Unnatural 20's

The Dougall Cut



In response to the DCEU and the Synder cut, our DM has decided that she needs to "fix" our show by making it more dark and gritty and sequentialy punishing the rest of the party. So go put on all black and join the party as we deny responsibility, enter the dumpster, get sad over Tupperware, cry over puppies, attempt to reconstruct the Google search, take an unfortunate trip down the stairs, lose 10,00 for showing up, nerd out on Bungalows, get motivated by an alchemist, sign up for the Montauk project, fulfill a nerd prophecy, drink with Superman, become the baby dinosaur, make the cutest scream, determine that grunge lives in the back of the throat, break our voice, hear Frankenstein's regret, exude charm, get welcomed into The Bone Zone, fail at dogs, kick Snyder out of the playpen, try to decipher wedding food, get angry at chives, serve the Chili's lava cake, learn about the other railway cat, give animals a mini fridge, appreciate the tiddly things, post up at TGIF, turn Yankee Doodle into a drunk alien