Ever Vigilant

008: Paradigm Shift | EV Rerun



This Episode is an Ever Vigilant Rerun from earlier this year, pre-covid lock downs. I've been busy with family, Wake Up Warrior Challenge and getting things in order to move this mission forward into 2021, A new episode will be up next week. I hope that you understand and enjoy this episode. I believe we are in the middle of a paradigm shift, I don't believe that things will be back to normal in a couple of weeks. I believe that normal has been redefined and the new normal is not the old normal. We can choose to accept this as a possibility in order to think clearly and prepare for what is to come. The other option is to leave yourself in denial and potentially put yourself and your family in danger. A shift in mindset will allow you to adapt and to put yourself and your family in a place to succeed vs. exist. If everything does go back to normal at some point we already know how to prepare, defend, and lead, in that paradigm. Are you ready to prepare, defend and lead in a new paradigm? Unique T-Shirts and