Ifg Events Podcast

After the Johnson era, how can the government rebuild trust?



Boris Johnson’s tenure as prime minister was marked by a series of ethical scandals which ultimately led to his resignation. His successor, Liz Truss, has put an emphasis on her judgment about what is right and wrong, downplaying the importance of the institutions, advisers and rules that her predecessors put in place to help guide their governments. But with public trust in politicians as low as it has ever been, what should she be doing to build public trust in her administration and the government it leads? Speakers: Rt Hon Jeremy Wright KC MP, Member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Daniel Bruce, Chief Executive of Transparency International UK Tim Durrant, Associate Director at the Institute for Government Dr Susan Hawley, Executive Director of Spotlight on Corruption Dave Penman, General Secretary at the FDA This event was chaired by Dr Hannah White, Acting Director of the Institute for Government. This event took place at the 2022 Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.