Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur



This podcast is for aspiring entrepreneurs and those that want to become a designer and implementor of great software solutions. We look at the whole skill set that makes a great developer. This includes tech skills, business and entrepreneurial skills, and life-hacking so you have the time to get the job done while still enjoying life,


  • Navigating Data Integration: Scraping Vs. APIs

    25/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    In the latest Develpreneur Podcast episode, hosts Rob and Michael explore data integration methods. Focus on scraping versus using APIs. They have experience in both realms. Dissect the challenges and advantages of each approach. Offer valuable insights for developers and data enthusiasts. Using Scraping for Data Integration What is scrapping? Scraping involves programmatically extracting data from web pages, mimicking human interaction with the user interface. Today, web scraping involves navigating HTML structures, identifying elements by their IDs, and extracting relevant information. Inconsistent IDs and Embedded Content Scraping challenges arise when pages lack consistent IDs or contain embedded content like iframes. On the other hand, APIs provide a structured means of accessing data, offering clear endpoints and formatted responses, typically in JSON or XML. Streamlining Scraping with Selenium IDE Rob underscores the importance of developers incorporating IDs into web page elements

  • Deciphering Code Chaos: Strategies for Writing Maintainable Code

    23/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    This episode delves into the intricate world of code chaos, coding standards, and best practices, and exploring the importance of writing maintainable code. Hosts Rob and Mike share their insights and experiences, shedding light on the challenges and solutions in the realm of software development. Deciphering Code Chaos What is Code Chaos? Rob and Mike set the stage by discussing the frustration of code chaos. This is where similar code functionality is scattered and duplicated code across projects. They emphasize the significance of architecting solutions rather than hastily pushing code changes. Identifying Testing Challenges From a QA perspective, the hosts highlight the testing complexities associated with duplicate code. They discuss the pitfalls of repetitive testing efforts and the risk of inconsistent functionality across duplicated segments. Exploring Refactoring Solutions Rob and Mike elaborate on various approaches to address code duplication, emphasizing the importance of refac

  • Upwork Proposal Strategy: Crafting a Winning Proposal

    18/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    Welcome back to our ongoing Upwork journey! In this episode, we delve into the specifics of crafting a winning proposal. Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, understanding the intricacies of proposal writing is crucial for success on platforms like Upwork. Crafting a Winning Proposal Deciphering the Job Posting As we embark on our proposal-writing journey, let's dissect a typical job posting. Job descriptions may often seem repetitive, emphasizing the need for skilled, passionate individuals. However, hidden within the generic language are clues to what the client truly desires. For instance, a post seeking a "full-time software developer for a SaaS software company" might seem straightforward, but it's essential to delve deeper into the company's goals and technologies mentioned. Analyzing Rates and Preferences Understanding the client's budget and preferences is paramount. While hourly rates ranging from $30 to $100 may seem enticing, assessing the duration and workload

  • Upwork Startup Guide: Navigating the Freelance Landscape

    16/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    In this podcast episode, we delve into launching a successful freelance career on Upwork. Focusing primarily on getting started, a sort of Upwork startup guide for beginners. This guide draws from our wealth of experience. It provides invaluable insights and practical advice for freelancers aiming to thrive in the competitive online marketplace by sharing our expertise and firsthand knowledge. Upwork Startup Guide We guide listeners through establishing a solid presence on Upwork so they can use it to maximize their earning potential. Exploring Upwork: Navigating the Platform As Rob and Mike kick off the episode, they overview the Upwork platform, highlighting its key features and functionalities. They cover creating a compelling profile, navigating job listings, and client communications. They also offer practical tips that help freelancers make the most of their Upwork experience. Decoding Job Listings: Finding Lucrative Opportunities Rob guides listeners through the process of analyzing j

  • The Importance of Properly Defining Requirements

    11/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    In this podcast transcript, Rob and Michael delve into the pivotal topic of defining requirements in software development. They emphasize the significance of clear and detailed requirements, underscoring the potential pitfalls of vague or incomplete requirements. Throughout the conversation, they provide insights, anecdotes, and practical strategies for navigating the complexities of requirement gathering and management. Let's dive into the key points discussed by Rob and Michael. Defining Requirements The Importance of Clear Communication Rob and Michael stress the importance of clear communication in understanding and defining project requirements. They highlight the dangers of assumptions and ambiguity, advocating for a thorough exploration of the client's needs and expectations. Drawing from their experience, they emphasize the need for developers to engage in detailed discussions with clients to ensure alignment on project goals and outcomes. Understanding the End Goal A key topic we disc

  • Pitching Your Services To Your Customers

    09/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    As consultants and service-based business owners, one of the biggest challenges is identifying your ideal customer and effectively pitching your services to them. In this insightful podcast, Rob and Michael dive deep into this topic, sharing their experiences and strategies. Pitching Your Services The Primary Focus: Solve the Customer's Problem The core message that resonates throughout the discussion is the importance of understanding and addressing your customer's specific problems. Instead of leading with the technologies or services you offer, the initial focus should be on the customer's pain points and how you can provide a solution. Pitching Your Services: Tailoring Your Pitch Pitching to potential customers requires tailoring based on their understanding and role. For high-level executives or decision-makers, keep the pitch concise. Focus on the problem and solution without delving into technical details. However, you should provide granular information about technologies and methodolo

  • Setting Realistic Expectations In Development

    04/04/2024 Duration: 23min

    Welcome back, fellow developers! Whether you're tuning in from your favorite chair or your trusty work desk, we're back to share insights and reflections on the intricate world of software development. In today's episode, we're diving deep into the realm of realistic expectations—how crucial they are when dealing with clients, navigating difficult conversations, and ensuring project clarity. Setting the Stage for Realistic Expectations In today's podcast, we're revisiting a topic mentioned in previous episodes: realistic expectations. From the onset, we're reminded that clear communication is key, especially when it comes to managing clients' expectations, whether they're individuals or even ourselves. So, at the core of managing expectations lies the concept of realism. For instance, it's about acknowledging the minimum effort, time, and cost required for any endeavor. Sure, we may aim to be efficient, but reality often demands more than our initial estimates. However, we're not talking about lowballing

  • From Side Hustle to Success

    02/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    In this episode of the "Developer Building Better Developers" podcast, our hosts explore the journey "From Side Hustle to Success." They delve into the intricacies of turning a passion project into a sustainable business venture. With decades of experience, the seasoned hosts are no strangers to discussing the challenges and nuances of entrepreneurship. From Side Hustle to Success: Transitioning a Passion into Profit Recognizing the Shift: From Side Hustle to Success The episode picks up the topic from the previous episode, "Bootstrapping Success," by testing niches on a shoestring budget. They emphasize the importance of recognizing when a side hustle evolves from a costly hobby to a financially viable endeavor. As they embark on this discussion, Michael shares insights from his extensive experience in business development and lessons learned through his journey with his side hustles. Identifying the Break-Even Point: Crucial Insights for Success Michael underscores the significance of identi

  • Bootstrapping Success

    28/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    Welcome back to our podcast as we embark on Season 21, episode 8, where we're shifting gears to focus more on mentorship and business discussions. In this episode, Rob Broadhead and Michael Meloche dive into the intricacies of bootstrapping a business. From minimizing costs to managing expenses, they offer insights and anecdotes from their own experiences as entrepreneurs. Getting Started with Bootstrapping Rob and Michael reflect on their early days of bootstrapping businesses and testing niches on a shoestring budget. They discuss the importance of minimizing startup costs and reaching the break-even point. Michael shares insights into balancing side hustles with full-time employment and the hidden costs of transitioning to self-employment. Navigating Startup Costs The conversation delves into the essential startup costs, from basic business tools to setting up a home office. They explore cost-effective strategies for acquiring the necessary equipment, including exploring pawn shops, yard sale

  • CYA Practices in Software Development

    26/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    Welcome back to another insightful discussion on software development! In this podcast episode, Michael and Rob delve into the critical topic of CYA practices—Cover Your Ass practices—in the realm of software development. As seasoned professionals in the industry, we've encountered our fair share of challenges and learned valuable lessons along the way. Our goal today is to share some of these experiences, insights, and strategies with you, our audience so that you can navigate your own projects more effectively and avoid common pitfalls. Understanding the Importance of CYA Practices We start our conversation by reflecting on recent experiences with clients who inadvertently overlooked crucial details in their project agendas. From forgotten tasks to budget uncertainties and unexpected data issues, these situations underscore the importance of robust CYA practices. Whether it's about status reporting, communication, or documentation, having a clear paper trail ensures accountability and transparency

  • Social Media Strategy Challenges

    21/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    In today's digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for professionals across various industries. For developers, establishing a strong social media presence is not just beneficial—it's essential for building their brand, engaging with their audience, and showcasing their expertise. However, navigating the complexities of social media strategy can be daunting. Understanding how social media works In a recent podcast episode, hosts Mike and Rob explore the intricacies of social media strategy for developers, offering expert insights and practical tips to help them unlock social media success. From understanding the importance of quality content to leveraging analytics tools effectively, the podcast provides a comprehensive guide for developers looking to enhance their social media presence. Top social media challenges Planning an effective social media strategy, especially for developers. Determining the frequency and length of content. Tailoring content to different socia

  • A Project Management and Pricing Guide for Success

    19/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    In the dynamic world of software development, managing projects effectively and setting appropriate pricing can be challenging. In our latest podcast episode, we delved into project management and pricing, drawing on the experiences and insights of seasoned developer Michael. Project Management and Pricing Initial Project Assessment and Agile Development Michael highlighted the importance of conducting a thorough initial assessment before embarking on a project. This involves understanding the client's needs, potential challenges, and scope of work. Offering options such as a free assessment or a short bid can help align expectations and ensure clarity from the outset. Moreover, Michael emphasized the value of agile development methodologies, especially when working with clients unfamiliar with the software development process. Regular checkpoints, stand-ups, and clear communication help keep clients informed and mitigate potential misunderstandings or scope creep. Dealing with Unexpected Challe

  • Insights on Podcast Production Challenges

    14/03/2024 Duration: 19min

    Welcome back to our latest episode, where we dive into the new season of our podcast and take a behind-the-scenes look at what we do at Develpreneur. In this episode, we focus on podcast production challenges and some valuable lessons we learned. So, let's unpack some of the key points discussed in this episode. Podcast Production Challenges: Key Strategies and Highlights Access to essential platforms for publishing content. Navigating software updates and ensuring compatibility with editing tools. Maintaining visual consistency across different platforms and backgrounds. Optimizing audio quality and testing across multiple devices. Creating meta-content-like summaries and additional resources for audience engagement. Recording using video tools First, we explore the visual aspects of our content creation process. Recording tools like Zoom offer flexibility, especially with features like customizable backgrounds that enhance branding. We emphasize the importance of visual consistency

  • Navigating the Consulting Roller Coaster

    12/03/2024 Duration: 33min

    Welcome back to season 21, where we're diving deep into the world of entrepreneurship and technology. In this installment, we're tackling the ever-challenging journey of managing a consulting business, likened to a roller coaster ride. Like the thrill of a roller coaster, entrepreneurship has its ups and downs, twists and turns, but finding balance is key to riding the waves of success. As entrepreneurs, consultants, and developers, we often find ourselves caught between working in and working on the business. It's a constant struggle to balance being busy with client projects while also dedicating time to growing and developing our businesses. This balancing act is what we refer to as the consulting roller coaster. What are some of our challenges? The challenge for Michael Meloche at Envision QA lies in getting his QA consulting business off the ground. With years of experience in software development, Michael faces the unique hurdle of convincing companies of the value of quality assurance (QA)

  • Software Development Challenges and How To Navigate Them

    07/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    Welcome back to our podcast series! In this episode, Navigating Software Development Challenges, we continue our journey through Season 21, dedicated to empowering developers with essential skills and insights. Whether you're a seasoned coder or just starting, we're here to help you navigate the complex world of software development. Over the years, we've witnessed the evolution of our focus from a broad spectrum to a more refined approach. Our goal is to assist developers in honing their craft, addressing common challenges, and, ultimately, delivering high-quality solutions to their clients.   In today's discussion, Michel and Rob delve into the art of problem-solving in the realm of software consulting. It's not uncommon for clients to find themselves in tricky situations, often due to factors like vendor lock-in or technology sprawl. As consultants and technologists, our task is to guide them out of these predicaments and set them on a path to sustainable success. Navigating Software Development

  • Strategies for a Successful Business Launch

    05/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    Welcome to Building Better Developers, your go-to destination for continual professional and personal improvement. In our debut YouTube episode (Season 21 podcast), hosts Rob and Michael reveal the inner workings of their weekly discussions. Including invaluable experiences and the lessons they learn while tackling challenges in their respective businesses. Today, they're offering an exclusive peek into their entrepreneurial journey experiences and unveiling strategies for a successful business launch. First, we open the discussion with Michael, formerly at the helm of Meloche Consulting, who has recently made a move to launch a new company, Envision QA. This company has a niche focus on quality assurance audits and assessments. Rob and Michael discuss what it takes to start a business. Including defining a niche, establishing a brand, and setting up a business entity. Priceless insights for budding entrepreneurs. Strategies for a Successful Business Launch Start with an idea. Do some market r

  • Learning From Your First Business

    22/02/2024 Duration: 21min

    We continue our discussion with Christian Espinosa and turn to learning from your first business as you build another. We also talk about security and the cyber world, but his points on team-building and lessons learned are of a larger value. His experience is not unique, but the detail he provides helps us end the season on a deeply informative note. Start New While Learning From Your First Business We all make mistakes. Christian looked closely at his when he decided to create a new business. He also reviewed what he did right and used that as a foundation. These are invaluable areas to ensure we are learning from our first business as we start a second. Experience is the perfect teacher, and few business owners get to start with that level of experience. About Christian Christian Espinosa, a renowned thought leader, is most known as the bestselling author of "The Smartest Person in the Room," which explores the limitations of seeking validation through achievement and the desire to be the bri

  • Smartest Person In The Room - Interview With Christian Espinosa

    20/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    We start a new conversation and explore what being the smartest person in the room is like. While that may seem arrogant or sarcastic, it is not. However, the focus is more on what it is like to think differently and set the most intelligent person as our goal. There are specific challenges when people make that the focus, such as we often see in a room of engineers. Challenges For The Smartest Person In The Room While the goal is lofty, there are also many downsides to focusing on the smartest or best. Often, a lone wolf or "me against the world" attitude hinders or blocks teamwork. That also can be highly limiting even to the individual. The most outstanding star athlete still needs their team; the most prominent stars are often the best team-mates. Those truisms work for intellectual pursuits as well as physical ones. About Christian Christian Espinosa, a renowned thought leader, is most known as the bestselling author of "The Smartest Person in the Room," which explores the limitations of se

  • Cybersecurity Best Practices

    15/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    We continue and conclude our conversation with Tyler Ward, focusing on cybersecurity best practices and where organizations fall short. He does an excellent job of focusing on the problem and suggesting a solution rather than an approach that can result in finger-pointing. Prepare For Cybersecurity Best Practices The best part about Tyler's recommendations is that they make complete sense. We should all automatically assume that one of the cybersecurity best practices is education. Solving a problem will always be challenging when you lack the tools or an understanding of them. He walks us through a better definition of the problem, and then the solution smoothly and logically follows from there. About Tyler Ty Ward is a published author and seasoned cybersecurity professional with over 15 years of experience in the field. Ty is a former U.S. Air Force and also a former U.S. Intelligence Agency member. He has responded to hundreds of real-world data breaches and cyber-attacks, performed hundreds

  • Improve Security Awareness - Interview With Tyler Ward

    13/02/2024 Duration: 29min

    Our new conversation focuses on how we can improve security awareness as Tyler Ward shares the mistake that launched his career. He starts with a cautionary tale and walks us through his progression into security and eventually into consulting. Use Experience To Improve Security Awareness While Tyler's story is a good one to teach us a lesson, there are many others. Hacks and security breaches are becoming a common occurrence. We can all do a better job of securing our systems and organizations. However, we also need to improve security awareness across our organization and families to help combat these risks at the source. About Tyler Ty Ward is a published author and seasoned cybersecurity professional with over 15 years of experience in the field. Ty is a former U.S. Air Force and also a former U.S. Intelligence Agency member. He has responded to hundreds of real-world data breaches and cyber-attacks, performed hundreds of penetration tests against organizations, and served as a chief informa

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