Sister Scriptorians



Heavenly Father would want nothing less for his daughters than to know His Word. By learning, likening, and lifting others, Sister Scriptorians will experience an increase in their confidence to face challenges and their ability to love others.


  • Ep 51: Joseph, Joseph, and Joseph

    18/02/2019 Duration: 24min

    2 Nephi 3 Is it possible that everything is working out exactly the way the Lord knew it would? Don't just give an impulsive "YES" to this question. Instead, dive into 2 Nephi 3 as Lehi reviews the prophesies of Joseph, son of Jacob about their day, but also about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If the Lord has the ability to interconnect 3 Josephs who existed thousands of years apart from one another, what is He capable of connecting in your life?

  • Ep 50: Men Are That They Might Have Joy

    11/02/2019 Duration: 21min

    2 Nephi 2: 25   Are you experiencing joy? Are you allowing yourself to? Can you describe joy, what the prequalification for joy are, and how you can obtain more of it? You are designed to experience joy! You are that you might have joy! In this episode we explore the answers to these questions and how becoming the Savior's friend is a HUGE part of experiencing JOY.

  • Ep: 49 Opposition in All Things

    04/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    2 Nephi 2:11-30   What role does opposition play in God's plan for us? It's crucial! In this episode we discuss why opposition is necessary for our growth and how it is important for us to make peace with its existence. Doing so will help us be clear about God's purpose for us and avoid mischaracterizing the Heavenly Father that we love.    

  • Ep 48: Consecrate Thine Afflictions For Thy Gain

    28/01/2019 Duration: 23min

    2 Nephi 2: 1-10   Father Lehi now turns his attention to his son Jacob - his first=born in the day of his tribulation in the wilderness. What an interesting way to acknowledge one's son, yet it does give us more evidence as to how difficult these days were. But, despite the difficulties and the sorrow that Jacob suffered, none of it was in vain. In fact, quite the opposite. This week we learn a little deeper the characteristics of God - His mercy and that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever and how these characteristics bless our lives to the degree that our afflictions can also be for our gain.

  • Ep 47: Awake and Arise

    20/01/2019 Duration: 21min

    2 Nephi 1: 13-32   "Awake and Arise," "Be Men," "Shake off the chains that bind you," "Put on the armor of righteousness." This is the final counsel of Lehi to his sons. He desired, before he died, for them to "Unite" and "Come out of obscurity." This father's blessing is a blessing to each one of us as we take to heart what Lehi is encouraging his sons to embrace.

  • Ep 46: The Promised Land

    14/01/2019 Duration: 22min

    2 Nephi 1: 1-12   If you were about to die, what matters would press upon your heart that in order for you to leave this world with gladness, you knew you must tesitfy of them to your children? In this episode we learn of the promises and the curse of the land in which the children of Lehi would inherit. These conditions continue to our day and forever. It is a land with a legacy and a destiny for God's children who choose to worship Him in righteousness.

  • Ep 45: How Merciful the Lord Had Been

    07/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    2 Nephi 1: 1-4   After Nephi had ended his teachings about the words of Isaiah, his father spoke, reminding Nephi and his brethren of the many tender mercies of the Lord in bringing them out of Jerusalem. The journey had not been easy and much sacrifice of comfort and trials of faith had been experienced, but NOW they stood in the land of promised. Father Lehi asked his family to reflect back on all the Lord had done for them, how merciful the Lord had been. What a perfect time of year for us to do the same. To recognize that the trials we experienced, the stretching moments, and the trials of our faith may truly have been for our benefit. What tender mercies did the Lord give to you to make you mighty and deliver you. What you may have been once happy to escape from with the close of 2018 may have just been the perfect lesson to help you in your "Becoming" for 2019.

  • Ep 44: The Righteous Need Not Fear

    31/12/2018 Duration: 23min

    1 Nephi 22   Nephi's brethren desired to know if the words of Isaiah pertained to things temporally or spiritually. The short answer? Both? This week's podcast focuses on Nephi's teachings regarding the prophet Isaiah's prophecies regarding the scattering of Israel, the gathering, the marvelous work that will be of great worth, and the nurturing role the Gentiles of a mighty nation will play. Sometimes, when we learn about the last days, we focus on the dire circumstances we envision will occur. That is exactly why we must hold onto the promise by the Lord prophet that "The righteous need not fear!"

  • Ep 43: I Will Not Forget Thee

    17/12/2018 Duration: 25min

    1 Nephi 21 also refer to Isaiah 49   This chapter is a beautiful conversation between the Lord and the House of Israel. For us in the latter-days, the words of encouragement from the Lord can be seen as our marching orders. He has and continues to prepare us to be His servants in gathering His children back to him.

  • Ep 42: For My Name's Sake

    10/12/2018 Duration: 16min

    1 Nephi 20 (See also Isaiah 48)   Take a deep breath. We are encountering our first Isaiah chapter and it's going to be awesome! This episode will aide you in gaining an appreciation for our Lord - how He knows everything from the beginning, how He knows our vulnerabilities, and how He knew our tendancy to gravitate to graven images. But, despite our weakness, He provided a way. He declared all things from the beginning and reminds us of what exactly He is prepared to do to help us along the way.  

  • Ep 41: Remember the Lord Their Redeemer

    03/12/2018 Duration: 19min

    1 Nephi 19   As I read this chapter, I read it through the eyes of a mature Nephi who is reflecting on all that he has done to teach his people to "Remember the Lord Their Redeemer." He has taught them from the Brass Plates teaching them of the prophecies of those prophets who, with him, stand as witnesses of the Lord's coming. Jesus is the Christ!  

  • Ep 40: Sailing to the Promised Land

    26/11/2018 Duration: 19min

    1 Nephi 18: 5-25 and Ether 6: 5-12   In this episode we compare and contrast the experience of the Lehites to the Jaredites who were also instructed to construct a ship and sail to the promised land.

  • Ep 39: After the Manner of the Lord

    19/11/2018 Duration: 13min

    1 Nephi 17:48 - 1 Nephi 18:4   We wrap up 1 Nephi 17 with the most exciting part of the entire chapter. Nephi basically receives superpowers from God and Laman and Lemuel finally receive their personal "Know of a surety" moment! While you listen to this episode, I want you to liken the verses to what you are currently being asked to do by the Lord. Are you All In? Whatever He asks of you, are you in? Are you being patient with the process? Are you acting in faith by taking the first step? Are you trusting that he will reveal to you "from time to time" what comes next? Are you working after the manner of the Lord or of men? Are you going to the temple often and praying often to receive the Lord's guidance on how you should personally work the timbers of your ship? I hope so! If not, listen to this week's podcast and consider the possibilities if you choose to partner up with the Lord.

  • Ep 38: Swift to Do Iniquity

    12/11/2018 Duration: 20min

    1 Nephi 17:45-55   "Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord you God." That is the smack down that Nephi gave his brethren after they accused Lehi of judging the people of Jerusalem. What is iniquity? Listen to today's episode and discover the wide net that the words iniquity casts. It wasn't just Laman and Lemuel who committed iniquities and it isn't onl those who are out of our spheres. Iniquity hides in our hearts and if we desire to feel the promptings of the spirit, we must rid ourselves of its clutches.

  • Ep 37: You Must Look

    05/11/2018 Duration: 21min

    1 Nephi 17: 22-44 The Nephites loved Moses. Repeatedly throughout the Book of Mormon, the Nephite leaders bring the people to remembrance about this great prophet. Nephi, while trying to encourage his brethren to have faith and help him construct a ship, reveals to us one of his personal motivators - the faithfulness of Moses. "Let us be strong like unto Moses!" (1 Nephi 4:2). This episode will ponder upon Moses and a particular attribute of his that did make him strong. We will also learn that like the children of Israel, we must learn to look to Jesus Christ when we are bitten by our own personal fiery serpants. A way for healing has been prepared. Israel was just asked to look and live.

  • Ep 36: Thou Shalt Construct A Ship

    29/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    1 Nephi 17 The family has finally reached the sea and the land which the Lord provided them was filled with fruit and honey. Bountiful was their respite. But now what? After many days in Bountiful, the Lord commands Nephi to get into the mountain. It is there, in prayer, that Nephi learns that he is to build a ship. As far as we know, Nephi didn't have ship building skills, but that is okay. The way he was to build the ship would be after the manner of the Lord and not of man. What is the Lord commanding you to build. Recently, a prophet of God gave us instruction to remodel our homes into centers of gospel learning. Perhaps it is other personal commandments that you are in need of pursuing, listen to discover how to follow the light and block out the obstacles that surely will arise.

  • Ep 35: The Lord is My Light

    22/10/2018 Duration: 23min

    1 Nephi 17: 1-14   The Lord promises His children who keep His commandments that He will strengthen them, nourish them, and provide means that they may accomplish the things they have been commanded to do. How does He do this? He has taken it upon himself to be our Light. He is The Light. And if we remain faithful and not slothful, He will lead us......but sometimes we do become slothful and we do tarry, not following a direct course. Is there something to learn during these moments? Absolutely! Because the Lord is your Light!

  • Ep 34: Deceptions

    15/10/2018 Duration: 25min

    1 Nephi 16: 33-39; 1 Nephi 17: 1-3   Our agency is so powerful that we can see things, hear things, and experience things and yet if we choose not to believe, choose not to remember and put forth the effort to know God for ourselves, we are powerful enough to fool ourselves. We can fall for our own deceptions. That is what Laman, Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael demonstrated for us over and over again.

  • Ep 33 Nephi Breaks His Bow

    08/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    1 Nephi 16: 11-32   There is so much more to this set of scripture than just the info that Nephi broke his bow. We can learn from him a pattern in which we can more successfully respond to afflictions.   How can we develop the faith and character that Nephi possessed? How can we develop the faith and character that will help us to weather opposition, help us choose our responses, help us tap into our ingenuity and be solution focused, help us avoid failure by taking action, and help us set everything back in its rightful place by Returning to God? This week's podcast will give ideas on how to achieve all of this.   I also recommend reading this talk by Elder Richard G. Scott. It's fantastic! - The Transforming Power of Faith and Character  

  • Ep 32: The Liahona

    01/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    1 Nephi 16   On this week's podcast we dive into the workings of the Liahona, a ball that directed Lehi and his family on their journey to the land of promise. With it's spindles and writings, the Lord provided a simple method that brought about great things - as long as everyone was on board that is.

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