Ifg Events Podcast



The leading think tank working to make government more effective.


  • Following through with levelling up: what transport and where?

    06/10/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    Inadequate transport infrastructure has been blamed as a key contributor to poor economic performance outside of London and the South East, and transport policy is a key lever that national and local government can pull to deliver levelling up. We discussed the role of transport to promote regional growth, whether the government’s current approach is the right one and how infrastructure spending can best be targeted to generate large returns in the regions. Speakers: Andrew Jones MP, Chair of the Transport for the North APPG and former Transport Minister Adam Hawksbee, Deputy Director and Head of Levelling Up at Onward Will McWilliams, Partner, Head of Public Services Advisory at Grant Thornton UK LLP Laura Shoaf, Chief Executive Officer at the West Midlands Combined Authority and Chair of the Urban Transport Group This event was chaired by Thomas Pope, Deputy Chief Economist at the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

  • After the Johnson era, how can the government rebuild trust?

    06/10/2022 Duration: 01h28min

    Boris Johnson’s tenure as prime minister was marked by a series of ethical scandals which ultimately led to his resignation. His successor, Liz Truss, has put an emphasis on her judgment about what is right and wrong, downplaying the importance of the institutions, advisers and rules that her predecessors put in place to help guide their governments. But with public trust in politicians as low as it has ever been, what should she be doing to build public trust in her administration and the government it leads? Speakers: Rt Hon Jeremy Wright KC MP, Member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Daniel Bruce, Chief Executive of Transparency International UK Tim Durrant, Associate Director at the Institute for Government Dr Susan Hawley, Executive Director of Spotlight on Corruption Dave Penman, General Secretary at the FDA This event was chaired by Dr Hannah White, Acting Director of the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

  • How can government foster collaborations with business and the social economy to drive levelling up?

    06/10/2022 Duration: 01h09min

    Government cannot do levelling up alone, and an ambitious agenda to change the UK’s economic geography will be reliant on the private and third sectors. So how can how can central and local government foster collaborations with business and the social economy to drive levelling up? Speakers: Paul Scully MP, Minister of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for London Rt Hon Hazel Blears, Chair of the Board for Social Investment Business Ed Cox, Executive Director for Strategy, Integration and Net Zero at West Midlands Combined Authority Sara Williams, CEO of Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce This event was chaired by Thomas Pope, Deputy Chief Economist at the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

  • How can the civil service be more efficient but work better?

    06/10/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    How can the civil service get better? And – with potentially huge efficiencies needed in the public sector – how can it do that for less money? Speakers: Gillian Keegan MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Rt Hon Lord Maude of Horsham, former Minister for the Cabinet Office Rt Hon Baroness Stowell of Beeston, former Leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal Alex Thomas, Programme Director at the Institute for Government This event was chaired by Dr Hannah White, Acting Director of the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

  • Levelling up or left behind: what role should regulators play?

    06/10/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    We explored whether regulators should have specific responsibility to consider the regional implications of their work, and where the levelling up agenda fits alongside the other challenges – such as world events, technological developments and changing citizen and consumer expectations – that government and regulators are having to grapple with. Speakers: Paul Scully MP, Minister of State at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for London Anna Bradley, Chair of the Solicitors Regulation Authority Dame Patricia Hodgson, former Chair of Ofcom Robert Khan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs and National Offices at the General Medical Council This event was chaired by Thomas Pope, Deputy Chief Economist at the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

  • Net zero: How can government deliver on low-carbon technologies?

    05/10/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    The government’s vision for net zero is based on unleashing a range of technologies through the power of the market. But getting the right mix of policy, regulation and market support to achieve this won’t be easy. Is the government being too optimistic about the speed and cost of deploying technologies? What should it learn from the UK’s success on offshore wind? And what steps does it need to take to ensure technologies can support the transition? Speakers: Dean Russell MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Professor Mary Ryan, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) at Imperial College London Dhara Vyas, Deputy Director of Energy UK This event was chaired by Tom Sasse, Associate Director at the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

  • How can housing help deliver net zero and levelling up?

    04/10/2022 Duration: 01h07min

    Expanding and improving the UK’s housing stock will be crucial for delivering on the government’s flagship commitments to achieving net zero carbon emissions and levelling up economic performance and wellbeing across the country. But the government’s plans so far provide little detail about how this housing revolution will be achieved, and more clarity is needed on the mix of policy, regulation and market support measures required to create the conditions for success. We discussed the biggest challenges in delivering more affordable homes and a low-carbon transition in UK housing. Our panel includes: Bob Blackman MP, Member of the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee Steve Cole, Director of Make UK Modular; Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation; Councillor Linda Taylor, Member of the LGA Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Group Rosie Toogood, Chief Executive Officer of Legal and General Modular Homes The event was chaired by Tom Sasse, Associate D

  • How can the better use of data benefit public services?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    How can the better use of data benefit public services? Our panel, chaired by Gavin Freeguard, featured Matt Davies, Senior Policy Adviser at the Open Data Institute; Helen Milner OBE, Group Chief Executive at Good Things Group; and Antonio Weiss, Senior Partner at The PSC. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • How should we govern in the digital age?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    Technology is profoundly reconfiguring our society, creating new opportunities but also new risks and inequalities. Many politicians and policymakers have a limited understanding of technology and its effects, yet government has no choice but to grapple with these issues. How do we take technology out of the box labelled 'digital policy' and give it the attention it needs at the heart of policy and public life? We were joined by Chi Onwurah, Shadow Minister for Science, Research and Innovation; James Plunkett, Executive Director at Citizens Advice; Hetan Shah, Chief Executive of The British Academy; and Jeni Tennison, Executive Director at Connected by Data. The event was chaired by Gavin Freeguard. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • Do we need to rewire the system of standards in public life?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h17min

    After a series of ethical scandal - from Matt Hancock's breach of lockdown rules, to 'wallpapergate' and 'partygate' - Labour has suggested it is time for an Independent Ethics Commission, to bring together all the various watchdogs and strengthen their powers. But how could such a proposal work? What responsibilities could the commission take on? And is it time to redesign the system of standards in public life? We were joined by Chris Bryant MP, Chair of the Committee on Standards; Thangam Debbonaire MP, Shadow Leader of the House of Commons; Tim Durrant, Associate Director at the Institute for Government; Duncan Hames, Director of Policy and Programmes at Transparency International UK and Amy Leversidge, Assistant General Secretary at the FDA (trade union). The event was chaired by Dr Hannah White, Acting Director of the Institute for Government. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • The net zero election pitch

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    In the UK climate remains a top-tier issue even in the face of economic turmoil, even if net zero is yet to emerge as a key area of political competition. What are the lessons of recent elections around the world for campaigning on climate change? And what should UK Labour’s approach be at the next general election? We discussed recent elections, breakdown the attitudes of voters and geographies, and look at constituencies affected by the transition – pointing to lessons around building successful electoral coalitions in support of climate action. Our panel included Bengt Bergt, SPD Member of the Bundestag; Polly Billington, Chief Executive of UK100; Megan Corton Scott, Campaigner at Greenpeace UK Tim Dixon, Co-Founder of More in Common and former Adviser to Australian Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard; Tom Sasse, Associate Director at the Institute for Government; and Barry Traill, Head of Climate Action Network Australia. The event was chaired by Sam Alvis, Head of Economy at Green Alliance.

  • How should an incoming Labour government work with the civil service?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h08min

    How should an incoming Labour government work with the civil service? We hosted an event exploring what mistakes previous new governments have made in how they work with civil servants for Labour to learn from. To discuss, we were joined by Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Member of Parliament for Leeds Central; Dame Meg Hillier MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee; Rt Hon Dame Margaret Hodge MP, Member of Parliament for Barking; and Alex Thomas, IfG Programme Director. The event w chaasired by Emma Norris, IfG Director of Research. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • Net zero: How much will people need to change their behaviour?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    The government has downplayed the role of behaviour change in net zero. But will people really be able to fly ‘guilt free’, or should they be expected to make modest changes to their diets and lifestyles? And how would a Labour government encourage behavioural change? We will discussed with: Kerry McCarthy MP, Shadow Minister (Climate Change and Net Zero) Darren Jones MP, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee Dr Laure de Preux Gallone, Assistant Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School’s Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation (CHEPI) Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE, Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST) at the University of Bath. The event was chaired by Tom Sasse, Associate Director at the Institute for Government. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • Levelling up or left behind: What role should regulators play?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h12min

    What role should regulators play in levelling up under a Labour government? We discussed with Baroness Hayter of Kentish Town, Chair of the Lords International Agreements Select Committee; Martin Coppack Martin Coppack, Director of Fair By Design; and Ben Fisher, Director of Communications at the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The event was chaired by Dr Matthew Gill, Programme Director at the Institute for Government. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • How can government support innovation to boost growth and reduce regional inequality?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 58min

    How can government policy best support innovation in the private sector to boost growth and reduce regional inequality? Our panel included Chi Onwurah, Shadow Minister for Science, Research and Innovation; Adam Bennett, Client Director for Central Government at Costain Group PLC; Professor Richard Jones, Vice-President for Regional Innovation and Civic Engagement at the The University of Manchester; and John Whaling, Lead Officer for Innovation and Commercialisation at Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. We also discussed what a Labour government’s approach to public R&D spending should be. The event was chaired by Emma Norris, Director of Research at the Institute for Government. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • A net zero energy system

    30/09/2022 Duration: 59min

    The energy crisis – deepened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – has raised questions about the UK’s energy transition, including about affordability and security of supply.  How would a Labour government shift the UK to a net zero energy system? Our panel included Bill Esterson, Shadow Minister for Business and Industry; Sam Alvis, Head of Economy at Green Alliance; Sue Ferns, Deputy General Secretary at Prospect; Guy Newey, Chief Executive Officer at the Energy Systems Catapult. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • What is Labour’s vision for levelling up and devolution within England?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h10min

    The UK government has promised further devolution to England’s cities and counties as part of its levelling up agenda, and wants metro mayors to play a leading role in closing regional economic and social disparities.   Is devolution the answer to tackling England’s regional inequality? How can local decision making lead to better outcomes? And what should be Labour’s distinct vision for generating economic growth and devolution?  We discussed with: Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester Christian Wakeford, Member of Parliament for Bury South and Member of the Transport Select Committee Francesca Gains, Professor of Public Policy and Academic Co-Director of Policy@Manchester at the The University of Manchester Phillip Woolley, Partner, Head of Public Services Consulting at Grant Thornton UK LLP This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • How would Labour deliver a justice system that works for everyone?

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    Coronavirus has placed a huge strain on the criminal justice system, with policing made more challenging, a huge growth in crown court backlogs, and prisons unable to deliver many rehabilitative services. But many problems predated the pandemic and must also be addressed. At the Labour Party Conference we explored how Labour would deliver a justice system that works for everyone. Our panel with Seetec, chaired by Nick Davies, included: Steve Reed, Shadow Secretary of State for Justice Maria Eagle MP, Member of the Justice Select Committee Suki Binning, Chief Social Worker/Group Operations Director at Interventions Alliance Mark Fenhalls QC, Chair of the Bar Council This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • A keynote speech by Wes Streeting MP: How would a Labour government improve the NHS and social care?

    28/09/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    Wes Streeting MP, Shadow Health and Social Care Secretary, delivers a keynote speech on how Labour would tackle workforce shortages and burnout, backlogs and access to GP appointments. The event was followed by a discussion with Anita Charlesworth, Director of Research and REAL Centre at The Health Foundation and Emma Norris, IfG Director of Research. This event was recorded at the 2022 Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

  • Unmasking our Leaders: in conversation with Michael Cockerell

    21/09/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    The Institute for Government was delighted to welcome Michael Cockerell, the BBC broadcaster and political journalist whose award-winning political documentaries have taken viewers behind the scenes of British politics for nearly half a century. He has interviewed a dozen prime ministers from Macmillan to Johnson, and made films about leading politicians including Roy Jenkins, Enoch Powell Denis Healey, Barbara Castle, Ken Clarke and Alan Clark. His documentary series have included the How to Be trilogy (How to Be Chancellor, How to Be Foreign Secretary and How to Be Home Secretary), The Great Offices of State and The Secret World of Whitehall. In conversation with IfG Senior Fellow Dr Catherine Haddon, Michael Cockerell discussed his memoir, Unmasking our Leaders, and share the stories and secrets – including clips from a number of his documentaries – of the politicians that he has met and interviewed. And with a new prime minister moving into 10 Downing Street, this event will also explore the qualities

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