ep 25: Behold, What Desirest Thou?

    13/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    1 Nephi 11   Nephi desired to see, hear, and know the things in which his father testified of - the vision of the tree of life and what he prophesied of by the power of the spirit. He desired for all of these things to be made known to him. As he was pondering upon these desires, the spirit of the Lord appeared and asked him, "Behold, what desirest thou?" What desirest thou is a future focused question. It doesn't dwell on what you were or what you currently can bring to the table. It is focused on what do you want to become! This isn't about being limited by your present circumstances (whatever they may be) but it is all about developing the root of your desire with the help of the Lord.

  • Ep 24: Preparing For Personal Revelation

    06/08/2018 Duration: 23min

    1 Nephi 10 -11 Desire, Believe, and Ponder are all steps Nephi took to prepare for Personal Revelation. In this week's podcast we learn what our part is in learning to communicate with God.

  • Ep 23: Follow the Prophet

    30/07/2018 Duration: 17min

    ! Nephi 10   Being moved by the Holy Ghost, Lehi prophesied of things to come. His words must have been spine tingleing as his family sat at his feet and heard of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, of Jesus Christ coming 600 years from the time they left Jerusalem, of his life, of a prophet who would prepare a way for him, of his ministry, of his death, but then ultimately his resurrection. Lehi testified of the purpose that the Lord had for them, that they were intended to be scattered, but would evenutally be gathered. Just as John the Baptist prepared the people for the Lord's coming, Lehi prepared his people in the same way. We have a prophet today and his job is the same as prophets of old, to prepare a way for us to come unto Jesus Christ. What did the prophet last say? How has your life changed because of his words? What are you doing to prepare yourself to come unto the Lord? As we listen to our prophet today, we can be filled with the same type of drive and hope that motivated Lehi's family to keep

  • Bonus Episode: Trusting God

    25/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    I thought that I would capture my experience as I have been practicing this week's challenge to trust in God's plan, that He has a purpose that I don't fully know for me, but I know He knows everything from the beginning, that He can prepare a way for all of his works among the children of men to be accomplished and that I know that He has all power to fulfill all of His words. Knowing all of this and practicing it can be two different things. That's what happens when you are a human learning eternal truths. In this bonus episode, I explore some of my barriers that I experience in fulling trusting and how I work at breaking down them down so that I can align myself with God's purpose for me.

  • Ep. 22 For A Wise Purpose

    23/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    1 Nephi 9   In Chapter 9 Nephi takes a moment to let us in on an act of faith that he is currently experiencing. He was commanded to do something and he wasn't quite sure why, but he knew that it was "a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not." We can gain strength from Nephi's example and testimony for when we are asked to obey commandments we don't fully understand or receive personal revelation to act, yet we don't understand why. We can sometimes become impatient, waiting for the Lord's "wise purpose" to be made known to us, to manifest in some magnificent way, only to become dissappointed in our lack of clarity. Nephi's testimony of God's characteristics of "knowing all things from the beginning," that He "prepareth a way to accomplish all of his works among the children of men," and that He has "all power to fulfill all of His words" can put our fears to rest. The Lord does not work in deficits and everything will be for our good. Promise!  

  • Ep 21: Lehi's Tree - the People

    16/07/2018 Duration: 25min

    Book of Mormon   1 Nephi 8 and 1 Nephi 11   Lehi saw four groups of people moving about in his dream. Two of these groups actually made their way to the tree and partook of the fruit. However, one of the groups of people did not remain at the tree, but instead, moved into frobidden paths and were lost. What was the difference between these two groups and why did one of the groups not value the nourishment that the tree and its fruit had to offer? In this episode I refer to fear and the devastating effect it has on our ability to feel and act in love and how joy can allude us because of the miriad of toxic thoughts and feelings that fear fills us with. I refer to the work of Kim Giles and reference her book Choosing Clarity.

  • Ep 20: Lehi's Dream - the Tree

    09/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    Book of Mormon  1 Nephi 8 & 11 Dreams can have many interpretations and the dream of Lehi has been beautfiully explained in scripture, but it wasn't until I was pondering on the attribute of mercy that it occured to me, "What if the entire dream is all about Mercy?" Join us this week as we further explore the christlike attribute of Mercy and the meaning of the Tree whose fruit was desirous, exceeding all whiteness, sweet, joyous to the soul, and precious above all.  

  • Ep 19: Give Me Strength

    02/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    Book of Mormon  1 Nephi 7: 16-22   "Give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound." These are the words of Nephi when he was overcome by his opposition (his brethren) who were planning on leaving him alone in the wilderness to be devoured by wild beasts. What bands are binding you down? What particular tender mercy are you in need of from the Lord to help strengthen and deliver you. Listen to this week's podcast and receive tutoring from Nephi on how we can draw strength from the Lord during our most desperate times.  

  • Ep 18: Soft Hearts

    25/06/2018 Duration: 24min

    Book of Mormon  1 Nephi 7: 1-15 Have you ever wondered, "What is a soft heart?" or "How do I develop a soft heart?" On this week's podcast, we zoom in on the event in which the Lord softened the heart of Ishmael and his household to follow the sons of Lehi into the wilderness. Think about it. Isn't that a miraculous and bold move! How did Ishmael allow the Lord to soften his heart and to become moveable? While utilizing a talk given by Elder Marvin J Ashton "The Measure of Our Hearts'" we learn that a soft heart is 1) An honest heart 2) A willing heart 3) An understanding and a loving heart and 4) A heart that diligently remembers the Lord. Find out how Ishmael's heart meets these criteria and make a plan to personally meet it as well.  

  • Ep 17: Power of the Priesthood

    18/06/2018 Duration: 14min

    President Russel M. Nelson, in April 2018 said that one of his concerns is that the Brothers and Sisters of the Church do not understand the Power and Authority of the Priesthood. In this episode, we take a slight departure from the scriptures and discuss the power that righteous women posses because of the covenants that they have made. That power is priesthood power. Discover how women utilize this power and how the Lord expects us to. References: Daughters in My Kingdom Chp 8, The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, and A Plea to My SIsters by President Russell M. Nelson,

  • Ep 16: A Family Unto the Lord

    11/06/2018 Duration: 20min

    Book of Mormon  1 Nephi 7: 1-3   The Lord commanded Lehi to send his sons back to the land of Jerusalem. It wasn't meet for Lehi and his family to travel alone into the wilderness and the sons of Lehi were commanded to bring Ishmael and his family along with them. The Lord intended his sons to marry. Specifically, the Lord intended for the sons of Lehi to "raise seed unto the Lord." "Unto the Lord." A family raised "unto the Lord," stands apart. It begins with a marriage performed under God's Law and God's Authority that is bound not only in this world, but in the world to come. Join us as we find a deeper appreciation for temple marriage and find strength in the covenants we have or can make in the house of the Lord  

  • Ep 15: To Know Of A Surety

    04/06/2018 Duration: 19min

    Book of Mormon  1 Nephi 5   It is not very often that we have an opportunity to study a woman of the scriptures, but we are given an opportunity in the Book of Mormon to know Sariah. Sariah is the wife of Lehi and the mother of the four sons that we have been studying. What was this journey like for her? What were her thoughts about leaving her home? How did she reconcile between her questions and following her husband the prophet and his dreams? Nephi records the distress of his mother and the doubts that arose in her. Despite her feelings of grief and fear she chose faith and was able to "know of a surety" that the Lord was directing their path. We will give honor to her experience and the woman that it made her into. What experiences may you be wading through right now that just might be your "know of a surety" moments? Let Go and Let God just like Sariah did.   *****So I ask for your mercy. The correct quote is "Now I know of a surety..." I mixed this up a few times in this episode. UGGGHHH. BUT, the mess

  • Ep 14: Wherefore Can Ye Doubt

    28/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    Book of Mormon. 1 Nephi 3: 31-1 Nephi 4 In order to unify his brothers and to motivate them to, one more time, go and get the Brass Plates, Nephi relied on a shared experience in which they all could draw strength from. He referred to Moses and how the Lord delivered the Israelites from Pharoah's army. He reminded them that they knew this to be true and then asked, "Wherefore can ye doubt?" Are we providing our children with "Wherefore can ye doubt" moments? Are we allowing them, recording them, remembering them, expressing gratitude for them, and celebrating them? Are we preserving them so that when our children face the "mighty Labans" in their life that they can remember the might of the Lord and ask themselves "Wherefore can ye doubt?"

  • Ep 13: The Power of Thoughts

    21/05/2018 Duration: 19min

    1 Nephi 3-4 How did Nephi obtain the Brass Plates? How did he move past his failure and reach success? It all began with his thoughts. On this week's episode we apply the CTFAR model developed by Brooke Castillo (The Lifecoach School Podcast) and also taught by Jody Moore (Better Than Happy Podcast). We explore the power we have to choose how to think about the circumstances we face which create our feelings, which drive our actions, which produce our results. Comparing Laman and Lemuel's thoughts with the thoughts of Nephi gives intersting insight into the power that virtuous thoughts produce.

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