Unnatural 20's



Hail and well met! Welcome to Unnatural 20’s, a comedy podcast where we leave the fate of each episode up to the rolls of a d20. Join us level 1 adventurers who are just as clueless on these quests as we are in real life. We’re just four nerd-a** friends that get together weekly to laugh and joke our way through this stage of life. Join in on the adventure with us by writing in “quests” you would like to hear us talk about by emailing us at unnatural20s@gmail.com. Roll with us!


  • Podcast Olympics

    09/08/2021 Duration: 59min

    These fierce podcasters have been training for years for this one moment at a chance to bring home the gold! So grab your gear and join the party as we: get to smiting, make your ears ring and sing, hit a perfect C Sharp, learn about Book's new tattoo/life motto, hoard blurry dog photos, put a kid in the dog wash, try to wrangle a wet puppy, get stumped in the Bone Zone, boldly go in love where no one has gone before, use astronomy math, become a student of the stars, die right after a mic drop moment, set the qualifications for a real dog,  keep the tradition of being the NPC alive, come in entirely too hot, get marked by the neighborhood witch, experience a horror movie, miss a key hint, test our DJ skills, live the hamster tap life, get thrown out of a 7/11, become a garbage truck transformer, forget about the existence of straws, put a puppy in a conductor hat, and make an ice skating dream come true.  Send your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com to be a part of the show  Check out our bonus content on Patr

  • A Dangerous Game

    02/08/2021 Duration: 57min

    We have started a dangerous point deduction game and this week's DM, Books, is not going to miss her chance to get in on this! So pick your words carefully and join the party as we: enroll at Books University, introduce Sir Katelynn the Bestower of Juggernauts, learn that Steve wonders about me and you, share car chase tips, work together to compose a story, stay vigilant against banned words, use a fancy algorithm, join the booty business, do a dirty, unlock a new fear, frighten the lifeguards on duty, diagonally doggy paddle out of a bad situation, hire a dog photographer, try to persuade the DM, convince the human by getting on the dog's good side, give too tight socks a second chance, deny foot on shoe contact, become the X-Men version of a Troll doll, start taking heads, check-in with the Lil Baby Brainchild, find eachother through a costume contest, reach our dreams and become hot dogs, try to connect the missing pieces, get wrecked in the notes, go down to Helloooo, feel constipation as an emotion, rin

  • Poo(L) Party

    26/07/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    Katelynn is our DM again and this time she may just be throwing us a normal pool party? That can't be right. Well, let's dive in and see! So put on some sunblock and join the party as we cannonball in, use up all our good jokes, turn a town hall meeting into an impromptu musical, greet food before people, pay the Dougall cut, support the office ecosystem, hang out at the computer virus house, pass on playlists, pick the vibe for the year, share our book trauma, learn the mannequins secret, face our fears, get excited for dogs, appreciate the wrinkly boys, spoil our puppers, find our spaces, create our dream floaties, fun horse, get our mind blown by some groundbreaking cup technology, put in the seahorse neigh, be floatastic, focus on what matters in The Illiad, believe in the minotaur history, freak out over tiny cars, revel in the Twilight renaissance, make a popsicle mess, request nuggets, enter the foot boat race, bring the ricotta, learn about the real war that Star Wars almost started, try to understand

  • Wacky, Weenie, and In-Betweenie

    19/07/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    The DM has a new adventure planned for us and this one is full of...hot dogs?? Yep, hot dogs! So grab a bun and join the party as we: let dogs out, cream them jeans, get a jiggle-to start-car, cast the next hit anime, drift with our dog, bring DMX to our school, communicate through barks, compliment a mysterious meat, nibble some bits, flabergast our boy Franklin, remember the nakey gymnastic times, put cheese on a fat hog, meet the new Mattress Emporoer MODOK, keep Mercutio with us and on us, explode into glitter, identify with the before version, appreciate the floppy-haired boys, boil a weenie, create a mermaid dinosaur, knit the tits, celebrate Nelson being a certified cute boy, appreciate trees at the atturariam, and put the wieners back where they belong.  Join in on the adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content on Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network

  • The Party Strikes Back

    12/07/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    In an episode far far away, one DM rose up with evil intentions and took away mad points from the other party members. Today...that party gets their revenge! So get petty and join the party as we explore bde god energy, kip the boy, make cute little vests, throw a door kicking party, build morale through demolition, appreciate moms doing bits, feed Books, be the bad influence, befriend all the dads, bring math onto the show, get in a semicolon argument, give Katelynn a chance, determine that she went to gerund, find the comedian loophole, give credit to Gatsby, pitch Doggy Go Night Night, get mesmerized by a chicken waving in the air, take the dogs with us thanks to You're the Baby Now Dog, teach you how to ethically lie, create the Fred Flinstone stroller, go to a post pandemy day camp, read the DM's mind, become a decent human beam, suffer from resting sad face, love learning from fails, celebrate our girl gang, eat crochet kids, make some important prize store traditions, pick the correct grabby hand, and

  • Whose Variant is it Anyway?

    05/07/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    There's been a deviation from the sacred timeline and variant versions of ourselves have come over to try and take over our show. Will we be able to stop them and restore the timeline or will there forever be new hosts? Grab your temporal pads and join the party as we die on mic, leave the pod in shambles, send out a murder alert, flip our inderwear, let you in on a secret, get a check stolen by our dog, display expensive tastes, get scared of sleep, revive the Vikings, get caught by a blind grandpa, hear a recognizable skitter, find the ultimate female ally, go on a cotton ball search and find, trade out Katelynn for a squirrel, back down from murder, find our new best friends, arm the world with chainsaws, showoff our knowledge of cones, get emotional with snails, deploy the harpoon tooth, gain a new fear, watch some wholesome drama, keep them dogs cool, stop for belly rubs, place a pancake trap, buy underpants for squirrels, celebrate a big dog moment, and have a bingo day. Join in on our adventure by send

  • 10 Year Reunion

    28/06/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    10 years ago someone wrote in all of our yearbooks "Don't ever change" and at this reunion, we are going to figure out if we were able to pull that off! So grab your yearbooks and join the party as we come into existence, reach out through the gmails, adapt to the darkness, finally have our dumbest fail yet, show our adaptability, lurk in the corner, become an interview gremlin, tutor the grandchildren, steal theater tricks, put the big deer in a papoose, make an end of the world candy necklace, give up on close up magic, rely on Crocs, scream for comedians, get that money, replace our previous superlatives, take a journey back to high school, try to impress our crush while avoiding our bully, invite the listener, use the environment, fail at magic but succeed at comedy,  get graceful in the make em up world, define dead body eyes, suffer from the superlative curse, meet the first Gabin, go to infinity and beyond, find the only D we need, connect Bieber to the housing market crash, and send porage to a victor

  • Lessons and Lyrics

    21/06/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    The DM is tired of our constant refusal to learn from our fails and she has decided to try a new technique to get through to us. Will this episode be a triumphant display of the power of music and lyrics? Let's see! Grab your favorite record and join the party as we compliment just one, go red for the team, become a dirty lizard, add the 3rth day, find a new skincare routine, get paid for a bad promo, lay down a new books rap, appreciate events, wear a dogs dream, view mountains as a challenge, live a Crank That lifestyle, pick the DK theme song, prove our age to the bartender, learn proper falling technique from Avril Lavigne, get haunted by Sexy Lightning McQueen again, go deeper, decide that if the roof caves in you should shove it up, suffer from tiny boy weakness, praise the Ewok dog, come on Barbie piss your pants, let the fertilizer flow freely, become boob, share even more knowledge, get repulsed by the dragonfly shovel butt, learn about the power of pink, send some kids via the mail, and fail our DM.

  • Hot Pod Summer

    14/06/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    Have you checked the calendar recently? If you have then you may have noticed that it's officially time for hot pod summer! That means there are only 3 rules to follow. 1. Be unapologetically you 2. Get your money and 3. Make it hot. So grab your best outfit and join the party as we: make a whale of an entrance, find our new tagline, just try to communicate, appreciate the pod, get put on an equal playing field, slap the handshake, chose vase, witness grandma getting twisted in the ocean, refuse to apologize, ignore the nuggies, rent out our dog as The Homework Eater, burn books, gift an eye patch, double our vision, check in with our dog's spirit breed, get saved by hentai, gather the sad people to be a car, wiggle the puppy from the balcony, add a buttcrack, take inspiration from the sexy thumb thumbs, put wolves on the front and possums on the back, become a ghost sighting, learn of the vessel for traumatized victorian children, chase that bag, artistically sell the Peg Egg, sexily sell old leftovers, get

  • Nailed It! In the Ear

    07/06/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    The DM is throwing a whole new challenge at us and has decided to test our auditory baking skills! Confused as to how we can bake by using our voices? Don't worry we'll definitely clear that up. So grab your oven mitts and join the party as we: sell our feet, join the grape life, get bonus points for being a bad baker, mop the floors with our bodies, share a dog fail, carry the big boi, determine if it's a Snot Otter or Lasagna Lizard, claim all the frogs, retain useless knowledge, disagree on cakes, make it a grandma in protest, deflate the bounce house, become the ball and do the dunk, tear down castles, forget about the butter, make an inedible cake work, soup cake!, get delighted by opossums, appreciate Jack Black's mom, nerd out on that Nicole Byer joint, grow like an arbor, bring the structure during improv, crave Crocs, throw the math out onto the table, voluntarily go into debt, put googly eyes in the soup, come back to robot, slurp the cake, and get a last-minute foot plug in. Join in on the adventur

  • Livestream Redemption

    31/05/2021 Duration: 30min

    After our disastrous 100th episode livestream, we thought we'd never do another live episode again. But then the Scavengers Network invited us to be a part of their SNIP Showcase and we finally had our shot at redemption! So grab a trophy (for us) and join the party as we block dogs with fancy furniture, use the monkey attack technique, scream all the way home, get the brown stuff everywhere, lose a head butting competition, roll in the most chaotic way, keep the party going thanks to the Snoretainer, get traumatized by Chia Pet Dad, take our terracotta daddy with us, change the shopping experience forever, shove food through a tube, learn about the diaper shrimp, pit our moms against each other, try to diffuse the situation with baked goods, train under Hitmonlee, demand puppies, fight our past selves, suck some range punches, make ourselves pocket monsters, channel the power of the shrimp, refuse to apologize for the chaos, bring out the real stars of the pod, put the dogs in the tube, and witness a dog on

  • Kickflip 180+2 Turn Your Life Around

    24/05/2021 Duration: 58min

    This is the ep where we make a drastic change and kickflip 180 turn our lives around (+2 to make a difference). What does that phrase mean? By the end, we may just figure that out! So grab your board and join the party as we make the theme our own, put on Picasso's shoes, outshine the original, show the math, take a sign to the head, learn about dog-speed lightyears, bully ourselves, excel at tummy time, suffer from the technology curse, steal the declaration of independence, learn about Scottish fairies, pitch it with the fight first, make sure the "Mc" is included, sing a new Nerd Out theme song, spread the dunks out, drop the hair routine, embrace being a wreck, commit to the Christ Air, McTwist all over the stunt, superman the hole, bring out Soulja Boy, take an unexpected pee break, make the DM feel radical, leave the Furbie in the closet, check in with our socks, moonwalk away from hugs, solve a pizza dilemma, freeze time in order to not be judged, find the Cruella of the pod, agree with cannibalism, ap

  • Dust Bunny's Big Break

    17/05/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    The DM has declared it to be spring cleaning in the studio which means trouble for all the dust bunnies; unless they were to... let's say...rise up and declare squatter's rights! So sharpen your brooms and join the party as we get supervised, meet the Dust Bunny, air out our dirtiness, bring dog poop pants energy, earn our place in the club, go for the one eye smudge look, get put to the transition test, find our bridezilla moment, appreciate the funnels for sound, support 2 ft scoopers, harness that extra hound power, find our favorite movie trope, deny the lasagna jesus, make a baby sideshow attraction, enter the lawless land of Coney Island, find the bummer, inspire a corndog baby warmer, toss a treasured item, slam dunk Twilight into the trash, biblically deny Trolls Word Tour, die from a nose boop, map out a better death scene, turn Star Wars into Monty Python, make security fashion, switch up the Hellfire Gala, give Wolverine a dress, make murder fun, ban screaming, welcome Franklin back, appreciate the

  • Piracy is a Crime

    10/05/2021 Duration: 58min

    You wouldn't steal a car, would you? How about some treasure? If you said yes, then you are a pirate and that's a crime! So get ready to walk the plank and join the party as we become poop deck royalty, gain big booty powers, get mad dumpers, ignore the dog fight, disagree on a theme, fall victim to the chocolate disaster, get haunted by Lightning McQueen, have our photoshop skills be disrespected, switch to vampirate, talk with the joker, have no remorse, bond over our death laughs, appreciate a vet for his work ethic, exchange kids for wine, drop anchor, repurpose Moby Dick, leave the treasure behind, try to use the booty as a flotation device, witness the power of shipping, get distracted by the metal arm again, put the shimmery boys in the mast, meet Fredricko the crab, get hip thanks to the Trendy Translator, rebuild our childhood at a theme park, break moon shoes, create the oil pan for your pan, argue about crumb collectors, eat away from the face, find our parrots, steal some spice with our dice, and

  • Little Miss Spark Notes

    03/05/2021 Duration: 01h17s

    There can obviously only be one Books, but sometimes the burden of being Books gets to be a little much. This is why our DM is holding interviews to see who can become her protege, or as we like to say, her Little Miss Spark Notes. So get ready to impress and join the party as we prove our literacy, take a trip back through past field trips, volunteer to get left in a locker, enter the high-security poop zone, break from formation, earn our milkshakes, give bad book recommendations, turn on The Alchemist, succeed without reading the source material, read only on our terms, appreciate the wiggly greeting, snort hope, coin a new inspirational quote, define the sections of the bookstore, enter the mom zone, add some features to Falcon's wings, make it more stealth, let Bucky hit on the family, get cradled by the metal arm, and talk business in the lobby.  Join in on the adventure by sending your quests to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content on Patreon We will be a part of a great, free live event

  • Take U(20's) to School

    26/04/2021 Duration: 58min

    The DM decided that it was time for the crew to take a bit of a refresher course on how to be U20's. So sharpen your pencils and join the party as we get served the best slice of Katelynn, take a stance on fruit cakes, attempt to activate the brain by calling it, record in the bear pit, dress for the wrong era, get savage with our transitions, bring our dog to work, forget our age, come for Godzilla v Kong, deploy killer dookie fumes, expertly evacuate the premise, meet the mega lords, witness a magician murder, find a wrestlers motive, lose the Jr. title, fail so hard we change society, learn of the real party bird, appreciate the sad mustache, find the ultimate sleep aid, pitch a starry night nose time, turn potato into lamp, put the teddy on the wall, connect to poetry, change the way we look at snails, pay homage to Yahoo Answers, put pizza crust in a surprise bad place, ask the important questions about spiders, use the power of the crop dust, and pop open a can of Dougall. Join in on the adventure by se

  • Pride and Properness

    19/04/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    It's officially time for us to enter into society, but by the end of this episode, society may want to return us. So grab your fanciest ribbons and join the party as we nail the accent, introduce the Dutchess and Mistress, fall asleep on company time, forget to teach the kids, earn the fail, bring out Scooby, get our cockney on, focus on the floppy ears, make adjustments to the dress code, try to figure out what's in the lady's pockets, rock a cargo crop top, show love to the pockets, expose the left ankle, don't like how it says, witness a documentary redemption, get inspired by funny women, slippy time, get comfy to record, shock the room with helicopter pants, set a man on fire, play Who Wore it Better?, do the minnow, roll for breakdancing, break into a Slim Jim proposal, and jump into The Sims.  Join in on the adventure by sending your quest to unnatural20s@gmail.com Check out our bonus content on Patreon Proud Member of the Scavengers Network

  • There's Go-Gurt in Them There Mines

    12/04/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    We were promised a totally chill episode but chaos seems to follow Katelynn without her permission and in this episode, chaos goes by the name Go-Gurt. So grab your miners helmet and join the party as we join the 5'5" crew, immediately get put to work, fall into the mine, find our new tour guide, forget who's in the family, edit a friend out of the interview,  witness puppy's revenge, debate entering the shaft, find out if the sparkles are nigh, change grocery shopping forever, stick a hotdog in a tube, send a plop of sauce, create a tubular turkey, pick our pep talk, gamify laughs, pass notes via pants, get dubbed Miss Lunchable, piece together a previously unsolvable mystery, relish being a muse, enter a reverse Batman situation, get betrayed by a face, find a fun part of the pandemy, appreciate weird dog sits, get a real good Go-Gurt fact, meet Miss CAPrisun, fail at rock dodgeball, learn how to properly use a first aid kit, get denied a carry, get shocked by a surprise accent reveal, learn that we must kn

  • Bunny Day 2: The Eggs Revenge

    05/04/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    We've had a year to plan and prepare for the bunny's return and this time we're making it clear, this year is for the eggs! So grab your basket and join the party as we shoot eggs from a secret compartment, appease the Being, get radical, continue to make the boys strong, execute a classic yard sale, stop in T formation, get haunted by the racing curse, unveil a new title, get flabbergasted, learn that Charles Darwin was a monster, try to figure out what the glutton club is, advance by eating, blend in with the island life, look into the eyes and see too much, play Dog or Snapchat Filter, find a gift in our favorite vase, draw the line at thumbs, employe all the cannons, load the bunny in the slingshot, spot a carousel horse in the wild, adopt a rollerblading child, abandon the kid at the park, sign for SeaWorld tickets, realize the true weight of eggs, experience Shaken Bunny Syndrome, witness the healing of a relationship, finally understand eggs, receive the bunny's blessing, and turn the egg hunt into the

  • The Dougall Cut

    29/03/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    In response to the DCEU and the Synder cut, our DM has decided that she needs to "fix" our show by making it more dark and gritty and sequentialy punishing the rest of the party. So go put on all black and join the party as we deny responsibility, enter the dumpster, get sad over Tupperware, cry over puppies, attempt to reconstruct the Google search, take an unfortunate trip down the stairs, lose 10,00 for showing up, nerd out on Bungalows, get motivated by an alchemist, sign up for the Montauk project, fulfill a nerd prophecy, drink with Superman, become the baby dinosaur, make the cutest scream, determine that grunge lives in the back of the throat, break our voice, hear Frankenstein's regret, exude charm, get welcomed into The Bone Zone, fail at dogs, kick Snyder out of the playpen, try to decipher wedding food, get angry at chives, serve the Chili's lava cake, learn about the other railway cat, give animals a mini fridge, appreciate the tiddly things, post up at TGIF, turn Yankee Doodle into a drunk alien

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