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Find Your Key To Happiness - Match Work To Joy



We continue our interview with Jason Skeesick and delve into the key to happiness in work and life. It is almost a true key to match against our goals. Once we have a complete understanding of what makes us tick, we can use a form of key to see what will work for us and what will drain us. Amazingly, that simple calculation is the first step toward true happiness. The Key To Happiness Is a Good Fit Jason covers a lot of ground that does not directly get labeled as the key to happiness. For example, we talk about mindset, strengths and weaknesses, goals, and the environments that suit us best. Nevertheless, while these factors impact our productivity and odds for success, they also can be distilled into bringing us joy.  Each of us has a certain way that best fits us in life. Jason lays out the edges of this key to happiness and what we need to do to craft it for ourselves. Once it has been refined, we can use it to match against our objectives and opportunities. Then we can determine the path that will bring