Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur



This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and those that want to become a designer and implementor of great software solutions. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life,


  • Keep Focus On The Important Things - Interview With Pranay Parikh

    30/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    Pranay Parikh is an MD that has taken a journey to entrepreneur and tells us how to keep a focus on the important things as we pursue our goals. He shares his stories of hard work and determination that led him to question why he should stay the course. These include some lessons we can take away and use to craft our story and entrepreneurial journey. Focus On The Important Things - The Key To Happiness This episode gives insight into someone who has worked hard and seen some setbacks. However, he kept moving forward and found success. That is where the story truly begins. He looked at his success and what he enjoys and found some mismatches. Those findings led him to start an entrepreneurial journey that coincided with living his best life. He has found a way to keep a focus on the important things while fully embracing the life he has wanted.  About Pranay He is a medical doctor, serial entrepreneur, and podcast host. His unconventional journey to medicine helped him learn the skills to excel in entrepreneu

  • Audience Building - Get Your Course In Front Of Your Target Audience

    28/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    Our discussion with Kyler Nixon wraps up with a focus on audience building and assessment. The assessment part of the equation is where he provides details on what we should be looking for as we launch a course. That is an important bit of information. Particularly, when you are at the point where you are trying to make a decision. He gives some excellent rules of thumb for where you should see your content and interactions before taking the course creation step. Audience Building And Reaching Out The other part of this discussion is an important look at the idea of audience size. Likewise, what you are providing them. There are many problems that we can solve. However, the number of competing solutions must be a factor in your decision to monetize one into a course. A problem with many solutions may have a wider appeal.  On the other hand, it may have less opportunity or value per customer. Likewise, a complex problem that only you have solved will be more likely to have less application but a higher value p

  • Course Creation - Share Your Knowledge - Kyler Nixon Interview

    23/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    We start a new interview and switch gears to focus on course creation. Kyler Nixon sits down to share his thoughts on what one can do to get their content into course form. This starts with us looking at what should lead one to create a course in the first place. In the same vein, we see that nearly everyone has something they can share and use to launch their side hustle. Course Creation - Where Do I Start? Course creation differs from other content creation and offering platforms we have discussed. At the same time, there are many ways to approach a class. The first step is the content itself. Fortunately, our lives lead us to create expertise of some sort. We might have something complex like heart surgery or something mundane like cooking a quick meal. Both of those, and all points in between, are a foundation for a course. That is where Kyler comes in. He uses his expertise to recommend a path that helps get your content in front of the people that can benefit most. That is the key to success. You can ha

  • Find Your Key To Happiness - Match Work To Joy

    21/03/2023 Duration: 34min

    We continue our interview with Jason Skeesick and delve into the key to happiness in work and life. It is almost a true key to match against our goals. Once we have a complete understanding of what makes us tick, we can use a form of key to see what will work for us and what will drain us. Amazingly, that simple calculation is the first step toward true happiness. The Key To Happiness Is a Good Fit Jason covers a lot of ground that does not directly get labeled as the key to happiness. For example, we talk about mindset, strengths and weaknesses, goals, and the environments that suit us best. Nevertheless, while these factors impact our productivity and odds for success, they also can be distilled into bringing us joy.  Each of us has a certain way that best fits us in life. Jason lays out the edges of this key to happiness and what we need to do to craft it for ourselves. Once it has been refined, we can use it to match against our objectives and opportunities. Then we can determine the path that will bring

  • Spirit Of The Puppy - Jason Skeesick Interview

    16/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    We start an interview with Jason Skeesick and learn about the spirit of the puppy. However, that is the tip of the iceberg. He has an incredible story and leads a mastermind group and a business focused on mindset. That is where we spend most of our time as we delve into what makes us tick. Likewise, we find out where our strengths lie. Spirit Of The Puppy? I found Jason's mindset description of the spirit of the puppy very suitable. It is very different from his other trait, the military mindset. Nevertheless, Jason has found a way to marry those traits into a prescription for his success. He learned how to use what he has and what he needs as a roadmap for his business. Now, he takes us through his story and how we can use it to find and leverage our strengths. The secret sauce is passion. We each have that in the right situation. We just need to find out what works best for us. That will be the path that keeps us excited and driven even when times are tough. That is the way we persevere and find success as

  • Using High Energy Time To Improve Productivity

    14/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    We continue the discussion with Vic Manzo and explore how you can leverage your high-energy times to improve productivity and get more done. Each of us has a pattern that fits our natural rhythm of rest and work. For example, this pattern makes us night owls or early risers. In any case, we will be most productive when we embrace the work patterns that are best suited to our rhythm. Check out this site for more on chronotypes: Set Your Schedule To Improve Productivity The discussion leans on our ability to adjust our schedule to improve productivity. However, not all of us have the freedom Dr. Vic has to make those changes. Or do we? In the modern world of remote work and flexible schedules, we have more opportunities than ever before. Thus, we can push the limits of our schedule as needed to reach goals as he has. However, we will need to be patient and allow for time for those changes to "burn in," just as he discusses. About Victor Dr. Vic is an I

  • Detecting And Beating Burnout - An Interview with Victor Manzo

    09/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    We start a new interview with Victor Manzo and look at detecting and beating burnout. He is a chiropractor that turned his lessons and struggles into a mindset and coaching business. While he is still happy to help you adjust your spine, he looks more at holistic approaches and helps us see where we need to make changes.  Detecting And Beating Burnout The challenge with detecting and beating burnout is that they are intertwined. It is far harder to fix the results of burnout after it has manifested. Instead, the goal is to see it coming and adjust your course before it settles in. We discuss many ways that we can see that stress and burnout build, as well as ways to adjust our schedule and focus to get back on track. About Victor Dr. Vic is an International Business Success Coach, Certified Pediatric Chiropractor, 3x Author, Podcaster and Speaker. He is the founder of The Billionaire's Success Formula. Dr. Vic is the author of 3 books, the most recent being, "Decoding The Matrix: Powerful Tips for Unleashing

  • Leverage Technology And Automation For A High Performing Business

    07/03/2023 Duration: 29min

    Part two of our interview with Geert aka "G" goes into how he helps companies go from an idea to a product and automation. We talk about how to leverage technology and automation. However, you first must define and refine your processes. This step is critical for a product to become a business instead of a form of "one-hit wonder." Leverage Technology and Automation Technology has always been about finding ways to take what we can do as an individual and scale that out to reach higher heights. The modern world of computers and the Internet is no different. Thus, we can review our business processes that are limited by our human traits and leverage technology to scale those out. We can reach more customers, deliver products faster, and so many other critical business activities. About Geert Geert (aka “G”) made some radical jumps in his career to finally discover his passion to support business owners and management teams with business growth. After university, where he graduated in law, he worked as a notary

  • The Entrepreneur Mindset - Interview With Geert Van Vlijmen

    02/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    Geert prefers to go by "G" and I am happy to call him that. He is a high-performance strategist with the entrepreneur mindset. Our discussion takes us through his many leaps that had risks but allowed him to embrace rewards as well. While G has gone in many directions with his business opportunities, there is a drive and mentality that we see and lessons that helped him succeed as his journey progressed. What Is The Entrepreneur Mindset? There are no words to give the complete definition of the entrepreneur mindset. However, we see plenty of examples of taking risks (even when pushed) and facing them head-on. There are times G could have stepped back and avoided risk but he did not. Those choices to embrace his situation and make the best of it is what created the man we see in this interview. There is a master lesson in facing fears and embracing where you are mixed into his story.  About Geert Geert (aka “G”) made some radical jumps in his career to finally discover his passion to support business owners an

  • Leverage A Podcast - Communicate Your Brand

    28/02/2023 Duration: 33min

    We continue our discussion with Jason Cercone by looking at how to leverage a podcast. He thinks every business should have a podcast. However, that is not simply a position that advances the industry. Jason explains how a good podcast can communicate your vision, enhance your brand, and win sales. Leverage A Podcast Into A Sale It is no secret that people buy from those they know, like, and trust. You can leverage a podcast to build the kind of relationships that lead to that know/like/trust trifecta. It is a medium that is often underestimated. Nevertheless, it provides a way to speak directly to your audience individually and create that link that we only get in a one-on-one conversation. You have your listeners' attention and can provide them with valuable information to help them and possibly lead to a sale for you. About Jason Jason Cercone is a podcast branding strategist, author, and experienced podcaster. He helps value-driven coaches and consultants establish authority and become thought leaders in

  • Producing a Podcast - Interview With Jason Cercone

    23/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    We start the discussion with Jason Cercone on producing a podcast. That includes developing the skills needed and the tools you will want. He has a background that provides excellent insight into the business benefits of a podcast. Likewise, he shares ways to tell your story entertainingly and compellingly. Even better, he has a voice for radio. Producing A Podcast The goal of a podcast is to share and communicate ideas. We want to do that in a way that is entertaining and keeps our listeners coming back. Jason spent years researching exactly how the best in the business accomplish that. He shares several nuggets he gained from those efforts. About Jason Jason Cercone is a podcast branding strategist, author, and experienced podcaster. He helps value-driven coaches and consultants establish authority and become thought leaders in their niche via strategic, impactful podcast guest appearances. He is also The Voice of Evolution of Brand, a podcast featuring authentic stories and strategies from brand-building p

  • Your Business Valuation - What Is It Worth?

    21/02/2023 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, we talk about business valuation and how to determine yours. This is part two of the interview with financial advisor Brent Allen of Amplifi. There is more to completing this process than figuring out your exit strategy. There is value in going through this process for your business today, and it can help you plan for growth. The Business Valuation It is not uncommon for a business owner to be blind or skewed about the value of their business. Thus, a person like Brent is critical to getting that realistic perspective and business valuation needed for financing and other monetary tools. The details of this process can also point to what changes are needed to increase the value of your organization. About Brent Brent is a strategic, multi-skilled financial executive with over ten years of experience driving the transformation of business financials. His specialties include strategic finance & problem-solving, sustained exponential growth, cost reduction, and efficiency improvement. He has

  • Business Assessment - The Financial Value - Brent Allen of Amplifi

    16/02/2023 Duration: 34min

    We start a new interview and switch our focus to a business assessment with financial advisor Brent Allen of Amplifi. We talk about why this is a valuable step for any business and the benefits it can provide. A financial review like this may seem like it only applies to huge corporations. However, a regular review is valuable to every company. The Business Assessment There are myths about why to do a business assessment, and we discuss a few of them. However, the important information is that this exercise can help your business. It is a way to get another set of eyes on what gives your business value and how you provide that to others. Thus, you can make your business stronger and more valuable even if you never intend to leave it. About Brent Brent is a strategic, multi-skilled financial executive with over ten years of experience driving the transformation of business financials. His specialties include strategic finance & problem-solving, sustained exponential growth, cost reduction, and efficiency i

  • From Purpose To Success - Catherine McCourt Part 2

    14/02/2023 Duration: 32min

    We continue our discussion with Catherine McCourt and shift from purpose to success. We started out with a look at purpose-driven work. However, that approach does not come at the cost of success. We can use our purpose and the inherent drive we get for it to help us or our organization succeed and exceed expectations. A Road From Purpose To Success There are countless articles that tie morale and happiness to productivity. Those same ideas apply to us in our job and career choices. Likewise, we will find ourselves better at our job when it is one we love. That fulfillment of purpose gives us energy and can be the difference between failure and success. A Little Background Her motto is LIFE: "Live In Fearless Evolution." Catherine is a Transformational Life & Business Coach. She focuses her coaching on empowering individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses to lead with the purpose of prospering. She hosts the podcast "Fearless Future w/Catherine McCourt" and is published in online blogs, magazines such as

  • A Purpose-Driven Profession - Interview With Catherine McCourt

    09/02/2023 Duration: 33min

    This episode starts a new discussion, and we look at a purpose-driven profession as Catherine McCourt shows us how to achieve it. However, we go far beyond that and look at organizations with a purpose and how to find a job that matches yours. These are valuable things to know as we spend so much of our lives "at work." It is best for our fulfillment to work with and for a purpose. When we take this path, we find greater happiness. Purpose-Driven Profession While we never talk about a profession as having a purpose, we can make it so by combining our job with our goals. This approach may seem simplistic. However, it gives us more identity, including what we care about. For example, why be a computer programmer when you can be a programmer focused on helping eliminate poverty? This slight change can help keep you focused on what matters to you and help you align with like-minded individuals and organizations. A Little Background Her motto is LIFE: "Live In Fearless Evolution." Catherine is a Transformational L

  • Security Assessments - Find Your Vulnerabilities

    07/02/2023 Duration: 31min

    We continue our discussion with Nate Sheen and get into security assessments, testing, and other good things to do. These are the ways you can determine where vulnerabilities are and how to secure your systems and organization. The idea and cost of an assessment may seem too much for your organization. However, the ROI is substantial. It is that old idea of the value of peace of mind. Security Assessments As A Proactive Move No one wants to find out where they have allowed holes for hackers after the fact. That is where security assessments come in. They point out known weaknesses and gaps in our security. While these can be technical issues, Nate also talks about how a hacking organization can use non-technical means to get into secure systems. It is not just code and firewalls. We also need to be aware of a human factor to security. A Little Background Nate grew up in a closed community; his first friends were his siblings. He launched his first business not knowing anyone in the community. At 19, running h

  • Securing Your Product And Business - Nate Sheen Interview

    02/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    Nate Sheen is a professional that cares a lot about securing your product and business. For example, his company is focused on helping more companies reduce hacking results through improved security. They provide consulting and assessments to various business types to reduce attacks. Our discussion goes into why we all need to be more vigilant about security for our products and businesses. Securing Your Product And Business Should Be Intentional It can be easy to treat security in a lax way until you suffer from an attack. Unfortunately, there are many ways to be attacked, and little you can do once one is successful. Whether it is your business or securing your product, it needs to be done early and reviewed regularly. The bad actors are always updating their approach and finding new avenues of attack. Therefore, you need to secure your company and products today while setting plans to stay current. A Little Background Nate grew up in a closed community; his first friends were his siblings. He launched his

  • Modern Tools For Monetizing Content

    31/01/2023 Duration: 29min

    We wrap up our discussion we Amy Harrop by talking about the modern gateway drug for monetizing content that has sucked in so many people, including her. Yes, we talk about Amazon and all their amazing tools. However, they are not the only game in town. For example, there are many similar offerings from Google, Microsoft and a wide host of other providers. It is overwhelming to think about all of the options one has to start a business that can compete with huge enterprises. There Is No Excuse For Not Monetizing Content This may be an episode that gets you feeling a bit like an under-achiever. Amy has helped countless people launch their business through the use of many of these tools and makes it sound easy. However, there is still work required and that is where her courses come in. We need to be disciplined and thorough with content products including books, e-books, and tutorials. Thus, we have a lot of power to create content and with that power comes great responsibility. A Little Background Amy lives i

  • Launch Your Side Hustle - Amy Harrop Interview

    26/01/2023 Duration: 30min

    In this episode, we start a new conversation and talk to Amy Harrop about how to launch your side hustle. Her strength is self-publishing and getting people from content in their heads to selling content on the web. Thus, If you have an idea you would like to try out, this is the episode to grab a paper and pen for your checklist of steps to achieve your goal. No Matter The Product, Launch Your Side Hustle Content has become an easy way to create a product. It also allows us to take our passions and monetize them. Whether you like to review the latest movies, craft a designer piece of furniture, or feed the masses with your awesome recipes, there is a way for you to monetize it. Amy has created numerous products and written several books, and learned a lot along the way. Therefore, you can learn from her experience and successfully launch your side hustle. A Little Background Amy lives in beautiful northern Idaho with her husband and pet family. She has a B.A. in Film Production from San Francisco State Unive

  • Pricing Strategies - The Value Of Your Product Or Service

    24/01/2023 Duration: 28min

    We continue our discussion with Nicky Billou and delve into pricing strategies. These are not your typical discussions around marketing. Instead, we consider what you are offering and what your market should be. Sometimes the fastest way to more profit is the raise prices. We started with identifying your ideal customer and providing them with world-class value. Now, we take that to the next logical step of a commensurate price. Pricing Strategies To Fit Your Goals It is important to remember that this discussion is in the context of serving our customers. We are not looking at pricing strategies that squeeze more out of the customer. Instead, we are placing the value properly to ensure we reach the correct customers and set expectations properly. Our goal is to help them see the value in our offer by pricing it accordingly. When we undervalue our product or service, we can keep it from getting to those who most benefit. A Little Background Nicky Billou is the #1 International Best Selling Author of the book:

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