Unnatural 20's

Poo(L) Party



Katelynn is our DM again and this time she may just be throwing us a normal pool party? That can't be right. Well, let's dive in and see! So put on some sunblock and join the party as we cannonball in, use up all our good jokes, turn a town hall meeting into an impromptu musical, greet food before people, pay the Dougall cut, support the office ecosystem, hang out at the computer virus house, pass on playlists, pick the vibe for the year, share our book trauma, learn the mannequins secret, face our fears, get excited for dogs, appreciate the wrinkly boys, spoil our puppers, find our spaces, create our dream floaties, fun horse, get our mind blown by some groundbreaking cup technology, put in the seahorse neigh, be floatastic, focus on what matters in The Illiad, believe in the minotaur history, freak out over tiny cars, revel in the Twilight renaissance, make a popsicle mess, request nuggets, enter the foot boat race, bring the ricotta, learn about the real war that Star Wars almost started, try to understand