Business Jazz

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 81:45:29
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Podcast by Business Jazz


  • Are You Sitting Comfortably? (S9 E09)

    23/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    [Recorded on 6th March 2020] Are you comfortable? If you are, let us begin. Thus begins this episode. Paul tells a story about a radio program he used to listen to when he was a very small. What does the phrase “are you sitting comfortably” mean to you? This chat is for hairdressers. For hairdressers listening to this, there is a recommended script for building rapport with customers. This chat is also for coach drivers. What if every member of staff greeted every customer in a consistent way? What would that say about the brand? What if the coach is uncomfortable? Roger challenges. Is Roger a miserable man? Paul expresses his view on this. This episode is for miserable men who want a good business card.

  • Access & Boundaries (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 18)

    11/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 10th June 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Gary Vaynerchuk is a visionary social media expert and entrepreneur. He recently announced that he had tasked one of his staff to shadow him and produce social media content based on his comments. His thinking is that more content equals more exposure, and more exposure brings more business. In this week's episode of Business Jazz, we talk about some of the issues this raises. Specifically, we look at access and boundaries. Many businesses are wary of letting people in. They aren't comfortable lifting the veil. So how much access is good? We also look at the issue of setting boundaries for employees who are producing social media on behalf of a business. Trust and responsibility become big factors.

  • What if People Think You Made Corona the Virus? (S9 E08)

    09/03/2020 Duration: 22min

    What if People Think You Made Corona the Virus? (S9 E08) by Business Jazz

  • The Visual Podcast (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 17)

    04/03/2020 Duration: 18min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 24th May 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Part of running a business and being an entrepreneur is trying new things. We're all about connecting with our community on this podcast. We think the most successful businesses are the ones that engage well with their target market. They build communities. In this week's episode, we talk about changing the podcast to allow us to engage better and more directly with our listeners. In fact, we're thinking about how you can participate in the actual recording of the podcast. One way of doing that is using Google+. Our conversation leads us to discuss how audiences and companies find each other and how they build relationships. Rather than trying to please everyone all of the time, the better strategy is to please a smaller subset of people who really get your business. That involves taking a leap of faith. Risk is part of finding your true aud

  • How to Transform a Skiing Experience (S9 E07)

    29/02/2020 Duration: 35min

    Paul and Roger are sickly this week. They still managed to record this podcast via Skype. Roger talks about the spaghetti legs he had during 2018. There's a snippet of Monty Python-esque conversation. The style of this episode reminds Roger of Business Jazz episodes he recorded in 2013 with Jane Boyd (who lives near Vancouver, Canada). "What has impressed you this week, Paul? Have you had any business experiences?" Paul talks about a ski resort in France, a bubble lift, and how a few people transformed the experience for his daughter. You hear the story of how Paul’s daughter got skis & boots fitted, how they were helped into the bubble & welcomed at the top of the lift. Everything was at stake. How one person transformed everything. Roger tell a story about the time he went to buy a cover for his water main. He found himself in a system he couldn’t understand. He’d be reluctant to return to that shop. He felt alien & out of place. The theme of this episode is probably: How to transform a customer

  • Bad Service, Dead Cats and Dead Websites (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 15)

    27/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 10th May 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): In this episode, we get into a conversation about customer service. Roger's website was recently killed stone dead by a rogue squirrelly bracket ({). Unfortunately, the web hosting company didn't make tackling this issue very simple. Listener Dean Read also has a sorry story to tell about replacing a wheel on his car. Jane relates a story from the other side of the spectrum. Her experience of WestJet. Which prompts Roger to retell a story he heard once heard from the remarkable Dinah Liversidge.

  • SEO Cannot Find Us When We Are Lost in the Twilight of the Gods (S9 E06)

    21/02/2020 Duration: 32min

    Has any business podcast ever covered these topics in one episode? 1) What’s the longest podcast episode ever? 2) What's the longest piece of music played ever? 3) What does Götterdämmerung mean in English? (Twilight of the Gods) 4) How to identify Adam and Eve flawlessly 5) Parking problems 6) The Lost Symbol and The Art of SEO 7) How to write an episode of Fawlty Towers This podcast does.

  • Fear (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 14)

    19/02/2020 Duration: 28min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 3rd May 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): TOPICS THIS WEEK: Fear, Firewalking, The Flinch by Julien Smith, SOBCon, Social Media Camp Fear is a powerful hurdle we all have to overcome in life. Often, the fear wins out and we don't negotiate the hurdle. Our lives end up poorer for it. We don't progress. So what can we do to overcome this fear? We discuss solutions ranging from fire walking to smashing plates. Fear is also a great ingredient in the story of our business. Admitting the fears we have and the hurdles we have to overcome, along with our doubts, makes us human. It makes it easy for others to connect with what we want to achieve. They start rooting for us and following our story.

  • Don't Feed Cheese to Dolphins (S9 E05)

    15/02/2020 Duration: 31min

    Cheese and dolphins are powerful. We tell you how they can make your words an irresistible love potion for your audience.

  • The Cat Herder and the Leaning Shed of Near Vancouver (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 13)

    13/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 26th April 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Perfection is key to success in business, right? Your product needs to be perfect to survive in the marketplace. If it isn't, your clients won't like it. Your competitors will steamroller over you. Really? Maybe not. Just how perfect should perfection be? There is a point at which perfection is a killer. You keep delaying shipping. Remember that a project that is 95% done, but hasn't shipped, is as good as 0% complete from the perspective of the marketplace. And a 0% product or services isn't attractive at all. This week we look at perfection in business and how you don't always need to deliver perfection. In fact, have a listen to this episode of Chris Brogan's podcast in which he interviews Paul: The Human Business Way, Episode 10. The conversation about perfection or imperfection turns to office space. Jane has moved into a shed. Sounds

  • F in Feedback (S9 E04)

    09/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    Roger gets into an argument with Paul and Steve Jobs. Paul uses a story about an apple to set Roger straight and says "blaggarding'. Roger doesn't want to be straight. And episode about feedback and how to (mis)handle it.

  • Asking for Help 2 (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 12)

    05/02/2020 Duration: 28min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 19th April 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Many good stories share a common storytelling device: an epic challenge that the protagonist must overcome. The story of your business is also about overcoming challenges. You are on a quest – a quest to grow your business, launch your product, reach your targets. The higher you intend to reach, the more epic the quest, the more we are drawn to it. You are the underdog we are cheering on. We've set some epic challenges for this podcast, and we'd like you to be part of the quest. Join us on the journey and help us build the bright, giving, supportive, valuable community we have in mind. What are the challenges we've set? You'll have to listen to this week's episode for that. You'll hear how many weekly downloads we'd like to hit by 31st December of this year. You'll also hear of an epic geographic goal as well.

  • We Better Be Bolder (S9 E03)

    01/02/2020 Duration: 26min

    This episode was streamed live on Periscope on Paul's account. Recorded in the Republic of Work in Cork by Paul O’Mahony & Roger Overall. We discuss unpredicted topics that matter when you want your business to be genuinely attractive.  Attractive to customers, staff, suppliers & shareholders (and your boss). "Our listeners are number one"  There's a Story: You hear the story of Peter Cox, Neil McShane, Fiachra Muller, and Roger Overall, a production team and the talents. 1917 (the film) came up - Roger shows off his knowledge of the cast, and empathy for the poor, neglected production team. We also discuss the BBC Radio 4 game Just a Minute. It takes time for us to decide on the main topic for this episode. Paul suggests the topic "what should a big organisation do when it has a lousy reputation among one of its subsidiary companies?" Paul asserts "the EU did not become genuinely attractive". Roger vetos discussion of Brexit. Roger's topic is "what we grappled with in The Laboratory: how can we attra

  • Asking for Help 1 (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 11)

    29/01/2020 Duration: 27min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 12th April 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): In this episode of the podcast, we look at the power of asking directly for help – from your support community and from your clients and customers. Sometimes you need to seek out help, sometimes an offer of help drops in your lap. In the case of the latter, we often let the moment slip because we're not ready. That's happened to all of us. So how can you make sure that next time you're ready? We also lift the veil on where the podcast is at the moment and start to reveal where we'd like to go with it. Community is key to the future of the show and to grow it we need the help of you, our listeners.

  • Coca-Cola Makes an Impression at Davos (S9 E02)

    25/01/2020 Duration: 33min

    This podcast is about how to be genuinely attractive in business today Conversation between Roger Overall and Paul O’Mahony in Cork Ireland. Recorded in the Republic of Work. This week Paul has been impressed by Coca-Cola. Roger is shocked. This episode focuses on The World Economic Forum at Davos in Switzerland. What is the purpose of Davos? What comes out of Davos? What concrete actions does Davos lead to? Are “all the best minds” at Davos ? Donald Trump Secretary of State Greta Thunberg [This podcast is not being sponsored by Davos.] Is the scientific research about global warming reliable? Paul takes it for granted. Politics is a business and this podcast exists to talk about how to be a genuinely attractive business. Politics is a totally legitimate topic for this podcast.(5:20) What about Coca-Cola? Advice: If you want to grab attention, make statements that the other person is not expecting you to make, and might unsettle them. Titles on your marketing emails should be very attractive; they should make

  • Dealing with the Grind 2 (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 10)

    22/01/2020 Duration: 30min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 5th April 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): In this episode of the podcast, Jane and Roger continue their discussion about Chris Brogan's concept of Loving the Grind. What's the Grind? The grind comprises all those things that you don't really like doing but are essential to the health and success of your business. The boring, dull, hard, difficult, tedious stuff that underpins the success of your business.

  • Starting a New Season with 'Mise-en-Place' in Place (S9 E01)

    18/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony fall over themselves praising two books. Productivity, personal organisation & management.

  • Dealing with the Grind (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 9)

    15/01/2020 Duration: 28min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 29th March 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): Chris Brogan talks a lot about learning to love the grind. The grind comprises all those things that you don't really like doing but are essential to the health and success of your business. In this episode of the podcast, Jane and Roger discuss various ways in which to make doing the grind more palatable based on their own experiences.

  • The Laboratory—Season 2019 Episode 3: Surprising Revelations Confound Our Brains

    13/12/2019 Duration: 15min

    The final episode from inside The Laboratory. Our brains are fried. Our mouths don't work and we fumble through some remarkable listening figures. Should we ditch Paul and bring back Jane?

  • How Do You Treat Your Own Suppliers? (Rebroadcast of Season 2, Episode 7):

    11/12/2019 Duration: 29min

    This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the second season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 15th March 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): We're all part of a chain. Not only are we suppliers of products and services to our own clients, we are buyers too; we are clients ourselves. That raises a question: Do you treat your own suppliers as well as you would like to be treated by your clients? One thing that can strain the supplier-client relationship is bad communication. It leads inevitably to misunderstandings and stresses. Jane and Roger look at examples from their own experience in business of where communication went wrong – sometimes by accident, sometimes maybe more intentionally. They also look at the benefits of ensuring that client-supplier relationships are good, particularly if you are on the client side of the equation. As an aside, Jane has launched her new website. You can find out what she does in more detail over at

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