Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur



This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and those that want to become a designer and implementor of great software solutions. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life,


  • Technical Improvement Through Baby Steps

    27/11/2017 Duration: 28min

    Our focus on technology can make improvement appear to be impossible.  The industry is moving at an incredible pace so keeping up is hard enough.  Thus, getting head is too much to ask.  We have found that technical improvement while staying current is not impossible.  It just requires us to keep a steady pace of improvement. Technical Improvement Requires Steady Use The challenge in growing our skills is to stay current in our existing skills while still learning new things.  When we are intentional about our growth, these two factors can be addressed as one.  Although incremental steps are the focus of this episode we also will need to take a big picture view.  We will look at setting up annual goals so those daily increments build on each other. Our daily work schedule can vary in its focus.  We tend to be at the mercy of our boss or customers.  Our learning approach does not have to be the same.  In this episode, we look at how to plan out our learning and build on our skills every day.  When this approac

  • Living Better - An Overview of the Life Hacking Series

    24/11/2017 Duration: 17min

    Our efforts to become a better developer and entrepreneur are only valuable if they lead to living better.  Therefore, we cannot limit our discussions to just those two topics.  In this series, we will look at how to work better.  Also, we will explore how to accomplish that without sacrificing a fulfilling life. Living Better is Our Ultimate goal The worst thing I can imagine is if someone follows our blog and podcast, is successful, but has an empty life.  The goals of skills and success are pointless when our health and relationships are ignored.  Nevertheless, our time is limited so we will also look at ways to make the most of this valuable resource.  Our ultimate goal is to squeeze all we can out of life in a way that leaves us happy and fulfilled. I am living the happy and fulfilled life, so I want to share what has worked for me.  Your experience and journey will be different.  However, I hope my success helps you believe that you can do the same, and sooner than you expect.  

  • An Introduction to the Business-Focused Episodes

    22/11/2017 Duration: 17min

    Becoming a better developer requires us to understand the business side of our solutions.  Therefore, this series of topics is highly valuable.  They also help our goal of becoming a better entrepreneur.  This first episode provides an overview of what to expect from the business-focused category. Why Business-Focused? One of the big complaints about developers is a lack of building solutions for the "real world."  Thus, we want to spend time looking at how to tie our latest technical advances back to well-grounded business needs.  In the long run, this will help us avoid building solutions in an ivory tower.  This approach also helps us build solutions that sell.  Therefore, adding to our bottom line rather than purely an academic exercise. Although our site starts out with a blog and a content business, this is not our only focus.  We will discuss the product and service-based businesses as well.  Our goal is to provide value every episode regardless of your entrepreneurial bias.  If you find this interesti

  • An Introduction To the Developer Focused Episodes

    20/11/2017 Duration: 17min

    We will start the tech track of episodes with an overview of what topics to expect.  This discussion also helps tie our past blog post articles into these upcoming podcast episodes.  We want to set a suitable destination as we embark on this journey.  Thus, this too looks at what we think makes for a better developer. Be A Better Developer We start from ground zero.  However, it will not hurt to try out our Launching an Internet Business series of tutorials.  The tutorials ask for only a few minutes a day and are a great tool for building a habit.  They also help you see where we are coming from.  All of this as well as some of the areas we like to visit in becoming better ourselves.  This is not a journey you will take alone, we are all in it with you. I also see this and the next two episodes as a sort of introduction to who I am and my goals in this podcast.  Develpreneur has been created out of a love for all of us to do a better job as developers so let's not waste any more time.

  • An Overview of the Develpreneur Podcast

    14/11/2017 Duration: 18min

    The Podcast Overview This episode starts us on our journey to become a better developer.  We look at the planned release schedule and structure along with why this podcast came into being.  The episodes will cover three main topics that make up a great developer. These are technical skills, entrepreneurial drive, and life-hacking/life balance tips and tricks. We have a busy road ahead so this provides a high-level overview. The next three episodes will involve going more deeply into the topic areas that will be visited each week.  

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