Pureperformance Cafe

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:30:06
  • More information



PurePerformance Cafes are short interviews with practitioners and thought leaders from around the globe. We found it a great way to get introduced to a new topic or just learn what others are doing in their day-to-day job to contribute to better quality and high performing software.


  • Cafe 037: Network Monitoring Agent Demystified with Lukasz Wrona

    17/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    Lukasz Wrona ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukasz-wrona-90501bab/ ) is the Infrastructure Agent Tech Team Lead at Dynatrace. I caught him at a break at OpenStack Summit to learn more about how Dynatrace actually monitors network activity, network quality and individual network connections between processes. While network is a hot topic for OpenStack operators, it is a hot topic for every infrastructure deployment such as bare metal, virtual, container, or cloud. Tune in to learn more about the current but also upcoming capabilities of the Network Agent. Learn more at https://www.dynatrace.com/capabilities/network-monitoring/

  • Cafe 036: Top Open Stack Features and Direction with Karolina Ruszkowska

    16/05/2017 Duration: 06min

    Karolina Ruszkowska ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/karolina-ruszkowska-b00506b/ ) is the Technical Product Manager at Dynatrace responsible for the support of monitoring Open Stack, AWS, Docker, Azure and other technologies natively with Dynatrace. She gave us some insights into what is influencing her future product strategy. Especially around network monitoring but also health monitoring of the key OpenStack services. Watch out for the next releases in Dynatrace and see how the latest trends she learned at OpenStack Summit influence the product direction. Learn more at https://www.dynatrace.com/solutions/openstack-cloud-monitoring/

  • Cafe 035: Top OpenStack Monitoring Questions at the Dynatrace Booth with Peter Hack

    15/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    Live at OpenStack Summit, I got to chat with Peter Hack ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-hack-84b9a5/ ), Senior Solution Engineer at Dynatrace. Peter discussed technical solutions with many of the attendees that stopped at the Dynatrace booth. Most attendees were focusing on infrastructure monitoring of OpenStack while it turned out that monitoring the containers, services and applications that run on OpenStack is as critical as ensuring a healthy infrastructure. Learned a lot about terminology and what the basic requirements are for monitoring an OpenStack environment. Learn more at https://www.dynatrace.com/solutions/openstack-cloud-monitoring/

  • Cafe 034: Two Case Studies in Superb Bowl Success and Failure with David Jones

    21/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    In part 2 of our chat with David Jones (@davidlewisjones) of Dynatrace, we discuss two specific cases of performance during the Big Game. On the one hand, we saw optimizations being applied to Lady Gaga's sight almost up the time of her halftime show, ensuring great performance and a wonderful user experience. On the other hand, 84 Lumber's site crashed under the success of their ad and we discuss whether that crash was an outright failure, or did it lead to a greater success in their promotion efforts. Related LinksDynatrace Performance Bowl 2017 Digital Experience, Live Blog Coveragehttps://www.dynatrace.com/blog/dynatrace-performance-bowl-2017-digital-experience-live-blog-coverage/More Performance Blogs by Davidhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/davidlewisjonesFollow David Jones on Twitter:https://twitter.com/davidlewisjones

  • Cafe 033: Superb Bowl 2017 Winners and Losers with David Jones

    17/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    David Jones (@davidlewisjones) of Dynatrace spends most big media events in front of his computer, analyzing the performance of the web properties involved. This year's Big Game was no exception. Brian had a chance to sit down with David and talk about the winners and losers and what set them apart. Related LinksDynatrace Performance Bowl 2017 Digital Experience, Live Blog Coveragehttps://www.dynatrace.com/blog/dynatrace-performance-bowl-2017-digital-experience-live-blog-coverage/More Performance Blogs by Davidhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/davidlewisjonesFollow David Jones on Twitter:https://twitter.com/davidlewisjones

  • Cafe 32: Perform 2017 - "The Future" with Josh McKenty of Pivotal

    15/02/2017 Duration: 21min

    Josh McKenty of Pivotal Cloud Foundry stopped by the PerfBytes/PurePerformance Podcast station at Dynatrace Perform. We discussed many great topics, including; closing the loop in CI/CD by measuring results and automating rollbacks, tearing down the final Silo of Business, iterating through meaningful measurements, and Web 3.0 & 4.0

  • Cafe 31: Perform 2017 - Magic Pipelines, Electric Cloud, ElectricFlow & Dynatrace with Anand Ahire

    13/02/2017 Duration: 19min

    Anand Ahire, Senior Director Product Management and Blogger at Electric Cloud, spoke to us again at Dynatrace Perform 2017 in Las Vegas. This time around, Anand speaks to us about the magic Automation that ElectricFlow adds to the DevOps Release pipeline and highlights the partnership between Electric Cloud and Dynatrace.

  • Cafe 30: What is Open Stack and how it changes monitoring for Ops and App Teams with Dirk Wallerstorfer

    11/01/2017 Duration: 05min

    OpenStack is the largest Open Source project with many large companies such as PayPal or AT&T using and supporting it. I got to chat with Dirk Wallerstorfer (@wall_dirk) – Technical Lead for OpenStack at Dynatrace – to learn what OpenStack is really all about. He also explained the use cases that APM vendors such as Dynatrace see to support Operators as well as Application Developers that start using OpenStack as their private cloud solution. Want to be part of our journey with Open Stack – then get started here: https://www.dynatrace.com/technologies/cloud-and-microservices/openstack-monitoring/

  • Cafe 29: Use Cases for Deploying and Monitoring Applications in MS Azure with Martin Gutenbrunner

    09/01/2017 Duration: 07min

    Did you know that Microsoft provides several cloud offerings through Azure? IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS and SaaS! I got to chat with Martin Gutenbrunner (@MartinGoodwell) – Technical Lead for Microsoft Technologies at Dynatrace – to better understand how application developers can best leverage these Azure offerings. I also wanted to know why I still need an APM Solution like Dynatrace when I can use Application Insights that basically comes for free. If you want to explore the monitoring use cases with Dynatrace SaaS yourself get started through http://bit.ly/dtsaastrial - the first 1000h hours are on us!

  • Cafe 28: What is Node.js and Why is it a hot technology with Daniel Khan

    05/01/2017 Duration: 08min

    If you haven’t heard about Node.js listen to this episode. I got to talk with Daniel Khan (@dkhan) – Technology Lead for Node.js at Dynatrace – about why many large organizations are looking into Node.js as one of their key technologies to build new modern apps but also to “glue” New Stack with Enterprise Stack. Daniel is very active in the global Node.js Communities. If you want to learn more start by checking out his blog posts: http://apmblog.dynatrace.com/author/daniel-khan/

  • Cafe 27: Leveling Up Functional Testing with APM – Grzegorz Witczak

    15/12/2016 Duration: 07min

    Shift-Left Performance is a topic that is dear to my heart. Thanks to Grzegorz Witczak, Engineer at the Dynatrace Test Automation Team, Dynatrace users can automatically detect architectural, performance and scalability regressions by analyzing the execution of unit and functional tests. Grzegorz explains some of the hidden secrets they implemented, how it integrates with Jenkins, Bamboo, … and the most common testing frameworks

  • Cafe 26: Helping Developers to Better Understand the DBAs – Michal Weyer

    14/12/2016 Duration: 06min

    Michal Weyer is an Engineer at Dynatrace. Before Dynatrace he worked in different large organizations building applications, taking the database that stores data for granted. Now at Dynatrace he is building performance monitoring for databases that are accessed by applications – allowing developers to better learn what impact their code has on the database. Want to meet him face2face? He will soon be presenting at the local meetup groups in Gdansk, Poland and probably at one of the next Dynatrace TechShare’s: https://dynatracetechshare.evenea.pl/

  • Cafe 25: TechShare Gdansk, Poland – Building an APM Community with Wiktor Bachnik

    13/12/2016 Duration: 05min

    Gdansk, Poland can be considered the “Silicon Valley” of Poland with many national and international IT companies having offices in the Tri-City area. I got to chat with Wiktor Bachnik (@wbachnik) from Dynatrace Poland and what his motivation is to start a new cross company APM Community in Gdansk. He wants to bring people together and share their experience when it comes to building better quality and better performing software. He and his team started this journey early December with the first TechShare – more will come. If you want to learn more check out https://dynatracetechshare.evenea.pl/

  • Cafe 024: Why we monitor Dynatrace AppMon on Dynatrace AppMon in Production with Roland Mungenast

    12/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    Roland Mungenast (https://at.linkedin.com/in/rmungenast ) is one of our Chief Software Architects for Dynatrace AppMon & UEM. He told me that one of the biggest challenges in the last year was the growing number of production installations of Dynatrace and the increased number of support tickets we saw. Roland explains how we started instrumenting Dynatrace with Dynatrace to capture more diagnostics information in customer environments where Dynatrace was not running smooth. This limited the effort when dealing with support issues and gives our engineering team more time to innovate on new product ideas. Want to check out the product Roland is helping to improve? Get your own Personal License @ http://bit.ly/dtpersonal

  • Cafe 023: Influencing Product Direction and Feedback Loops for Dynatrace AppMon with Kurt Aigner

    09/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    Kurt Aigner (@KurtAigner) is a Technical Product Manager at Dynatrace – responsible for the On-Premise AppMon & UEM solution. He gives us an overview of how Dynatrace involves its end users into the decision process for future product enhancements. We discuss the usage of built-in product feedback channels, usage of the online community answers.dynatrace.com as well as leveraging Early Access Programs and tight relationship with our field team. If you want to see his product in action – get your own personal license and access to the community through http://bit.ly/dtpersonal

  • Cafe 022: What is CloudFoundry and How to Monitor it with Dynatrace with Alois Mayr

    08/12/2016 Duration: 09min

    Do you wonder what CloudFoundry is? What does it have to do with Pivotal or IBM BlueMix? What are the special monitoring use cases and how does Dynatrace address it? I got Alois Mayr (@mayralois) – Technology Lead for Cloud Foundry at Dynatrace – on this interview today. If you want to learn more about this topic check out our free trial offering: https://www.dynatrace.com/technologies/cloud-and-microservices/cloud-foundry-monitoring/

  • Cafe 021: Optimizing Performance and Conversion with SAP Hybris and Dynatrace

    07/12/2016 Duration: 07min

    SAP Hybris is a world class eCommerce solution. Dynatrace has been a partner of hybris for several years where Reinhard Brandstaedter (@rebrandstaedter) – Technology Lead for hybris at Dynatrace – created an out of the box Dynatrace FastPack allowing hybris customers to optimize performance, user experience and ultimately conversion rates of their hybris implementation. In this interview I got Reinhard to talk about some of the lessons learned, success stories and got tips on how to get started. Want to see it live? Then check out this: http://bit.ly/dtforhybris

  • Cafe 020: What is OpenShift and why RedHat sees Dynatrace as preferred APM partner

    05/12/2016 Duration: 07min

    If you haven’t heard about OpenShift, which problems it solves and why you need a good monitoring strategy for it then listen to this PurePerformance Café with Martin Etmajer (@metmajer)– Technology Lead for OpenShift at Dynatrace.If you want to learn more check out https://www.dynatrace.com/technologies/cloud-and-microservices/openshift-monitoring/ and give it a test run with our free trial.

  • PurePerformance Cafe 019: Why I love working in the Dynatrace Test Automation Team – Bernd Farka, Dynatrace

    02/12/2016 Duration: 04min

    In the first PurePerformance Café episode Bernd explained how his team has reduced cycle time of the code pipeline from 1w to 2h for core Dynatrace components. I wanted to learn more about how he sees the role of his team – the Test Automation Team – which provides the actual pipeline and the tooling that allows developers to push code faster through a pipeline. The most interesting comment he made was: “I am a Developer. Initially I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do Test Automation – but what we do here is developing an actual product and touching every piece of technology you can imagine. This makes me love my job!”. Want to join his team: http://jobs.dynatrace.com

  • PurePerformance Cafe 018: How we reduced Cycle Time from 1w to 2h through a modern Jenkins & Docker based Pipeline – Bernd Farka, Dynatrace

    02/12/2016 Duration: 07min

    Got to chat with Bernd Farka (https://www.linkedin.com/in/bernd-farka-6a13a456/en ) – Integration Architect at Dynatrace – talking about how their Test Automation team was challenged with too long execution time of builds. Dynatrace provides Agents for multiple technologies and multiple platforms. That combination and other factors caused full test cycles to take up to 1w. Bernd explains how they broke up the code base into components, moved to Jenkins, Docker and Git and how these measures now allow them to give developers feedback within 2h instead of 1 week.

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